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Student-run Program

for Mental Well-being

of High School

- January 1, 2020
• A student-run program for Mental
Well-Being of high school students

• Propose to - Phillip Smith, Mark

Introduction Denys, Alison McKee

• To destigmatize mental health issues

• Help high school students overcome

mental illnesses
• Stigma and secrecy associated
with mental illness
• 1 in 5 young people suffer from a
mental illness (Impact of Mental
Illness, n.d.)
• Adolescence – very important
period for growth and
• If left untreated – can cause
serious problems

Project Details:
•Plan to conduct workshops in public high 1. Benjamin Franklin High School

schools 2. Creative and Performing Arts High

•Members & volunteers will
 trav el to sch o o ls, p resen t, an d d iscu ss 3. Constitution High School
in fo rm atio n ab o u t m en tal h ealth
4. Franklin Learning Centre
•Institutions like Child Mild Institution -
5. Parkway Center City High School
trying to achieve a similar goal
•List of schools include 6. Philadelphia Highschool for Business
and Technology

7. Science Leadership Academy

Recruiting members and volunteers:
- Te m p l e s t u d e n t s c a n a p p l y t h r o u g h w e b s i t e

- M e m b e r s w i l l b e r e c r u i t e d w i t h t h e h e l p o f H E A RT p e e r

- Leadership positions
- O u t r e a c h a n d M e d i a d i r e c t o r, S t r a t e g y and
O p e r a t i o n s D i r e c t o r, We b D e v e l o p e r, and Head of

- Students from specific majors are preferred

- m a j o r s / m i n o r s – B i o l o g y, N e u r o s c i e n c e , S o c i o l o g y,
B a c h e l o r o f S o c i a l Wo r k , M I S

- train members August
April June
- seek approval
- Set up website - advertising
- recruit - set up
- Recruit members meetings - Temple fest
- Contact high - decide a - make
schools budget arrangements
tion- $440

Website & Advertise

Media - ment-
$330 $200

Refreshme Stationary
nts- $780 fees- $120

• Promote mental well being among high

school students
• Higher graduation rates

• Students will be more inclined to apply

at Temple
• Provide members and volunteers with
professional experience
• Boost Temple’s reputation

•Challenges faced by high schoolers

are increasing
•Adversely affecting mental health

•Conduct workshops in high schools

about mental well-being
•Estimated cost - $1870

•Benefits vulnerable high school

students AND Temple

Source - Cedars–, 2019

Works cited:

Dealing with Stress: Know the Hidden Symptoms. (July 25, 2019).
Retrieved December 4, 2020 from

Dearment, Alaric. (Oct 12, 2020). Limbix digital therapeutic for adolescent mental health
finds niche amid Covid-19 pandemic. Retrieved December 4, 2020 from

Kessler RC, et al. (2020). Adolescent Mental Health. World Health Organization, 6: 168
–76. Retrieved November 9th, 2020 from:

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