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2022 1 Quarter DMEPA st

Theme: Efficiency and Quality
during the COVID -19 School Year 2021-

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad, Angat, at

Program Implementation Progress
1st Quarter overall physical and financial targets vs.
accomplishment and utilization of the ff. programs :
Programs/ Output Physical Variances Financial Variances Programs Output Physical Variance Financial Variance
Sub- Indicators / Sub- Indicators Target Actual s Target Actual s
Programs/ Target Actual Target Actual Programs
Projects / Projects

Education Number of of Learners
Policy Education
0 0 0 0 0 0
enrolled in 0 0
Developme Research ALS
nt Program Completed
Basic Percentage of Percentage
Education schools meeting of learners
Inputs the standards ratio 0% 0% 0% with 100% 100%
Program for teachers
Number of newly
-created teaching Number of
position newly 0 0 0 Schools
filled up offering:
Percentage of
Learners enrolled ALIVE 0 0
in SPED (Public) 0 0 0
IPED 0 0
SPED 0 0
Percentage of
Learners enrolled Number of
in IPED (Public) 0 0 0 Schools with
Learning 1

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

Program Implementation Progress
1st Quarter overall physical and financial targets vs.
accomplishment and utilization of the ff. programs:

Physical Physical Financial
Programs/ Programs/
Sub- Output Varia Sub- Output Varianc Variance
Programs/ Indicators nces Programs/ Indicators es s
Projects Target Actual Projects
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual

Retention EDUCATIO Increase in

Rate N HUMAN percentage
RESOURCE of schools
8 4 4 1000 500 500
Elementary 0 0 DEVELOP conducting
MENT schools
PROGRAM learning
Secondary action cell
S AND Number of
LEARNE learners Number of
RS benefitting
PROGRA from trained 8 1 7
M “School
Feeding Number of
related staff 7 1 6

Elementary 71 71

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

Program Implementation Progress
Narrative Report
In order to intensify health and nutrition among learners. Sucob Elementary School
as spearheaded with school feeding coordinator, threshed-out those who were
severely wasted and wasted pupils from Kindergarten to 6 levels. There are 71
identified recipients and among them are from Kinder, Grade I and Grade II. The
feedings are given to the parents of the said recipient and it was equally distributed.

 0 % Retention Rate
 50% LAC Session Conducted as of March 2022

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

Overall Cluster Performance
Two Grading Period Performances (1st and 2nd grading periods as of March of SY
2021-2022) From Kinder to 6

Kinder Beginner Beginner

Grade I Passed Passed
Grade II Passed Passed
Grade III Passed Passed
Grade IV Passed Passed
Grade V Passed Passed
Grade VI Passed Passed

Table shows that the Performance of Kindergarten are is beginner for the first & second Quarter,
Grade I to VI are both passed in the 1st and 2nd quarter.

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

A. Kinder
Overall Cluster Performance
Kinder/ Total Number of Kinder/ Total Number of Percentage Kinder/ Total Number Kinder/ Total Number of Percentage
Grade Level Learners No Grade Learners No of Increase/ Grade of Learners No Grade Level Learners No of Increase/
Longer Level Longer Decrease
Participating in Participating in Level Longer Longer Decrease
the learning the learning Participating Participating in
session/drop-out session/drop-out in the learning the learning
as of 1 st as of February session/drop- session/drop-out
Grading Period 2022 2nd grading out as of 1st as of March 2022
SY 2021-2022 period SY 2021-
2022 Grading 2nd grading
Period SY period SY 2021-
Grade 2021-2022 2022
Grade Three
Kinder Kinder Three
Male 0 Male 0 0% Male 0 Male 0 0%
Female 0 Female 0 0% Female 0 Female 0 0%
Total 0 Total 0 0% Total 0 Total 0 0%
Grade Grade Four
B. Elementary
Grade One
Male 0 Male 0 0%
Male 0 Male 0 0%
Female 0 Female 0 0%
Female 0 Female 0 0% Total 0 Total 0 0%
Grade Grade Five
Total 0 Total 0 0% Five
Grade Two Grade Two Male 0 Male 0 0%
Female 0 Female 0 0%
Male 0 Male 0 0%
Female 0 Female 0 0%
Total 0 Total 0 0%
Grade Six Grade Six
Total 0 Total 0 0%

