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Week 3:

Skeletal Muscle Structure,

Muscles & Movement
Major New Concepts, Principles
and Learning Objectives
1. Characteristics and types of muscle tissue
2. Macro and microstructure of skeletal muscle
3. Sliding filament mechanism of contraction
4. Neuromuscular junction
5. Types of muscle contraction
Textbook Readings
 Marieb & Hoehn: Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 (see Moodle ‘Reflect and Progress’
for specific sections)
Characteristics of Muscle Tissue
 Highly cellular
 High energy requirement, so lots of mitochondria

 Well vascularized
 Good blood supply for cell repair and delivery of oxygen and nutrients

 Contractile
 Muscle contracts to cause movement

Types of Muscle Tissue

Marieb & Hoehn, Table 9.3

Functions of Skeletal Muscle
 Produce movement

 Maintaining posture

 Stabilising joints

 Generating heat

 Organ protection
Functional Characteristics of
Skeletal Muscle
 Excitability: ability to receive and respond to stimuli

 Contractility: ability to shorten forcibly when stimulated

 Extensibility: ability to be stretched

 Elasticity: ability to recoil to resting length

Basic organisation
Skeletal muscle > muscle fibres > myofibrils
Myofibril bundle (EM)

Skeletal Muscle –
connective tissue layers (3)
Bone Whole muscle
surrounded by
Muscle fascicle
wrapped by perimysium

Muscle fibre
with endomysium between
individual fibres

Marieb & Hoehn: Fig. 9.1

Structural Components of
Skeletal Muscle
 Muscle Fascicles Muscles fibres (cells)
 Connective tissue wrappings:
 Epimysium – TOP - around whole muscle
 Perimysium – around fascicles
 Endomysium – WITHIN - around individual
muscle fibres

 Within each individual muscle fibre:

 Myofilaments – key proteins actin and myosin
 Myofibrils
 Sarcomeres (contractile unit)
The Muscle Fibre (Cell)
 Each fibre is a long, striated, cylindrical cell with multiple nuclei
beneath the sarcolemma (muscle cell membrane)



Dark Light Nucleus
A band I band

Diagram of part of a muscle fibre showing myofibrils

Marieb & Hoehn: Fig 9.2b Microscopic anatomy of a skeletal muscle fibre
Sarco = flesh / muscle
Sarcoplasm = Cytoplasm of muscle cell
Myofibril = Rod-like contractile element

Arrangement of myofibrils = repeating series of dark A bands & light I bands

= thick MYOSIN filament & thin filament containing ACTIN

Thin (actin)
filament Z disc H zone Z disc

Thick I band A band I band M line

(myosin) Sarcomere
Marieb & Hoehn, Fig 9.2c Microscopic anatomy of a skeletal muscle fibre
 Sarcomere = Segment of myofibril

= Smallest contractile unit (functional unit) of muscle fibre

Marieb & Hoehn, Table 9.1

Thick Filament: Myosin
Globular head contains:
ATP binding site
Actin binding site

The myosin heads form

“cross bridges”
Attaches to actin during
muscle contraction

Marieb & Hoehn, Fig 9.3

Thin Filament: Actin, Tropomyosin
& Troponin
Thin filaments

Two actin chains are wound

around each other

Associated troponin and


Has binding sites for myosin

to attach during contraction

Marieb & Hoehn, Fig 9.3

Thin Filament:
Tropomyosin, Troponin
 Tropomyosin
 Long, thin protein associated with actin
 Blocks myosin binding sites on actin during muscle relaxation

 Troponin
 Protein attached to tropomyosin
 Three part protein
 ‘Blocker’ of myosin binding site on actin

Marieb & Hoehn, Fig 9.3

Intracellular Space Surrounding
 The intracellular space contains:
 Mitochondria - make ATP for muscle contraction
 Glycogen & myoglobin – fuel for ATP production
 Transverse tubules - conducting system for motor action potential
 Sarcoplasmic reticulum - store, release and uptake calcium

** Calcium important in muscle contraction

Intracellular Space Surrounding
 Transverse Tubules (T-tubules)
 Membrane-lined channels extending into muscle cell
 Continuous with extracellular space
 Conduct action potentials
 Allows action potential to reach deep inside muscle cell

