Advanced Higher Maths Unit 1

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Unit 1
Unit 1:
Factorials and the Binomial theorem
Partial fractions and limits
Differential CalculusApplications of Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus
Properties of Functions
Systems of Equations
Factorials and
the Binomial
The Factorial Function: Permutations

Pr is Permutation i.e. selection with arrangement of r elements from a total of n
elements. In Pascal’s triangle, n is the row, r is the column and can also be written as:

The domain of f(x) = x! is x ∈ W, and the range is a subset of the natural numbers
defined by the recurrence relation {un:un = nun-1; u0 = 1, n ∈ W}.
a) From a class of 23 students, 3 have to be selected to be class representative,
secretary and treasurer of the newly formed student committee. In how many
different ways can this be done?

b) At the bank, a customer invents her own personal identification number (PIN)
by choosing four different digits. Given that there are 10 different digits, how
many arrangements of 4 different digits can be made? An arrangement may start
with zero.

c) A driver has 5 tyres on his car: the 4 on the road and 1 in the boot. He rotates
them regularly so that they wear evenly.
How many different arrangements of 4 tyres on the road can he make assuming
position matters?
a) =
= 10626
b) =
= 5040
c) =
= 120
The Factorial Function: Combinations

n! = n x (n -1) x (n - 2) x … x 3 x 2 x 1
Cr is Combination i.e. selection without arrangement of r elements from a total of n elements. In
Pascal’s triangle, n is the row, r is the column and can also be written as:

The domain of f(x) = x! is x ∈ W, and the range is a subset of the natural numbers defined by the
recurrence relation {un:un = nun-1; u0 = 1, n ∈ W}.
Solve for n: ( 𝑛+1 ) ! −2 𝑛 ! 𝑛(𝑛 −1)(𝑛 −2) !
= 36 = 72
2 ( 𝑛− 1 ) ! ( 𝑛− 2 ) !
- = 36
( 𝑛+1 ) 𝑛! − 2 𝑛!
= 36 n(n-1) = 72
2 (𝑛 − 1 ) !
(𝑛 +1 ) ! 𝑛!
- = 36
1! ( 𝑛 −1 ) ! ( 𝑛+1 −2 ) 𝑛! n2 – n – 72 = 0
2! ( ( 𝑛+1 ) −2 ) ! = 36
2 ( 𝑛 −1 ) !
( 𝑛+1 ) ! 𝑛! (n -9)(n +8) = 0
- = 36
( 𝑛− 1 ) 𝑛 ! = 36
2 (𝑛 − 1 ) ! ( 𝑛− 1 ) ! 2 (𝑛 − 1 ) ! n=9
( 𝑛+1 ) ! 2𝑛 ! 𝑛! = 36
- = 36
2 (𝑛 − 1 ) ! 2 (𝑛 − 1 ) ! 2 (𝑛 − 2 ) !
𝑛! = 72
( 𝑛− 2 ) !
For what value of n ≠ 3 is =

= = 56

8! 𝑛! ( 8 −𝑛 ) !=(5 !)(3 !)
𝑛! ( 8 −𝑛 ) !
⇒ n = 5.
= 56

= 56

𝑛 ! ( 8 −𝑛 ) !=720
𝑛 ! ( 8 −𝑛 ) !=6 !
𝑛! ( 8 −𝑛 ) !=(5 !)(6 )
For what values of p and q is + =

+ = +


= =

⇒ p = 8 and q = 4

𝑛! (𝑛 − 2+3 )

( 𝐧 +𝟏
A) Prove that + = =
6 (𝑛 − 2 ) ! =
𝑛! 𝑛! 𝑛 ! ( 𝑛+ 1 )
+ =
3 ! ( 𝑛 −3 ) ! 2! (𝑛 − 2 ) ! 6 (𝑛 −2) !
2 ! 𝑛 ! ( 𝑛 −2 ) 3!𝑛! ( 𝑛+1 ) 𝑛 (𝑛 − 1 )( 𝑛 −2 ) !
= + =
2! 3 ! ( 𝑛− 2 ) ! 3 ! 2 ! ( 𝑛− 2 ) ! 6 ( 𝑛 −2 ) !
2𝑛 ! ( 𝑛 − 2 ) +6 𝑛 ! (𝑛+ 1) !
= =
12 ( 𝑛− 2 ) ! 6 ( 𝑛 −2 ) !
𝑛! (𝑛 − 2 ) +3 𝑛 !
= (𝑛+ 1) !
6 ( 𝑛 −2 ) ! =
3 ! ( (𝑛+1)− 3 ) !
B) Make use of the fact that = , to help you solve: = 15

= n2 – n – 30 = 0
= 15 (n - 6)(n + 5)= 0
n = 6, only
= 30

= 30

= 30
C) Using the identity + = , find a value of n which satisfies: + = 28

+ =
= 28 n2 + n – 56 = 0
(n - 7)(n + 8)= 0
= 56
n = 7, only
= 56

= 56
D) Using the identity + = , find a value of n which satisfies: - = 36

+ = = 72
⇒ - = n2 - n – 72 = 0
= 36 (n - 9)(n + 8)= 0
= 72 n = 9, only

= 72
Prove that + 2 + =

LHS: + 2 +
= + +
= + +
= + +
= + +
= + +
Expand (u+3v)4 using the Binomial Theorem.


𝑘= 0 𝑘
( 𝑥+ 𝑎 ) = ∑ 𝑛 𝑥 𝑘 𝑎 𝑛− 𝑘

( )
4 4
u (3v)0 +
4 3
1 ( )
u (3v) +
4 2
u (3v) +
3() 3
( )
4 0
( )
u1 (3v) + 4 u (3v)

= u4 + 12 u3 v +𝟓𝟒 u2 v2 +𝟏𝟎𝟖u v3 + 81v4

Expand (2x – 3y)5 using the Binomial Theorem.

( 𝑥+ 𝑎 ) = ∑

𝑘= 0
𝑛 𝑥 𝑘 𝑎 𝑛− 𝑘
(2x – 3y)5 =

( )
1( )
(2x)4 (-3y)1 +
2 ( ) ( ) ( )
(2x)3 (-3y)2 + 5 (2x)2 (-3y)3 + 5 (2x)1 (-3y)4 + 5 (-3y)5
3 4 5
= 32 x5 - 240 x4 y +𝟕𝟐𝟎 x3 y2 - 1080 x2 y3 +𝟖𝟏𝟎
x y4 -𝟐𝟒𝟑y5
Express (x2 + )4 in the form Ax8 + Bx5 + Cx2 + + .