Male 0 Male 0 0%
Female 0 Female 0 0%
Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad, Total 0 Total 0 0%
Overall Cluster Performance
C. IP, Muslim and SPED ( Graded & Non-
graded) Learners
Learner Total Number of Kinder/ Grade Total Number of Learners Percentage of
Learners No Longer Level No Longer Participating in Increase/
Participating in the the learning session/drop- Decrease
learning session/drop- out as of March 2022 2nd
out as of 1st Grading grading period SY 2021-
Period SY 2021-2022 2022
Zero drop out rate/learners
No longer participating in
IP Learners
school as of 1st quarter and
Male 0 Male
0 0 0% 2nd quarter Grading period
Female 0 Female 0 0 0% SY 2021-2022
Total 0 Total 0 0 0%
Muslim Learners
Male 0 Male 0 0%
emale 0 Female 0
0 0%
Total 0 Total 0 0%
SPED Learners
Male 0 Male 0 0%
Female 0 Female
0 0%
Total 0 Total 0 0%

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

Overall Cluster Performance
Describe the programs and/or practices implemented leading to improve performance or
achievement/general performance average

a. More learning activity sheets given to the learners,

b. Home Visitation,
c. Constant Communication with the parents.

Explain the context (environmental factors) contributing to poor pupils/students’

1. Poverty line 3. Educational Background of parents
2. Peers influences

Explain why the Cluster and schools are unable to improve achievements despite the
implementation of locally initiated programs related to quality education

1. Parents are unable to focus their attention to assist their children because of
their status in life and their educational background .

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

Teachers Proficiency Level and School Heads
Performance Level
A. Total Number of Teachers with Trainor's
Total Methodology/Assessor's
Number of filled Certificate
Total number of Teachers with Specialization Targets
teacher items as of versus Accomplishment as of 2022
March 31, 2022
Agri-Industrial Eco-Tourism Socio-Cultural Specializations

Target Accom Target Accom Target Accom

0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Number of Proficient Teachers (TI-TIII) segmented by Proficiency Level, its target versus
Total Proficiency Level for Proficient Teacher
Number of Level 3- Organizing Level 4 - Developing Level 5 - Applying Level 6 - Level 7 -
Proficient Consolidating Integrating
Teachers Target Accom Target Accom Target Accom Target Accom Target Acc
(TI-TIII) om
2 1 5 5

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

Teachers Proficiency Level and School Heads
Performance Level
B. Total number of Teachers by Career Stage and Proficiency
Total number of Teacher Career Stage
filled teacher Total Number Total number of Proficient Total Number of Highly
items as of of Beginning Teacher Teachers (TI-TIII) Proficient Teachers (MTI-
March 31, 2022 IV)

Inventory Target Accom Inventory Target Accom Inventory Target Accom

Total Number of Highly

2 2 Proficient
2 Teachers
7 7 (MTI-IV)
7 segmented
0 0 0by
Proficiency Level, its target versus accomplishment
Total Proficiency Level for Proficient Teacher
Number of Level 4 - Level 5 - Applying Level 6 - Level 7 - Integrating Level 8 -
Highly Developing Consolidating Discriminating
Teachers Target Accom Target Accom Target Accom Target Accom Target Acc
(MTI-IV) om

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

Angat, at Tapat
Teachers Proficiency Level and School Heads
Performance Level
C. Total number of School Heads by D. Highlight issues and gaps and explain
Performance Rating during the Mid- causesof issues. Suggest adjustments and
School Year Review recommendation to ensure process continuity
Total Performance Rating
Outstand Very Satisfactory Unsatisfacto Poor
School ing Satisfactory ry
Heads by Tar Acc Inve Targe Accom Invent Targe Acco Targe Acco 2. Teachers rarely Allocate budget for
level get om ntory t ory t m t m attending online the installation of
training /webinar the Internet
during working day Connection.
due to poor
Elementar connection/signal
y 2 2 in school.

Proficient Teachers T-TIII – Result Developing
needs Training
School Heads- Maintain rating performance

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

 Trainings and seminars for professional development.

 To procure and Install Stable Internet connection

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad,

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