Hazardous Weastes

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Characteristics of Hazardous waste

• There are four basic characteristics to look at;

• corrosivity,
• reactivity,
• toxicity.
Characteristics of Hazardous waste
• Ignitability – According to the EPA, “Ignitable
wastes can create fires under certain
conditions, are spontaneously combustible, or
have a flash point less than 60 °C (140 °F).
Examples include waste oils and used solvents.”
• A flash point is the lowest temperature at
which a substance can evaporate enough to
produce sufficient vapor to form an ignitable
mixture with the air.
Characteristics of Hazardous waste
• Ignitable wastes can be broken down into two
categories, solids, and liquids.
• Non liquid ignitables are capable under
standard temperature and pressure of causing
fire through friction, absorption of moisture,
or spontaneous chemical changes.
• If ignited, these wastes will burn so vigorously
and persistently that they create a hazardous
Characteristics of Hazardous waste
• Corrosivity – According to the EPA, “Corrosive
wastes are acids or bases (pH less than or equal
to 2, or greater than or equal to 12.5) that are
capable of corroding metal containers, such as
storage tanks, drums, and barrels. Battery acid
is an example.”
• A corrosive can cause skin damage to people
and significantly corrode metal. A corrosive
hazardous material can be either liquid or solid.
Characteristics of Hazardous waste
• Reactivity – The EPA defines reactive wastes as, “wastes
[which] are unstable under “normal” conditions. They
can cause explosions, toxic fumes, gases, or vapors
when heated, compressed, or mixed with water.
Examples include lithium-sulfur batteries and
• Reactive wastes are, in themselves, unstable. They have
the potential to form toxic gases, vapors, or fumes
which can endanger human health. Some form
potentially explosive mixtures with water. Reactive
wastes are capable of detonation or explosive reactions.
Characteristics of Hazardous waste
• Toxicity – Toxic wastes are defined by the EPA
as wastes that are “harmful or fatal when
ingested or absorbed (e.g., containing
mercury, lead, etc.). When toxic wastes are
land disposed, contaminated liquid may leach
from the waste and pollute ground water.”

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