0 ( )
1 ()
3 ( )
(x ) +
4 ( )
4 (x2)4 ()0 + 4 (x2)3 ()1 + 4 (x2)2 ()2 4 2 1 ()3 4 2 0 ()4
(x )

= x8 +4x6 () 6
+ x4 () +4x2 () + ()

= x8 +𝟖x5 +𝟐𝟒x2 + () + ()
Find the coefficient of the y2 term in the expansion of (3y + )5.
( 𝑥+ 𝑎 ) = ∑

𝑘= 0
𝑛 𝑥 𝑘 𝑎 𝑛− 𝑘
(3y + )5 =

( )
(3y)5 ( )
()0 +
5 (3y)4
( )
(3y)3 ()2 ( )
(3y)2 ()3
( )
5 1
( )
()4 + 5
(3y)0 ()5

= 243y5 + 810 y2 + () + () + () + ()
Using the Binomial Theorem, calculate the following correct to three significant figures:
= (1.0 + 0.01)5
= (1.0)5 +5(1.0)4(0.01)1 +10(1.0)3(0.01)2 + 10(1.0)2(0.01)3 + 5(1.0)1(0.01)4 +(0.01)5
= 1.05 (3sf)
= (1.0 + 0.04)6
= (1.0)6 +6(1.0)5(0.04)1 +15(1.0)4(0.04)2 + 20(1.0)3(0.04)3 + 15(1.0)2(0.04)4 + 6(1.0)1 (0.04)5 +
= 1.27 (3sf)
= (1.0 - 0.06)6
= (1.0)6 + 7(1.0)5(-0.06)1 +21(1.0)4(0.04)2 + 20(1.0)3(0.04)3 + 15(1.0)2(0.04)4 + 7(1.0)1 (0.04)5 +
(0.04)6 + (1.0)0(-0.06)7
= 1.27 (3sf)

e8 = ()8
= ( + )8
= ()8 + 8()7 () + 28()6 ()2 + 56()5 ()3 + 70()4 ()4 + 56()3 ()5+28 ()2 ()6 + 8()()7 + ()8
= 2980 (3sf)

= (sin 30°)6

= (sin (60-30)°)6

= (sin60°cos30° – cos60°sin30°)6

= (sin60°cos30°)6 + 6(sin60°cos30°)5(– cos60°sin30°) + 15(sin60°cos30°)4(–

cos60°sin30°)2 + 20(sin60°cos30°)3(– cos60°sin30°)3 + 15(sin60°cos30°)2(–
cos60°sin30°)4 + 6(sin60°cos30°)(– cos60°sin30°)5 + (– cos60°sin30°)6

= 0.0156 (3sf)
Using Machin’s approximation formula: = 3arctan() + arctan() + arctan()

𝜋7 ≈ (12arctan() + 4arctan() + 4arctan())7

= ((12arctan())7 + 7((12arctan())6(4arctan() + 4arctan()) + 21((12arctan())5(4arctan() +
4arctan())2 + 35((12arctan())4(4arctan() + 4arctan())3 + 35((12arctan())3(4arctan() +
4arctan())4 + 21((12arctan())2 + ((12arctan()) (4arctan() + 4arctan())5 + 7((12arctan())
(4arctan() + 4arctan())6 + (4arctan() + 4arctan())7

= 3020 (3sf)
General Term in Binomial Expansion (x + y)n is

( 𝑛+7 ) −.𝑟(− 1 )
𝑇 𝑟 +1=¿ 𝑟 𝐶(6. 𝑥)
𝑛 +7
( 𝑛 +7 ) − 𝑟
𝑟𝑛 +7
= (− 1 ) . 𝑟 𝐶(6). ( 𝑛 +7 ).(
−𝑟 −𝑟
6) .( 𝑥) .( 𝑥)

𝒓 +𝟕 ( 𝒏+𝟕 ) − 𝟐𝒓 ( 𝒏 +𝟕 ) −𝟐 𝒓
= (− 𝟏 ) . 𝒓 𝑪(𝟔)
. .( 𝒙 )
General Term in Binomial Expansion (x + y)n is
x9 = x2r-13
⇒ 2r – 13 = 9
r = 11
11 13 13 −11 9
13 − 𝑟 (− 1 ) .11 𝐶(3)
. .( 𝑥).( 2)11
𝑇 𝑟 +1=¿13𝑟 𝐶 .( 3 ) . (− 2 𝑥 )
𝑥 9
𝑟 13
𝐶 .(3)
13 −𝑟
.( 𝑥)
−(13 −𝑟 ) 𝑟 = -1 . 78 . 9 . 2048 .( x )
= (− 1 ) .𝑟 .( 2).( 𝑥)𝑟
𝒓𝟏𝟑 𝟏𝟑− 𝒓 𝟐𝒓 −𝟏𝟑
= (− 𝟏 ) . 𝒓 𝑪 .(𝟑) .( 𝒙 ) .(𝟐)𝒓 = -1437696 .( 𝐱 )
Show that, in the expansion of (x - )10, the term which is independent of x has the
value -8064.

General Term in Binomial Expansion (x + y)n is

𝑇 𝑟 +1=¿ 𝐶 .( 𝑥)
10 −𝑟
.( )
( 10− 𝑟 ) −𝑟
¿ 10
𝑟 𝐶 .( 𝑥) .( 𝑥) .(− 2)𝑟
( 10− 2 𝑟 ) 𝑟
¿ 10 ( 𝑥)
𝑟𝐶 . .(− 2)
The term independent of x occurs when 10-2r = 0
The term is
5 𝐶(−
. 2)
= -8064
When metal of length x is heated, it expands by the amount δx, where δx is so small
that (δx)2 and higher powers can be ignored.
Obtain expressions for: a) the increase in area when a square of metal of side x
expands, and b) the increase in volume when a cube of metal of side x expands.
a) Original area = x2, New area = (x + δx)2 = x2 + 2xδx + (δx)2
Difference in area = (x2 + 2xδx + (δx)2) - x2 = 2x δx, when (δx)2 is ignored.
b) Original volume = x3, New volume = (x+ δx)3 = x3 + 3x2δx + 3x(δx)2 + (δx)3
Difference in volume = (x3 + 3x2δx + 3x(δx)2 + (δx)3) - x3 = 3x2δx, when the (δx)2 and
(δx)3 terms are ignored.
If p is the probability of being stopped at any one set
of traffic lights, and q is the probability of not being
stopped, then the terms of the expansion (p+q)3
provide formulae for the probability of being
stopped by 3, 2, 1, 0 sets of lights.
If p = 0.7, calculate the probability of being stopped
at i) two sets of lights, ii) all three sets of lights.
q = 1 – 0.7 = 0.3
(p+q)3 = p3 + 3p2q + 3pq2 + q3
i) P(2 sets) = 3p2q = 3(0.7)2(0.3) = 0.441
ii) P(all three sets) = p3 = (0.7)3 = 0.343
fractions and
Express as partial fractions.

The denominator is the product of two linear factors.

= +
= -
= A(x + 3) +
Let x = -3:


Let x = - 2:
Express as partial fractions.

The denominator is the product of two linear factors.

