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Embracing the Journey: Understanding

Aging Through Biology, Lifestyle, and

'Being Mortal’

Ilia State University Psychology student: Lile Samnidze

Lecturer: Ali Ismailov
Tbilisi, 1/11/2024
Aging is a natural process where our bodies change over time. It happens to everyone and
involves things like wrinkles, slower movement, and sometimes forgetfulness. Scientists
believe it's influenced by our genes, environment, and how we live.
At the core, our cells play a role in aging. As they divide, a part called
the telomere gets shorter. Once it's too short, cells can't divide
anymore, which is linked to aging. Another idea is that some cells
stop dividing and become 'senescent,' causing issues in our bodies.
Our lifestyle matters too. Things
like pollution, a poor diet, and
not exercising can speed up
aging. But choosing a healthy
lifestyle, like eating well and
staying active, can slow it down.
Aging isn't just physical. Our
memory and thinking can change
too, but staying mentally active and
making good choices can help keep
our brains healthy.
One famous book about aging is "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande. In simple terms, it talks about getting older and facing
the end of life. The author, a doctor, explores how we view aging in our society and how we deal with serious illnesses.
He tells stories and shares experiences to help us think about living a good life even as we get older.

The book suggests that, instead of just focusing on

medical treatments, we should also think about what
really matters to us as we age. It encourages open
conversations about our choices and values, especially
when it comes to medical care.
"Being Mortal" is a touching book that makes us think
about how we want to live our lives, even as we grow
older. It's not just for medical professionals; it's for
anyone who wants to understand aging and how to
approach the later stages of life with dignity and
In summary, aging is a natural process shaped by biology and lifestyle. 'Being Mortal' emphasizes
the importance of open communication and personal values in aging. Approaching this journey
with understanding and compassion allows for a more meaningful experience in our later years.
•Gawande,A.2014.Being Mortal.USA.Metropolitan Books.
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