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Organic and Inorganic

BS Zoology (6th semester)
Environmental Biology
Submitted to: Mam Ayesha
Submitted by: Saleha Fatima (481)
Pest and Pesticides

A pest is an organism (plant, animal, fungus or

microbe that causes some type of damage to
something valuable.

Pesticides are chemicals that kill pests or disrupt

pest population.
Types of Pesticides

Pesticides can be grouped in a number of

different ways based on their active ingredients
and how they work such as :
 synthetic pesticides,
 organic pesticides,
 inorganic pesticides,
 biorational pesticides
Organic Pesticides
 Organic Pesticides usually come from natural
sources and are minimally processed.
 These natural sources are usually plants or
 They are chemicals that plant and microbes
used to protect themselves from parasites,
predators and pathogens.
 Organic Pesticides are often lower in toxicity
than older synthetic pesticides.
Examples of organic Pesticides
Rotenone, Pyrethrum, Nicotine, Neem oil,
serenade(Bacillus subtilis), Beauveria bassiana,
vinegar-based weed killer, Azadirachitin.

 It is produced by plants in genus Nicotiana as a
pwerful herbivore deterrent.
 Nicotine is also a potent insecticide and is highly
toxic to mammals.
 In small doses, delievered by smoking dried
tobacco leaves, nicotine is a stimulant.

 Neem has shown insecticidal, fungicidal and
bacterial properties.
 The neem tree has been used medicinally in
India for centuries.
 It is used to inhibit allergic reactions and to
inhibit plaque-formng bacteria.
 This extract acts as an anti feedant, repellent ,
broth retardant, sterilant, direct toxin and
deterrent to egglaying.
 Extracts have inhibited feeding in 170 species
in 7 orders.
 It is direct toxins to aphids, termites and
various caterpillars. It disrupts
 It is very complicated chemical compoun,
that’s why it is difficult for insects to become
resistant to it.
 Strains of B.subtilis are registered as
microbial pesticide .
 QST 713 strains of B.subtilis is known to be
antagonistic towards many fungal plant
 QST 713 strains of B.subtilis has been shown
to induce plants natural systemic resistance or
systemic acquired resistance against bacterial
 It control pests such as powdey mildew, gray
mold , downy mildew abd early blight.
(Beauveria bassiana)
 Beauveria bassiana is a fungus that causes
disease known as white Muscadine disease in
 The fungus proliferate throughout insect body
producing toxins and draining the insects of
nutrients, eventually killing it.
 Many soil insects have natural tolerance to
this pathogen, still it attacks a wide range of
immature and adult insects such as whiteflies,
aphids, grasshopper, termites, fewbeetles, etc.
( Vinegar -based weed killers)
 Regular household vinegar is not very
effective in killing most weeds.
 Their is 20% acetic acid that is very active
weed killer, but also mus be handled with
 Spraying strong solution on plant strips off
protective coating causes the plant to
 Vinegar is used for weed controlon warm, dry
days over 65 degrees F.
Advantages of Organic Pesticides

 Provide the soil with the organic nutrients.

 Improves thesoil structure, or tilth, and increase
its stability to hold water and nutrients.
 Buildup of toxicity in the soil is unlikely, as
long as the amount of organic material
incorporated into the soil is fully decomposed.
Disadvantages of Organic
 Not immediately available to plant. This is
sloe release feature can be an advantage.
However if there is an immediate need for
nutrients, organic fertilizer can not supply
them in a hurry.
 Less exact way of providing for a plant's
nutritional needs because amount of nutrients
and exact type of elements can only be
guessed at.
 Possibility of nitrogen depletion. Because of
complex bacterial action, addition of a large
amount of organic materican cause a temporary
nitrogen depletion in the soil and terefore in the
Inorganic Pesticides
 Inorganic Pesticides are minerals that are mined
from the earth and ground into fine powder.
 Some work as poisons and some work by
physically interfering with the pest.
 Older inorganic pesticides were highly toxic but
current inorganic pesticides are relatively low
in toxicity and have low environmental impact.
Examples of Inorganic Pesticides

Aluminum, Antimonyl potassium, Arsenic, Boron,

Boric Acid, Cadmium, Chlorides, Copper,
Flourides, Lead arsenate, Mercuric and Mecurous
chlorides, Compounds of Aliphatic series,
Phosphorus pastes, Selenium compounds, Sodium
selenate, Flourosilicates of Sodium, Sulphur.
(Boric Acid)
 Boric acid and its salts have astrong herbicidal
and fungicidal effects.
 It is mainly applied for structural pest control
of termites, carpenter ants, powderpost beetles
and wood-rot fungi.
 it is also used in management of crack and
crevice pests and bait treatments fir ant and
 Is used as seed disinfectant for cotton.
 Copper sulphate is recommended to prevent
the powdery mildew and black spot of roses.

(Lead Arsenate)
 Lead is commonly used as insecticide.
 It is used to control the potato leaf hopper.
 As a repellent for flea beetle on various
vegetables and flowering plants.
(Sodium Selenate)
 Sodium selenate was applied to soil to kill
aphids feeding on the plants.
 This salt may be toxic to some strains of
spider mites.

(Fluorosilicate of Sodium)
 Fluorosilicate of sodium had been used in the
dust and spray forms to control some insects
on the field crops as a poison for
cutworm, mole-cricket, and grasshopper baits.
 It was additionally effective as a moth-
proofing agent for woolen fabrics.

 Sulphur is used as insecticides and fungicide.
 Elemental Sulphur is used for controlling
pathogens in grapes, strawberry, many
vegetables and several crops.
 Sulphur is applied to plants in three
formulations as wettable powders, as colloidal
sulphur and as lime sulphur
 It has a high efficacy against a wide range of
powdery mildew diseases as well as black

 Arsenic is highly poisonous at elevated levels.
 Arsenic was used as insecticide, fungicide and
Advantages of Inorganic

 Readily available for plants.

 A more exact way of providing for a plant's
nutritional needs because type and amount of
any given nutritive element in the fertilizer
formulation are known.
Disadvantages of Inorganic

 Subject to leaching when washed by rain or

irrigation water down below the level of the
plant roots.
 Can burn seedlings and young plants through
process of drying out or desiccation due to
presence of chemical salts within the mineral
 Over heavy applications can build up toxic
concentrations of salts in the soil and create
chemical imbalances.


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