= +

= A(x + 1) +

Let x = -1:


Let x = 3:
Express as a polynomial and a partial fraction.

x -3
= (x-3) + Polynomial Long Division: x 3
+ 4x + 1
- (x3 + 3x2 + 2x)
The denominator is the product -3x2 + 2x + 1
of two linear factors. - (-3x2 - 9x - 6)
11x +7
= +
Let x = -2:
= + A
Let x = -1: = (x-3) + -
𝐵=− 4
Express as a sum of partial fractions.

𝑥 − 𝑥+ 6
𝑥 +𝑥− 2
=1+ Polynomial Long Division: x 2
-x + 6
- ()
The denominator is the product
of two linear factors. -2x +8

= +
Let x = -2:
= + A
Let x = 1: =1- +
Express as partial fractions.

The denominator is the product of a repeated linear factor.

+ = +

= A(x-1) +
Let x = 1:
Let x = 0:
Express as partial fractions.

The denominator is the product of a repeated linear factor.

+ = +

= A(x +1) +
Let x = -1:
= -1
Let x = 0:
A = -2
Express as partial fractions.

The denominator is the product of a repeated linear factor (x 2) and another linear factor (x-1).

= + +

= + + Let x = -1:

Let x = 1: 𝐵=2
𝐴=− 1 = + -

Let x = 0:
Express as partial fractions.

The denominator is the product of a linear factor (x - 1) and an irreducible quadratic factor (x 2 + 2x + 3).

Let x = -1:
= + 𝐵=2

= +
= +
Let x = 1:
Let x = 0:
Express as partial fractions.

The denominator is the product of a linear factor (x - 1)

Let x = -1:
and an irreducible quadratic factor (-x2).
= +
= +
= -
Let x = 1:
= -1
Let x = 0:
= -3
Express in partial fractions.

x3 + x = x(x2+1) i.e the product of a linear factor (x) and an irreducible quadratic factor (x 2+1).
Let = + 1 = (2) + B – C
1 = (x2+1) + x() B – C = -1
2B = -2
Try x = 0: B = -1
1=A C=0
= -
Try x = 1:
1 = (2) + (B + C)
B + C = -1
Try x = -1:
Assuming can be expressed in the form A + + , find expressions for A, B and C in terms of a and b.

( 𝑥 +𝑎)( 𝑥 +𝑏) 1
Polynomial Long Division: x 2

- ()
Let x = -a:
The denominator is the product
of two linear factors. = B(b-a)
Let x = -b:
= + = C(a-b)
=1- +
= B(x+b) + C(x+a)
Limit Rules

1) If f(x) = c (a constant), then = c

2) = k where k is a constant
3) ∓ g(x)] = ∓
4) . g(x)] = .
5) [] = , provided ≠ 0
6) )=1
7) )=0

Divide by the highest denominator power of x3:


Divide by the highest denominator power of x:


Divide by the highest denominator power of x3:

We need to be able to cancel out the (x-5) term before substituting the x= 5 value so that we don’t end
up trying to divide by zero…
Factorise the numerator so that one of the brackets is (x-5):

⇒ k = -1

Cancel the common factor of (x-5) and substitute x = 5:

= 9.
does not exist
does not exist
does not exist

*The black blob means that coordinate is in the domain for that part of the piecewise function.
The white blob means that coordinate is not in the domain for that part of the piecewise function.
The dotted line shows part of a horizontal symptote.*
does not exist
does not exist
does not exist

does not exist

a) Obtain a formula for I(k), where I(k) = dx
I(k) = dx
= [ln x]
= ln - ln 1
= dx Remember to use the special form:
=[ ]
= []-[]
⇒ I(k) = ln - ln 1 - [] + []
= ln
Apply the following algebraic property:
a + b = a(1 + )
b) Obtain the value of

= . = .

Divide by the highest denominator power (k2):

Given y = 2x2 – 2, find from first principles.
Let y = f(x) = 2x2 – 2
*In the workings, δ represents
f(x+δ) = 2(x+δ)2 – 2 a small change in x i.e. δx*
= 2(x2+2xδ + δ2) -2
f ( x +δ) – f ( x)
= 2x2+4xδ + 2δ2 -2 lim = 4x
δ0 δ
f(x+δ) – f(x)
= (2x2+4xδ + 2δ2 -2)-(2x2 – 2)
= 4xδ + 2δ2
Differentiate the following from first

A. y = 4x3 – 2x A. Let y = f(x) = 4x3 – 2x

f(x+δ) = 4(x+δ)3 – 2(x+δ)
B. y = x (x+1)
2 3
= 4x3+12x2δ + 12xδ2 + 4δ3 -2x - 2δ
C. y = sinx + cos x
f(x+δ) – f(x)
*In the workings, δ represents
a small change in x i.e. δx*
= (4x3+12x2δ + 12xδ2 + 4δ3 -2x - 2δ)-(4x3 – 2x)
= 12x2δ + 12xδ2 + 4δ3 - 2δ

= -2
B. Let y = f(x) = x2(x+1)3 = (x5 + 3x4 + 3x3 + x2)
f(x+δ) = (x+δ)2(x+δ)3
= (x2 + 2xδ + δ2)(x3+3x2δ + 3xδ2 + δ3)
= (x5 + 5x4δ + 10x3δ2 + 10x2δ3 + 5xδ4 + δ5)
f(x+δ) – f(x)
= (x5 + 3x4δ + 3x3δ2 + x2δ3 + 6x3δ2 + 6x2δ3 + 2xδ4 + x3δ2 + 3x2δ3 + 3xδ4 + δ5 )-(x5 + 3x4 + 3x3 + x2)
= 5x4δ + 10x3δ2 + 10x2δ3 + 5xδ4 + δ5 + 3x4 + 3x3 + x2


*In the workings, δ represents
a small change in x i.e. δx*
C. Let y = f(x) = sinx + cos x
f(x+δ) = sin(x+δ) + cos(x+δ)
= sinxcosδ + sinδcosx + cosxcosδ - sinxsinδ
f(x+δ) – f(x)
= sinxcosδ - sinx – sinxsinδ + sinδcosx + cosxcosδ - cos x
= sinx(cosδ – 1) + sinδ(cosx – sinx) + cosx(cosδ - 1)

= + +
= sinx . 0 + + cosx . 0 *In the workings, δ represents
= a small change in x i.e. δx*
A. Find ()


[]’ =
Let f(x) = x4, and g(x) = , so
f’(x) = 4x3, and g’(x) = 1
Let f(x) = x3, and g(x) = sinx, so
f’(x) = 3x2, and g’(x) = cosx () =

() =
Given f(x) = , where a is a constant, find f’(x), and find (in terms of a) an expression for
the gradient of the tangent to f(x) at (2a, a).


[]’ =

Let u(x) = 8a3, and v(x) = x2 + 4a2, so
u’(x) = 0, and v’(x) = 2x.

