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Refers to the act or process of spreading, transmitting, or disseminating something.

The term propagation is used in various field to describe the way in which different
entities or phenomena propagate such as wave propagation, radio propagation,
information propagation and so many others.
Radio Propagation
Refers to the behavior and characteristics of radio waves as they travel through various
medium such as the Earth atmosphere or other physical environment.

Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be used for long distance

Wireless communication systems rely on radio waves to transmit information, and

understanding radio propagation is essential for designing and optimizing these systems.
Propagation path loss Models
Propagation path loss models are mathematical models that describe the attenuation of
radio waves as they propagate through space.

These models are used to estimate the signal strength at a receiver based on the
transmission power, distance, and environment.
There are several factors that affect radio propagation and contribute to path loss,

Free space attenuation:

This is the loss of signal strength that occurs as radio waves travel through free space.
It is a critical factor in wireless communication systems and satellite communications.

This phenomenon occurs due to the spreading and scattering of the

electromagnetic waves
Attenuation over reflecting surfaces:
This refers to the loss of signal strength that occurs when electromagnetic waves
encounter and interact with reflective surfaces.

When radio waves encounter surfaces such as buildings, trees, and the ground, they may
be reflected, diffracted, or absorbed. These effects can cause significant path loss,
particularly in urban areas where there are many obstacles.

This phenomenon affects wireless communication systems, especially in indoor

environments and urban areas with high reflectivity
Effect of earth’s curvature:
The Earth's curvature has a significant impact on the propagation of radio waves over
long distances.

As radio waves travel through the atmosphere, they follow the curvature of the Earth,
leading to signal loss and limitations in communication range.

This effect is more pronounced at higher frequencies and over longer distances.
Characteristics of wireless channels and Path loss
Wireless channel refers to the medium from which wireless signals propagate.

The characteristic of wireless channels play a crucial role in determining signal quality,
coverage, and overall system performance.

The propagation path loss models also account for the characteristics of the wireless
channel, such as multipath fading, shadowing, and interference.

These effects can cause the signal strength to vary rapidly over time and space.
Path loss models

Path loss models are essential tools for designing and optimizing wireless communication
systems, as they enable engineers to predict the signal strength and coverage area of a
system based on its parameters and the environment.
There are several path loss models used in wireless communication systems, including:

Free space path loss model: This model assumes that there are no obstacles between the

transmitter and receiver, and the signal is attenuated only by free space. It is commonly

used for long-range communication systems such as satellite links.

Two-ray ground reflection model: This model assumes that the signal is reflected by the

ground, resulting in two paths between the transmitter and receiver. It is commonly used

for outdoor wireless communication systems.

Log-distance path loss model: This model is based on the assumption that the signal

strength decreases logarithmically with distance. It is commonly used for indoor wireless

communication systems.

Ray tracing models: These models use computer simulations to predict the propagation

of radio waves in complex environments, such as indoor spaces or urban areas. They can

provide detailed information about the signal strength and propagation characteristics in

specific locations.

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