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Introduction to

AI:Ethics and Values

Presented by Ayman, Nilay and Abigail
AI in the next 10 years . . .
➔ AI technology is expected to significantly improve healthcare, transportation, and
entertainment in the next ten years. Digital data will enable decision-making and
optimization, replacing labor-intensive tasks like data collection and repetitive work.
Al offers innovative services, improving scale, speed, and accuracy across various
sectors, combining insights from statistics and big data.

➔ Here are some examples of Al projects on which companies like Google, IBM etc.
are working on to serve humanity:

➔ Keeping people safe with Al-enabled flood forecasting.

➔ Al can be instrumental in providing personalized learning experience to students..
Now that we’ve acknowledged that AI is all around us and will be so in the future, it is
necessary to implement ethics in the world of AI to prevent AI from going rogue and out of
our control.

Some unethical ways in which AI can be used:

● Plagiarism.
● Spreading fake news.
● Creating fake people to use in scams.
Thank You!!

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