= =

A. Given h(x) = , find h’(x). B. Differentiate with respect to x:
h(x) = e(sin2x)
Let u(x) = ln(3x), and v(x) = cos(3x)

u’(x) = , and v’(x) = -3sin(3x)

h’(x) =

= + Let f(g(x)) = h(x), g(x) = sin2x, g’(x) = 2cos2x

= + ⇒ h’(x) = e(sin2x)(sin2x)

= 2e(sin2x)cos2x
C) Given h(x) = x3sinx, find h’(x). D) Given h(x) = sin2xsin3x, find

Let f(x) = sin2x, f’(x) = 2cos2x,

g(x) = sin3x, g’(x) = 3cos3x

Let f(x) = x3, f’(x) = 3x2, g(x) = sinx, g’(x) = cosx h’(x) = 2cos2x sin3x + sin2x
h’(x) = 3x2 sinx + x3 cosx
h’(x) = 2cos2xsin3x + 3sin2xcos3x
Given that f(x) = xtan(2x), prove that f’’(x) = 4sec 2(2x)(1+2xtan(2x))

f’(x) = x . tan(2x) + x . tan(2x) = tan(2x) + 2xsec2(2x)

f’’(x) = (tan(2x)) + 2( xsec2(2x))
2sec2(2x) + 2 ( (x) . sec2(2x)) + x . sec2(2x))
2sec2(2x) + 2 (sec2(2x)) + x . 2sec2 (2x). sec(2x))
2sec2(2x) + 2 (sec2(2x)) + x . 2sec2(2x). (2sec(2x)tan(2x))
2sec2(2x) + 2sec2(2x)) + 8xsec2(2x) tan(2x))
sec2(2x) + 8xsec2(2x) tan(2x))
= 4sec2(2x)(1+2xtan(2x))
Just because a function is y=
continuous, this does not
By finding and etc. and sketching the graphs,
mean that all of its
find the lowest value of n for which f(n)(x) is not
derivatives are also
continuous. continuous.
There is a discontinuity on the graph of at x = 1. The smallest value of n is therefore 2.
x < -2, and 0 < x < 2

0 x < -2, derivative function
would be horizontal line
crossing y-axis at around -2
since slope is about -2.
-2 < x < 0 and x > 2

A) For each of the following functions go through the process
of continual differentiation until a constant is achieved.
i) f(x) = x2
ii) f(x) = x3
iii) f(x) = x4
iv) f(x) = x5
B) Write down a formula for the value of the constant when
f(x) = xn.
A) iv) f’(x) = 5x4
f’’(x) = 20x3
i) f’(x) = 2x f(3)(x) = 60x2
f’’(x) = 2 f(4)(x) = 120x
f(5) (x) = 120
ii) f’(x) = 3x2
f’’(x) = 6x B) n!
f (3)(x) = 6
iii) f’(x) = 4x3
f’’(x) = 12x2
f(3) (x) = 24x
f(4) (x) = 24
of Differential
Let the amount of wire used on the square be xx so that the amount of wire used on the circle is 12−x12−x. The sum of the areas in terms of xx is then

A farmer has a fixed amount of fencing, F metres, and wishes to fence off a square
field of side x metre and a circular field of radius r metres. How should he do this in
order to maximise the area fenced off?

Perimeter of square = 4x
Fencing left over for the circle = F – 4x
Fencing required for circle = 2𝜋r
F – 4x = 2𝜋r
F = 2𝜋r + 4x
If x = 0 (i.e. there’s only a circle…):
r = for maximum area.
B Time, t, to travel APC = + hours

= hours

= (5 + ≠ 0.

⇒ The function t(h) has no stationary points.
Trying the endpoints of h = 0 and h = 132:
P would be the same as point A if h = 0.
Time to travel AC directly (if h =0) = hours

Length ABC = 132 + 132 = 264 m

D = 0.037 hours (3dp)
Time to travel ABC directly (if h = 132) = hours
= 0.033 hours (3dp)

Length AC = = ⇒ For minimum time of travel, h = 132 m.

Let length AP = h, PB = 132-h:

Length PC =

Length APC = h + PC = h +
Given rate: =

= .


When V = cm3, r = 1.75 cm (2dp)

⇒ = 0.348 cms-1 (3dp)

The height of a cube is increasing at the rate of 5 cms -1. Find the rate of increase of the volume
when the height of the cube is 3 cm.

𝑑𝑉 𝑑 𝑉 𝑑h
= .
𝑑𝑡 𝑑 h 𝑑𝑡
V = h3
= 3h2 135 cm3 s-1
A grain hopper is in the shape of an inverted square-based pyramid of height 10
units and slide of base 5 units. Grain is flowing into it at the rate of 8 units 3 per
minute. When the depth, h, of the grain is 2 units, calculate the rate of increase with
respect to time of:
A) the depth of grain,
B) the area of the square top surface of the grain.
5 5
x 10
= 8 units3 per minute = .

V = (base area)(height) =8

=h =
h = 2m
⇒ =
Similar shapes so:
= 8 units per minute
b) Area =
⇒x= =
⇒ = =
⇒V= h = .
V= = .8

= = .8
= 8 units2 per minute
A rocket takes off vertically. The angle of elevation, z radians, of the rocket when it is at
a height of x metres above the launch pad is given by z = sin -1(), where y is the direct
distance in metres between the rocket and the observer. When x = and y = , = 10.
A) Find for these values, , the speed at which the observer sees the rocket moving
B) Find, at this instant, the rate at which angle z is changing.

a) y= z = sin-1() ⇒ = -15.625 m/s
= -1.5625 *The negative shows that the
= rocket is moving away from
= the viewer.
= .
= cos(z) b) = .
= -1.5625 = . = =
= 5.21 radians/second (2dp)
When x = and y = :
z = sin-1()
Click on the Cycloid curve above (shown with its
generating circle in blue) to view an animated version
a) c)

Viewed from the side, a carriage on a ferris-wheel moves
with rectilinear motion with equation x = 5sin(t)+10,
where x is the instantaneous height of the carriage above
the ground at a time t since the ride started, as measured
in seconds.
A) Where is the carriage when t = 0?
B) Calculate its velocity and acceleration at this point.
C) How long does it take to make 1 revolution of the
D) What is the acceleration of the carriage when it is at a
height of 12.5m and rising?
A) When t= 0: a(t) = (cos ()) D) x = 12.5
= - . sin () = 5sin(t)+10
x = 5sin()+10 = - sin ()
= 10m. a(0) = 0 ms-2 0.5 = sin(t)
= (t)
B) v(t) = 5sin()+10
C) After 1 revolution, carriage t = 5 seconds
= 5 . cos ()
returns to same height above a(5) = - sin ()
= cos () the ground i.e. 10m:
= - ms-2
v(0) = cos () x = 10
= 5sin(t)+10
= ms-1
⇒ t = 30 seconds
The turning effect, T, of a power boat is given by the formula T(x) = 8cosxsin 2x, 0 < x
< where x is the angle (in radians) between the rudder and the central line of the boat.
Find the size of x which maximises the turning effect.