Marieb & Hoehn, Fig 9.5

Intracellular Space Surrounding
 Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
 Interconnected sacs and tubes that surround each myofibril
 Come into close contact with t-tubules
 Contain “terminal cisternae”
 Expanded sections of sarcoplasmic reticulum
 Stores calcium when muscle fibre is relaxed
Sliding Filament Theory
 How skeletal muscle contracts:
 Thin filaments (blue actin) slide past
thick (orange myosin) filaments
 Decreases sarcomere length (A band +
half an I band) but NOT filaments
 I bands (containing only actin) get
 H zone (containing only myosin gets
 A bands remain unchanged
 Distance between Z lines decreases

Marieb & Hoehn, Fig 9.6

Physiology of Muscle Contraction – NOW A
 Describes the processes involved between an action potential
in a motor nerve fibre leading to contraction of a muscle

 3 parts
1. Production of a muscle action potential at NMJ
2. Excitation-contraction coupling
3. Cross-bridge cycling

1 2

Marieb, E. Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4 th edition, 1998 Fig 9.11 Sequence of events in E-C coupling
Similar figure in 9th ed. 9.11 (p 290-291)
Neuromuscular Junction
 Skeletal muscle cells contract as a result of APs from
motor neurons.
 The place where a motor neuron stimulates a muscle
cell is called a neuromuscular junction.
 In order for skeletal muscle cells to contract each cell
must be stimulated by a motor neuron.
Motor Unit
 Motor Unit: a somatic motor neuron with all of the muscle fibres it
 Neuron cell body located in ventral horn of spinal cord grey
 Each muscle fibre receives a single axon terminal from a
motor neuron
 When a motor unit is activated, ALL muscle fibres in that unit are
stimulated to contract
Motor unit
Spinal cord
Axon terminals at Branching axon
neuromuscular junctions to motor unit
Motor Motor
unit 1 unit 2


Motor neuron
cell body
Motor neuron



Branching axon terminals form

neuromuscular junctions, one
per muscle fiber (photomicro-
graph 330x).
Axons of motor neurons extend from the spinal cord to the muscle. There each
axon divides into a number of axon terminals that form neuromuscular junctions
with muscle fibers scattered throughout the muscle.

Marieb & Hoehn, Fig. 9.13

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Graded muscle responses
 Can vary strength of muscle contraction
 Whole muscles contract in a GRADED fashion
 Produced by variations in the number of motor units activated
 Fine neural control over strength of muscle contraction = many
small motor units
 e.g. eye movement muscles that position average 23
fibres per neuron/motor unit
 Neural control over powerful muscle contraction = large motor
 e.g. gastrocnemius (calf) = 1000 fibres per neuron/motor
Skeletal Muscle Activity
3 main types of muscle activity

1) Muscle Contraction:
• active process of generating force

2) Muscle Tone:
• slight contraction in response to reflex activity
• keeps muscles firm

3) Muscle Tension:
• active tension produced in muscle belly
• passive tension due to stretching of connective tissue

New Principle (M8): Tension in muscles on opposite surfaces of a

joint contributes to joint stability

Naming Muscles
 Muscles often named due to:
 Location
 Shape
 Size
 Fibre orientation

 Principle M4: The name of a skeletal muscle reflects its

structure and /or function (e.g. shape, size, orientation,
location, attachments, action.
Buzz Group
 Why are these muscles named as such:

 BICEPS BRACHII _____________________

 GLUTEUS MAXIMUS _____________________
 ORBICULARIS ORIS ______________________

 Demonstrate their actions

Fibre Orientation
Orientation of
muscle fibres
determines range of
movement and

Greatest range of
movement = parallel

Greatest power –
most muscle fibres – Marieb & Hoehn, Fig 10.2.

