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Ashwini patil
What is CORBA?
CORBA: Common Object Request Broker Architecture.
CORBA is a distributed object technology.
Objects call operations (methods) on other objects,
either locally or on a remote objects.
CORBA provides interoperability between vendors and
languages (e.g. objects developed in
one programming language like C++ may call
operations on objects developed in another
language like Java).
CORBA Architecture
 Application software

 client  Object implementation

 skeleton  Object
 stub  DLL  Adapter
 adapter

 Object Request Broker, (ORB)

2. CORBA Elements
ORB: The Object Request Broker dispatches
operation calls to the right server object.
Stub: The stub is a component that connects the
client object to the ORB.
The skeleton is a server-side component that,
like the client stub, connects the server object to
the ORB.
IDL (Interface Description Language) defines an object
interface in an abstract and implementation neutral way.
The IDL of an object represents an interface contract.
This separates interface definition from
the interface implementation.
The IDL compiler generates stub / skeleton code for
specific languages (=language mapping or
language binding).
Language mappings exist for a range of languages (Java,
C++, Python, Ruby, COBOL etc.).
CORBA Services
APIs for low-level, common tasks
Life Cycle Service
creating, copying, moving, removing objects
Naming Service
Register objects with a name
Look up objects by name

Copyright © 1998 Purple Technology, Inc.

CORBA Services
Concurrency Control Service
Obtain and release exclusive locks
Transaction Service
Two-phase commit coordination
Supports nested transactions
Persistence Service
Storing objects in a variety of databases
RDBMS, OODBMS, file systems

Copyright © 1998 Purple Technology, Inc.

CORBA Services
Security Service
Authentication, ACLs, encryption, etc.
Event Service
Uncoupled notifications

Copyright © 1998 Purple Technology, Inc.

CORBA Services
 Time
 Trader
 Collection
 … and so on…
See what I mean about it never being implemented?

Copyright © 1998 Purple Technology, Inc.

CORBA Facilities
Frameworks for specialized applications
Distributed Document Component Facility
In progress:
Business Objects

Copyright © 1998 Purple Technology, Inc.

Advantages of CORBA
Server Transparency:-
The client is, as far as the programming model is
concerned, ignorant of the existence of servers. The
client does not know (and cannot find out) which
server hosts a particular object, and does not care
whether the server is running at the time the client
invokes a request.

Presentation By :- Nupur Makhija, CSE 7th se

Advantages of CORBA
Language Transparency :-
Client and server can be written in different
languages. This fact encapsulates the whole point of
CORBA; that is, the strengths of different languages
can be utilized to develop different aspects of a system,
which can interoperate through IDL. A server can be
implemented in a different language without clients
being aware of this.

Presentation By :- Nupur Makhija, CSE 7th se

Advantages of CORBA
Implementation Transparency :-
The client is unaware of how objects are implemented.
A server can use ordinary flat files as its persistent
store today and use an OO database tomorrow,
without clients ever noticing a difference (other than

Presentation By :- Nupur Makhija, CSE 7th se

Advantages of CORBA
Architecture Transparency :-
The idiosyncrasies of CPU architectures are hidden
from both clients and servers. A little-endian client
can communicate with a big-endian server with
different alignment restrictions.

Presentation By :- Nupur Makhija, CSE 7th se

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