Use the product rule to differentiate:

T’(x) = -8sinx(sin2x) + 8cosx(2sinxcosx)
= 8sinx(-sin2x + 2cos2x)
= 8sinx(cos2x -1 + 2cos2x)
= 8sinx(3cos2x - 1) = 0 at a stationary point
⇒ 3cos2x - 1 = 0
x = cos-1
x = 0.96 radians (2dp)
Prove it’s a maximum by using a nature table or double differentiating.
An underwater wireless cable consists of a core of copper wire with a casing made
of non-conductive material. Let the ratio of the radius of the core to the thickness
of the casing be t. The speed, V, of the signal is given by V(t) = kt 2 ln . 0 < t < 1,
where k is a positive constant. Find the value of t which gives maximum speed
and the corresponding maximum speed.

Use product and chain rules to differentiate V(t):

V’(t) = 2kt ln + kt2 ( )
= 2kt ln - kt = 0 at a stationary point.
ln =
Use a nature table or double differentiate to prove it’s a maximum at this t value.
Max speed = V() = k()2 ln
= k() ln
Green waste is taken by private contractors from the Council depot to a processing plant
where it is turned into compost. The lorries cover a round trip of 60 miles, travelling
along roads where the speed limit varies between 40mph and 60mph. The plant operators
pay the lorry drivers £12 per hour and reimburse them for their diesel. The diesel costs
80p per litre and the lorries use up diesel at the rate of ( + 5) litres per hour where s is the
speed of the lorry in mph and s ≥ 30. At what speed should the lorries travel to minimise
the cost of the plant operators?

Total cost per hour in pence, T(s, t) = cost of fuel + cost of labour
T(s, t) = 80[()s2 + 5] + 1200t
t= :
T(s) = ()s2 + 400 + ()
T’(s) = ()s - = 0 at a stationary point
() =
s = 51.3 mph (1dp)
Use a nature table or double differentiate to prove it’s a minimum at this s value. Check the total costs for 40mph
and 60mph as well. At 51.3mph, the minimum cost is £25.05/hour (2dp).

The diagram shows a straight line with equation
y = ()x+5 and a parabola with equation y2 = 8x. P
The point P lies on the parabola and Q lies on the
straight line.

a) For the distance PQ to be a minimum what can you

say about PQ and the line y = ()x+5? x
b) Determine the minimum length of PQ. mPQ = -2 since m1 x m2 = -1 for perpendicular lines.
y-8= -2(x-8)
To find P: y = -2x + 24
y2 = 8x To find Q:
2y() = 8 -2x + 24 = ()x+5
() = x = 7.6
= y = -2(7.6) + 24
y=8 y = 8.8
y2 = 8x Q(7.6, 8.8)
82 = 8x Distance formula to find PQ:
P(8,8) = units.
Global Extrema and Newton’s Method
of Approximating Roots of Equations
xn+1 = xn -
Find the global extrema for the following functions:
a) f(x) = x2 – 3x + 2 in the interval [1, 3]
b) f(x) = x2 – 3x + 2 for -1 ≤ x ≤ 2
c) f(x) = 4x3 – x4 for 1 ≤ x ≤ 4
d) f(x) =
e) f(x) = ln(x+1) – x +1 for 0.5 ≤ x ≤ 1.5
f) f(x) = for -1 ≤ x ≤ 3
Examine the following piecewise functions for global extrema.

Solution a)

Solution b)

Solution c)
e) Solution d)

Solution e)

Solution f)
Solution a)

global maximum = 4, global minimum = -1

Solution b)

global maximum = 1, global minimum = -10

Solution c)

global maximum = 3, global minimum = 3

Solution d)

global maximum = 3, global minimum = -1

Solution e)

no global maximum, global minimum = -2

Solution f)

global maximum = 1, global minimum = -1

The hyperbolic cosine (cosh(x)) and
sine functions (sinh(x)), f(x) = and
g(x) = are both important functions
in mathematics.
Examine these functions for critical
points and possible global extrema.
The functions are defined over all
real x.
Hyperbolic sin is an odd function: sinh(-x) = = -sinh(x). As x ∞, sinh(x)
approaches asymptotically. As x -∞, sinh(x) approaches - asymptotically. No
local maximum or minimum; no global maximum or minimum.

Hyperbolic cosine is an even function: cosh(-x) = = cosh(x). As x ∞, cosh(x)

approaches asymptotically. As x -∞, cosh(x) approaches asymptotically. Local
minimum at (0, 1); no global maximum. Global minimum = 0.
a) Find the roots and
critical points for the
function f(x) = xcosx in the
domain [0, 2𝜋]. Use
Newton’s method for
improving guesses, given
the fact that f’(x) = 0 close
to x = 1 and x = 3.
b) State the global
To find the roots:
Using the product rule, f’(x) = cosx - xsinx
xn+1 = xn -

Try x = 0:
xn+1 = 0 -

xn+1 = 0
⇒ x = 0 is a root.
Try x = 1.5:
xn+1 = 1.5 -

xn+1 = 1.574433819
xn+2 = xn+1 -

xn+2 = 1.574433819 -
= 1.570804695
On further iterations, this converges to 1.571 (3dp).
⇒ x = 1.571 is a root.
Try x = 5:
xn+1 = 5 -

xn+1 = 4.720710569

xn+2 = xn+1 -

xn+2 = 4.720710569 -
= 4.712403432
On further iterations, this converges to 4.712 (3dp).
⇒ x = 4.712 is a root.
Critical Points:
f’(x) = cosx – xsinx = 0
Try x = 0.85:
cos(0.85) – (0.85)sin(0.85) = 0.02139480152 > 0 so try 0.85 < x i.e., 0.95:
cos(0.95) – (0.95)sin(0.95) = -0.1910616401 < 0 so try x < 0.95, i.e., 0.90:
cos(0.90) – (0.90)sin(0.90) = -0.08338425039 < 0 so try 0.85 < x < 0.90, i.e., 0.875:
cos(0.875) – (0.875)sin(0.875) = -0.03060370629 < 0 so try 0.85 < x < 0.875, i.e., 0.8625:
cos(0.8625) – (0.8625)sin(0.8625) = -0.004503159837 ≈ 0 so there is a stationary point at x ≈ 0.8625.
f(0.8625) = 0.8625cos(0.8625) = 0.5610914614
= 0.5611 (4dp)
Stationary Point (0.8625, 0.5611)
Nature of Stationary Point:
f’’(x) = -2sinx – xcosx
f’’(0.8625) = -2sin(0.8625) – (0.8625)cos(0.8625) < 0 ⇒ maximum turning point.
Critical Points:
f’(x) = cosx – xsinx = 0
Try x = 3.2:
cos(3.2) – (3.2)sin(3.2) = -0.8114975168 < 0 so try x > 3.2, i.e., 3.3:
cos(3.3) – (3.3)sin(3.3) = -0.4669189792 < 0 so try x > 3.3, i.e., 3.4:
cos(3.4) – (3.4)sin(3.4) = -0.09795844569 < 0 so try x > 3.4, i.e., 3.5:
cos(3.5) – (3.5)sin(3.5) = 0.2912846096 > 0 so try 3.4 < x < 3.5, i.e., 3.45:
cos(3.45) – (3.45)sin(3.45) = 0.09440000425 > 0 so try 3.4 < x < 3.45, i.e., 3.425:
cos(3.425) – (3.425)sin(3.425) = -0.002379969555 ≈ 0 so there is a stationary point at x ≈ 3.425.
f(3.425) = 3.425cos(3.425) = -3.28837066
= -3.2884 (4dp)
Stationary Point (3.425, -3.2884 )
Nature of Stationary Point:
f’’(x) = -2sinx – xcosx
f’’(3.425) = -2sin(3.425) – (3.425)cos(3.425) > 0 ⇒ minimum turning point.
Check endpoints:

f(0) = 0cos0 = 0
f(2𝜋) = 2𝜋cos(2𝜋) = 2𝜋 ⇒ Endpoint maximum at (2𝜋, 2𝜋).
Global maximum = 2𝜋; global minimum = -3.29.
xn+1 = 1 + ln(1+ xn)
x1 = 1 + ln(1+2)
= 1.549306144
x2 = 1 + ln(1+ 1.549306144)
= 1.467910611
x3 = 1 + ln(1+ 1.467910611)
= 1.451685943
x4 = 1 + ln(1+ 1.451685943)
= 1.448387964
x5 = 1 + ln(1+ 1.448387964)
= 1.447714917
x6 = 1 + ln(1+ 1.447714917)
= 1.447577451
x7 = 1 + ln(1+ 1.447577451)
= 1.44754937
⇒ root is 1.45 (2dp).
a) Speed = dt
= 8t + 5t2 +
b) Distance = dt
When t = 10 seconds,
Distance =
= 2692 m (to nearest m)
The diagram shows a limaçon.
The polar equation of this curve is r = 1 + cost and the area enclosed by this curve is
given A = dt. Calculate this area.

A = dt

= dt

= [t + sint + (t + sin 2t) ]

= [ + sin +( + sin ))- (0 + sin0 +(0 + sin 0))]

= +)

= units2
Volumes of Revolution

Volume around x-axis:

Volume around y-axis:

The function f(x) = 5, has
been revolved around the
x-axis from x = -1 to x = 5
to make a cylinder.

What is the volume of

this figure?
Let y = f(x)
⇒ = 25

= [1]-[-]
= 150units3
The function f(x) = 5, has
been revolved around the
y-axis from y = -5 to x = 5
Zero!!! Since when you revolve a horizontal straight line around the y-axis, the result is a circle which has no volume!
to make a cylinder.

What is the volume of

this figure?
The function f(x) = x2, has
been revolved around the
x-axis from x = 0 to x = 3.

What is the volume of

this figure?
Let y = f(x)
y = x2
⇒ = x4

= []
= units3
The function f(x) = x2, has been
revolved around the y-axis in
the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 3.

What is the volume of this

Let y = f(x)
When x = 0, y = 0. When x = 3, y = 9:

= []
= units3
The function f(x) = x2+1, has
been revolved around the x-
axis from x = -3 to x = 4.

What is the volume of this

Let y = f(x)
y = (x2+1)
⇒ = (x2+1)2

= [ + + x]
= [( ) – ( )]
= 532 units3
Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving 360° about the x–axis the region with the given
a) f(x) = x2 + 2, 0 < x < 10
b) f(x) = , 1 < y <
c) f(x) = , 0 < x < 20
d) f(x) = sin x, 0 < x < /4

Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving 360° about the y–axis the region with the given
e) f(x) = x2 - 25, 0 < y < 10
f) f(x) = , 3 < x <
g) f(x) = , 0 < x <
h) f(x) = sin x, 0 < x < /4
a) f(x) = x2 + 2, 1 < x < 10 b) f(x) = , 1 < y <
Let y = f(x) Let y = f(x)
⇒ y2 = (x2 + 2)2 ⇒ y2 =
When y = 1, x = 0 and when y = , x = 2.
Use reverse chain rule: =
V=[ ] V=[ ]
= [ ]- [ ]
=[ ]-[ ]
= units3
= units3 (2dp)
c) f(x) = , 0 < x < 20 d) f(x) = sin x, 0 < x < /4 Let y = f(x)
Let y = f(x) ⇒ y2 =
⇒ y2 =
= =
Use the standard integral: =
V = [] = [x - sin2x ]
= = [()-()]
= 2.311 units3 (3dp) = ()
= () units3
f) f(x) = , < x <
e) f(x) = x2 - 25, 0 < y < 10
Let y = f(x) Let y = f(x)
⇒ x2 = ⇒ x2 =
When x = , y = and when x = , y =
= V=
=[ ] V=[ ]
= [()-()]
=[ ]-[ ]
= units3
= [77.25029908]-[31.03861581]
= 46.21 units3 (2dp)
g) f(x) = , 0 < x < Use integration by parts again:
Let y = f(x) u = , u’ =, v’ = 1, v =

⇒ x2 = =
When x = 0, y = 1 and when x = 3 , y = =y+C

= [y ]
V= = [(]
Use integration by parts: = (2) units3
u =, u’ = , v’ = 1, v = y

=y 2
h) f(x) = sin x, 0 < x < /4 Use integration by parts again:
u = , u’ =, v’ = , For v, use the substitution t =
Let y = f(x)
= -2y
⇒ x2 = (2 dt = -2y dy
When x = 0, y = 0 and when x = /4 , y = ⇒v=
= =
Use integration by parts:
u = , u’ = v’ = 1, v = y
= +y+C
=y- ⇒
= = [y y ]
= [( )-(0) ]
= units3
NOT to scale.

Annulus Volume of
Revolution 13 𝑚𝑚

24 𝑚𝑚

The figure shows a segment of a circle. The chord is parallel to the x-axis.