Muscle Attachments: Origin and Insertion
The structures that the muscle ORIGIN

attaches to are known as the Bone INSERTION


ORIGIN and INSERTION of the bone



The ORIGIN is usually the bone

soft tissue
superior (or proximal if in the
limbs) attachment
Soft tissue site

The INSERTION is usually the

inferior (or distal) attachment
site muscle belly shortens

Usual case when muscle belly

shortens, INSERTION moves Manual p A-12
Muscle Roles in Movement
Prime Mover (agonist): major muscle causing a

Antagonist: opposes (anti-) movement of


Fixator: muscle that stabilises a joint

Remember: Movement may be caused by

gravity (gravity can be the primer mover)
Action of paradox
Exception to the rule is when GRAVITY
produces a movement = ACTION OF PARADOX

Produced by

Controlled by the
e.g. biceps

Muscle Contraction Types - WORKSHOP
Dynamic contractions - involve movement
 Dynamic CONCENTRIC contraction
 when a muscle develops tension & SHORTENS - causes movement

 Dynamic ECCENTRIC contraction

 when a muscle develops tension & LENGTHENS - opposes movement (which is often caused by

Static contractions
 no movement
 Termed STATIC or isometric contraction - when a muscle develops tension but does not change in


Open & Closed Chain Movements
Important for workshop

Open Closed
 Origin fixed  Insertion fixed
 Insertion point is most mobile  Origin point is most mobile
when muscle contracts when muscle contracts
 Distal part free  Distal part fixed
 Lifting objects  Lifting or moving our body
 weight against gravity
e.g. kicking football
 e.g. sitting down and
standing up
Types of Muscle Contraction
Movement Static
le origi contractio
inserti n n
Dynamic contractions Isometric/static
(movement) contraction
Concentric contraction


Open chain Closed chain Eccentric
CONCENTRIC contraction
movement movement (origin
(insertion moves) moves)shortens)
Muscle Position and Action
 Principle M6. A muscle must cross a joint in order to act at that joint
 Principle M7. The position of a muscle relative to a joint determines the plane
and direction of movement it can produce at that joint
 In general, if a muscle crosses a joint:
 Anteriorly with vertical fibres, it produces flexion except for the knee
extensors (quadriceps femoris group are anterior)
 Posteriorly with vertical fibres, it produces extension except for the knee
flexors (hamstrings, calves are posterior)
 Superiorly or laterally, it produces abduction e.g. deltoid
 Inferiorly or medially, it produces adduction e.g. latissimus dorsi. pectoralis
 Anteriorly with horizontal fibres, it produces internal rotation e.g. pectoralis
 Posteriorly with horizontal fibres, it produces external rotation e.g. rotator
cuff muscle infraspinatus
Examples of important muscles
Where is the muscle?
Which bones does it attach to?
What is its position as it crosses the joint?
What is its action?

Where? _________
O – ___________
I – ____________

Where? _________
O O – ___________ I
I – ____________
Action at elbow
and shoulder?
I 39
Marieb & Hoehn, Fig 10.12, 10.15
Examples of important muscles
Where is the muscle?
Anterior of upper limb/humerus
Which bones does it attach to?
O – anterior scapula, I – anterior radius
What is its position as it crosses the joint?
What is its action?
Flexion of elbow joint Anterior abdominal wall
Flexes arm at shoulder O – pubic bone of hip
I – ribs and bottom of sternum
Flexes vertebral column
and pelvis onto vertebral
Posterior humerus column
O – posterior scapula,
O I – posterior ulna
Posterior I
Extension of elbow joint
Extends arm at shoulder

I 40
Marieb & Hoehn, Fig 10.12, 10.15
Examples of important muscles
Where is the muscle?
Gluteal region – posterior hip
Which bones does it attach to?
O – posterior hip/ilum, I – superior lateral femur
What is its position as it crosses the joint?
What is its action? Quadriceps
Hip extension

Where is the muscle? I

I Anterior femur
Which bones does it attach to?
O – anterior femur, I – anterior tibia
What is its position as it crosses the joint?
Marieb & Hoehn, Fig. 10.20 & 10.21
What is its action?
Knee extension
 In the foetus, the upper and lower limbs rotate in different
directions from their original embryological position

 Relate to the lower limb- where are the flexor muscle groups
located?? E.g. hamstring muscles
 Posterior – due to medial rotation of lower limb

 Contrast this to the upper limb - where are the flexor muscle
groups located?? E.g. biceps brachii
 Anterior – due to lateral rotation of upper limb

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