Calculate the volume of the annulus created by revolving the segment 360 ⁰ about the -axis.
Considering the volume of the elemental “disk ring” of
width we have:

Utilising symmetry and simplifying we can change the

limits such that:

Noting that:

and substituting for gives:

Noting that:

and substituting for this simplifies to give:

Integrating gives:

 2 x 

Substituting the limits into the expression yields:

V  2  w x  
 3 0
Volume of sphere = 𝜋r3
Ratio of cap volume
= 𝜋(9) 3
to sphere volume
= 972 𝜋 cm3.
R = radius:
Let y = =
y2 =

Cap Volume:
6 9 x
[(81(9) - )-(81(6) - )]
= 72 𝜋 cm3
Properties of
Make sketches of the following polynomial functions. Leave
coordinates in surd form if necessary.
a) f(x) = x4 – 4x2
b) f(x) = x3 – 9x2
c) f(x) = x3 – 12x – 16
d) f(x) = (x-9)(x-1)(x-6)
e) f(x) = (x-1)(x-4)2
Using the quotient rule,
f’(x) = = 0 at a stationary point ⇒
x(x+6) = 0
⇒ x = -6, 0.
f(0) = 0 ⇒ (0,0) is a stationary point.
f(-6) = -12 ⇒ (-6,-12) is a stationary point.
Using the quotient rule again,
f’’(x) =
f’’(0) > 0 ⇒ minimum turning point.
f’’(-6) < 0 ⇒ maximum turning point.
Since x ≠ -3 on the function, x = -3 is a vertical
By polynomial long division: x – 3 +
An oblique asymptote with equation y = x – 3.
Explore the asymptotes of f(x) = , and sketch the function.

Let denominator of x + 1 = 0 ⇒ x = -1 is a vertical asymptote.

f(x) = 2x -1 - , by polynomial long division.

As x ∞, y 2x -1 – 0, so y = 2x -1 is an oblique asymptote.
As x ∞ -, y 2x -1 – 0-, so to left, f(x) approaches the asymptote from above.
As x ∞+, y 2x -1 – 0+, so to right, f(x) approaches the asymptote from below.
x = -1

y = 2x -1

-1.5 -1 1


The curve cuts the y-axis when x = 0, (0, -3); cuts the x-axis when y = 0, (1, 0) and (-1.5, 0);
and has stationary points when f’(x) = 0: no SPs.
Show that f(x) = starts behaving like f(x) = x 2 as x ∞, and sketch the function.

Let denominator of x - 1 = 0 ⇒ x = 1 is a vertical asymptote.

f(x) = x2 + , by polynomial long division.
As x ∞, y x2 + 0, so y = x2 is a parabolic asymptote.
As x ∞ -, y x2 + 0-, so to left, f(x) approaches the asymptote from below.

As x ∞+, y x2 + 0+, so to right, f(x) approaches the asymptote from above.


y = x2

(1.57, 4.22)

-0.75 (2 d.p.) 1

The curve cuts the y-axis when x = 0, (0, -1); cuts the x-axis when y = 0, (-0.75, 0);
and has stationary points when f’(x) = 0: (1.57, 4.22) is a minimum SP.
All coordinates to 2 decimal places when rounded.
a) f(0) = a =
b)i) x = 2
ii) Polynomial long division gives 2x + 1 + .
Equation of oblique asymptote is y = 2x + 1.
c) Using the quotient rule, f’(x) = = 0 at stationary point.
⇒ =0
= (x-3)(x2 – 3x +3)
⇒ x = 3 is a root.
f(3) = 8.
(3, 8) is the stationary point.
Using the quotient rule again, f’’(x) =
f’’(3) > 0 so (3, 8) is a minimum turning point.
d) f(-2) < 0
f(0) > 0
⇒ due to the change in sign, a root must lie -2 < x < 0.
A. Is the function f(x) = , odd, even or neither?
f(-x) = = = -f(x)
Since -f(x) = f(-x), the function is odd and is symmetrical about the origin.
B. Is the function f(x) = ex – e-x , odd, even or neither?
f(-x) = e-x – ex = -f(x)
Since -f(x) = f(-x), the function is odd and is symmetrical about the origin.
C. Is the function f(x) = ex + e-x , odd, even or neither?
f(-x) = e-x + ex = f(x)
Since f(x) = f(-x), the function is even and is symmetrical about the y-axis.
D. Is the function f(x) = cos(x), odd, even or neither?
f(-x) = cos(-x) = f(x)
Since f(x) = f(-x), the function is even and is symmetrical about the y-axis.
E. Is the function f(x) = , odd, even or neither?
f(-x) = = f(x)
Since f(x) = f(-x), the function is even and is symmetrical about the y-axis.
F. Is the function f(x) = ln(x), odd, even or neither?
f(-x) = ln(-x) ≠ f(x), and f(-x) ≠ -f(x)
Therefore, the function is neither even nor odd.
f(-x) = (-x)2cos(-x) + (-x)3
= x2cosx – x3

Since this is not equal to f(x) nor to –f(x), the

function is neither even nor odd.
Here is a diagram showing the graph
of a linear function, y = f(x)

The vertical bars indicate that a modulus function is

required in each case i.e. turn any negative y-
coordinates that are the result of the transformation of
f(x) and make them positive instead.
a) The coordinate (0, -c) became (0, ) i.e. (0, 2c) b) The coordinate (0, -c) became (0, ) i.e. (0, 2c)
The coordinate (c, 0) became (c, ) i.e. (c, -c). The coordinate (c, 0) became (0, ) i.e. (c, 0)
This shows that the effect of the transformation is
to shift the function to the right by c.
The new x-axis intercept is therefore (2c, 0).

Draw the graph of

Draw the graph of
y=f(x)-c, and then
y=2f(x), and then reflect
reflect the section of
the section of the graph
the graph that lies
that lies below the x-
below the x-axis in the
axis in the x-axis.

In each case, the resultant functions are

symmetrical, v-shaped graphs that have no
coordinates with negative y-values.
Draw the graph of y= sinx
for 0<x<2𝜋. Reflect it in
the x-axis the portion of
the graph where y is
negative so as to produce
the graph of y =|sin x|.
Describe how the function f(x) = x3, can be mapped onto f(x) =

1) A reflection through the x-axis.

2) A stretch by 4 in the x-direction
3) A shift in the x plane by 5 units to the left, alternatively
written as a reflection through x = -5.
4) A shift in the y plane by 10 units up.
5) A reflection through y = x.
6)A reflection of y = f(x) when y < 0, through the x-axis.
7)A reflection of y = f(x) when x > 0, through the y-axis.

Now for the graph:

Systems of
For each of the following systems of equations:

A) solve it for its unique solution

or B) declare one of the equations redundant and give the solution in the form (x, ax+b) where a and b are constants

or C) declare the system inconsistent and that there are no solutions.

A) B) C)
2x + y = 6 2x + 3y = 9 4x + y = 3
x + 2y = 9 10x + 6y = 16 8x + 2y = 6
Solutions are: x = 1, y = 4 Solutions are: x = , y = 3 No solutions since one of the
equations is redundant.
D) E) F)
4x + 2y = 5 x -3y = 2 3x + 2y = 4
2x + y = 3 6y – 2x = 1 2x + 5y = #’#

The equations are inconsistent. Solutions are: x = , y = Solutions are: x = , y = -1

G) H)
6x = 2y – 4 3x – 2y = 1
y = 2-3x 6x – 4y = 3

Solutions are: x = , y = 2 The equations are inconsistent.

Comment on the geometric interpretation of:


A)Redundancy would be equations relating to the same line.

B)Inconsistency would be equations representing parallel lines
( )
1 −1 2 5
1 2 −1 −6
2 −3 𝑘 0

( )
1 −1 2 5
0 3 − 3 −11 New Row 2 = Previous Row 2 - Row 1
0 − 1 𝑘 −4 − 10 New Row 3 = Previous Row 3 – ( x Row 1)

( )
1 −1 2 5
0 3 −3 − 11
0 0 3 𝑘 −15 − 41 New Row 3 = 3(Previous Row 3 + (a third of latest Row 2))

If there is inconsistency, = 0 ⇒ k = 5,
and there would be no solutions.
( )
1 2 1 60
2 3 1 85
3 1 𝑝 105

( )
1 2 1 60
0 − 1 −1 −35 New Row 2 = Previous Row 2 - x Row 1
0 − 5 𝑝 −3 −75 New Row 3 = Previous Row 3 – ( x Row 1)

( )
1 0 −1 −10 New Row 1 = Previous Row 1 + x Last Row 2
0 1 1 35 New Row 2 = (-1) x Last Row 2
0 0 𝑝+2 100 New Row 3 = Previous Row 3 + 5(Latest Row 2)

If there is inconsistency, p + 2 = 0 ⇒ p = -2,

and there would be no solutions.
By considering small changes to the values
on the RHS of the following equations,
decide whether each of the systems is ill-
A) B)
9x – 19y = 91
8x + 13y = 18
8x – 9y = 82
3x + 5y = 7
Solutions are: x = -1, y = 2 Solutions are: x = -1, y = -10

Changing RHS to: 17, 8 gives: Changing RHS to: 85, 81 gives:
x = -19, and y = 13. x = -45, and y = -49.

The matrix is therefore ill-conditioned. The matrix is therefore ill-conditioned.

C) D)
9x + 8y = 1
8x + 13y = 18
8x + 7y = 1
3x + 5y = 7
Solutions are: x = 1, y = -1
Solutions are: x = -1, y = 2
Changing RHS to: 1.5, 2.5 gives:
Changing RHS to: 17, 8 gives:
x = 9.5, and y = -10.5.
x = -19, and y = 13.
The matrix is therefore ill-conditioned.
The matrix is therefore ill-conditioned.
E) F)
5x – 3y – z = -12
2x + 9y = 17
2x + y + 2z = 7
3x – 5y = 7 4x + y + 7z = 0
Solutions are: x = 4, y = 1
Solutions are: x = , y = and z =
Changing RHS to: 16, 8 gives: Changing RHS to: -12.5, 8m 0.5 gives:
x = 4.1081, and y = 56. x = 2.1, y = 8.5, y = -2.3 (1dp)
The matrix is therefore not ill-conditioned.
The matrix is therefore not ill-conditioned.
x + y + z = 19
3x + 16y + z = 95
2x + 9y + z = 59

Solutions are: x = 8, y = 4 and z = 7.

Changing RHS to: 17, 90, 62 gives:
x = -91, y = 17 and z = 91.
The matrix is therefore ill-conditioned.
Explore the augmented matrix below where the LHS is a 4x4 symmetric matrix called Wilson’s Matrix.

A) Change just one of the entries in the RHS column and note the resulting change in the solution of the related system of equations.
Examine different RHS columns.

B) Find the determinant of the matrix.

( )
10 7 8 7 1
7 5 6 5 1
8 6 10 9 1
7 5 9 8 1

A) Solution 0, 0, 1, -1. Using 2, 1, 1, 1, instead gives 1, -1, -1, 1.

B) Determinant = 1
Each of the following measurements has been rounded.


i) The range of possible values the measurement can take

ii) The absolute error
iii) The percentage error
A) x = 1.2
C) z = 46
i) 1.15 ≤ x < 1.25 i) 45.5 ≤ z < 46.5
ii) z = 46 ∓ 0.5
ii) x = 1.2 ∓ 0.05
iii) % error = () x 100 = 1.1 % (1dp)
iii) % error = () x 100 = 4.2 % (1dp)
B) y = 25 D) c = 0.36
i) 24.5 ≤ y < 25.5 i) 0.355 ≤ c < 0.365
ii) c = 0.36 ∓ 0.005
ii) y = 25 ∓ 0.5 iii) % error = () x 100 = 13.9 % (1dp)
iii) % error = () x 100 = 2 %

D) d = 0.03
i) 0.025 ≤ d < 0.035
ii) c = 0.03 ∓ 0.005
iii) % error = () x 100 = 16.7 % (1dp)
Use Gaussian elimination to show that the system of linear equations:
x + 2y + 3z = 3
-x – y + z = 6
-3x + 5y + 5z = ɑ
has no solutions when ɑ ≠ 0. Find all the solutions of the system when ɑ = 0.
Carry out elementary row operations on the following augmented matrix:

( )
1 2 3 3
−1 −1 1 6
−3 5 5 𝑎
( )
1 2 3 3
0 1 4 9 New Row 2 = Previous Row 2 + Row
−3 5 5 𝑎 1

( )
1 2 3 3
0 1 4 9
0 11 14 9+ 𝑎 New Row 3 = Previous Row 3 + 3 x Row 1

( )
1 0 −5 − 15 New Row 1 = Previous Row 1 – 2 x Row 2
0 1 4 9
0 11 14 9+ 𝑎

( )
1 0 −5 − 15
0 1 4 9
0 0 − 30 𝑎 − 90 New Row 3 = Previous Row 3 – 11 x Row 2
( )
𝑎 New Row 1 = Previous Row 1 - x Row 3
1 0 0 −
0 1 4 9
0 0 − 30 𝑎 − 90

( )
1 0 0 −
2𝑎 New Row 2 = Previous Row 2 + x Row 3
0 1 0 −3
0 0 − 30 𝑎 − 90

( )
1 0 0 −
0 1 0 −3
𝑎 New Row 3 = x Previous Row 3
0 0 1 3−
( )
1 0 0 −
2𝑎 The left hand side of the matrix has been reduced
0 1 0 −3
15 to the 3x3 identity matrix.
0 0 1 3−



Since x, y and z are all in terms of a, there are no solutions when a ≠ 0. When a = 0:
Use Gaussian
elimination to
solve the
following system
of linear
( )
3 −1 −1 −11
1 −1 1 −9
1 2 −2 9

( )
−1 −1 −1 1
1 New Row 1 = A third of previous Row 1
3 3 3
−2 4 −16 New Row 2 = Previous Row 2 – latest Row 1
3 3 3
0 3 −3 18 New Row 3 = Previous Row 3 – previous Row 2

( )
1 0 −1 −1 New Row 1 = previous Row 1 – a half of previous row
0 1 −2 8 2 New Row 2 = ()Previous Row 2
0 0 3 −6 New Row 3 = Previous Row 3 – (3 x latest Row 2)
3z = ⇒ z = -2
y -2z = 8 ⇒ y = 4
x -z = -1 ⇒ x = -3

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