Unit 4: Constructors and Destructors

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Unit 4

Constructors and Destructors

Introductions to Constructors
 When a variable is declared and if it is not initialized, it contains
the garbage value.
 The programmer needs to initialize variables with appropriate
 This can be done through the public member functions.
 In the first step the object is created and in the second step the
data members are initialized through public member functions.
 It could be better if the initialization is done at the time the
object is created or declared.
 This can avoid calling the public member function to initialize
the data members. This initialization is possible with
 The constructor is a special member function of
a class that is executed whenever an object is
 A constructor will have same name as the class
and it does not have any return type at all, not
even void. Constructors can be very useful for
initializing the data members.
class A
A() //constructor name is same as class name
//body of the constructor
Characteristics of constructors

 Constructors have same name as the class name.

 Constructors are executed whenever an object is created or
 Constructors have neither return type, nor void.
 The main function of the constructor is to initialize the data
 Constructors can have default values and can be overloaded.
 The constructor without arguments is called "Default
 The constructor with arguments is called "Parameterized
 The destructors are also special member functions.
They will also have the same name as class name,
but proceeded by ~ (tilde) operator. The destructors
are opposite to the constructors.
 The constructors are used to initialize the data
members and destructors are used to destroy the
objects whenever they are no longer needed.
class A
A() //constructor name is same as class name
//body of the constructor
~A() //destructor name same as the class name
//body of the destructor
};//end of the class
Characteristics of Destructors

 Destructors have the same name as that of the

class name, but proceeded by ~ (tilde) operator.
 Similar to constructor, the destructors do not
have return type, or void.
 Destructors neither have default arguments, nor
 Constructor and destructor make implicit calls to
the new and delete operators respectively.
 Only one destructor can be defined for the class.
Applications with Constructors

 The initialization of the data members is carried out

using the constructors.
 The constructor also allocates the memory to the
 When an object is declared or created it's data
members are automatically initialized to the given
 The compiler automatically calls the constructors.
 The constructor is called with each object
 Write a C++ program to define a constructor
and initialize the class data members with
some constants.

 Write a C++ program to show that each object

calls the constructor separately.
Constructors with Arguments
(Parameterized Constructors)

 A default constructor does not have any

 It is also possible to create constructor with
arguments, such constructors are called
"parameterized constructors".
 This helps you to assign initial value to an object
at the time of its creation.
There are two ways to call the constructors:
1. Implicit calling
class_name object_name(actual arguments);

2. Explicit calling
class_name object_name=constructor(actual
Overloading Constructors
 Similar to the function, it is also possible to
overload the constructors.
 A class can contain more than one constructors,
as long as the argument list is different.
 This is known as "constructor overloading". All
constructors are defined with same name as the
class name.
 Depending upon on the number of arguments the
compiler executes appropriate constructor.
Write a C++ program with multiple constructors for the
single class?
class cse
int b,g;
cse() //constructor
cse(int x,int y) //constructor
cse(int x) //constructor

void display()
cout<<"The Boys are:"<<b<<endl;
cout<<"The Girls are:"<<g<<endl;
int main()
cse ca,cb(15,45),cc(30); //calling different constructors
cout<<"------ First Object:-----"<<endl;
cout<<"-------Second Oject:------"<<endl;
cout<<"-------Third Object:------"<<endl;
return 0;
Array of Objects Using Constructors

 An array is a collection of elements of similar

data types.
 We can also create an array of objects. The array
elements are stored in contiguous memory
 An array of objects is an important data structure
when data is itself an object.
Constructors with Default arguments

 Similar to functions, it is also possible to declare

constructors with default arguments.
 When the constructor is called with less or
without arguments then the default arguments are
used to initialize the data members.
Write a C++ program to demonstrate constructor
with default argument?

 #include<iostream.h>
 #include<conio.h>
 #include<math.h>
 class power
 {
 int num,pr,ans;
 public:
 power(int n=5,int p=3) //default arguments
 {
 num=n;
 pr=p;
 ans=pow(num,pr);
 }
 void display()
 {
 cout<<num<<" power "<<pr<<" is "<<ans<<endl;
 }
 };
 int main()
 {
 power p1,p2(2),p3(3,3); //calling constructor
 clrscr();
 p1.display();
 p2.display();
 p3.display();
 getch();
 return 0;
 }
Copy Constructors

 Copy Constructors are used to initialize object of a

class with object of the same class.
 The constructor can take any argument including the
user defined data type.
 It is possible to pass the reference (&) of the object
as argument.
 Such declarations are called " Copy Constructor".
 There are two ways to copy the object with another
› 1) Implicit copy 2) Explicit copy.
 Implicit copy:
 The constructor takes the object as
 Syntax: class_name object( object);
 Explicit copy:
 The constructor is copied with another
 Syntax: class object1=object2;

The Const Objects
 Previously we discussed about const member function which
are not allowed to change the data members.
 In same way we can also make the object constant by the
keyword "const". In this case only the constructor can
initialize the data members of the object.

 Characteristics:
› The data members of the const object will be read-only, any effort
to alter the data members will cause to generate an error.
› The data members of the const object are also called "read-only"
data members.
› The const object can access const member functions only.

Calling Constructors and Destructors

 The compiler will automatically calls the

constructors and destructors. We can also call the
constructors and destructors as the normal user-
defined function.
 We use the scope resolution operator to call the
constructor manually.
 Syntax:
 object_name.member_name::constructor();
 object_name.member_name::~destructor();
Qualifier and Nested Classes

 The class declaration can also be done inside

another class.
 While declaring the objects of such classes it is
necessary to precede outer class.
 The inner class is called "nested class".
 The outer class is called "qualifier class".
 The use of nested classes will enhance the power
of data abstraction and helps to construct more
powerful data structures.
Anonymous Objects

 Generally objects are created with names. It is

possible to create objects without names.
 Such objects are called "anonymous objects".
 The anonymous objects are exist, but are hidden.
Using the "this" operator we get the address of
the anonymous object.
Private Constructors & Destructors

 As the member functions are declared under the private

section, it is also possible to declare the constructors
and destructor as private.
 These private constructors and destructors are accessed
using the public member functions of the same class.
 When the constructors and destructors are private, they
cannot be executed implicitly, they can be called
explicitly using the "this" operator.
 Every member holds the "this" pointer that points to the
calling object.
 #include<iostream.h>
 #include<conio.h>
 class A
 {
 private:
 int x;
 A()
 {
 x=10;
 }
 ~A()
 {
 cout<<" Object is destroyed:"<<endl;
 }

 public: void display()
 {
 this->A::A(); //calling constructor
 cout<<"The value of x is:"<<x<<endl;
 this->A::~A(); //calling destructor
 }

 };
 int main()
 {
 clrscr();
 A *a;
 a->display();
 getch();
 return 0;
 }
Dynamic Initialization using Constructors

 Initializing the data members at the time of

program execution using the pointer is called
"dynamic initialization".
 The benefit of this approach is that it allows
different modes of the initialization using the
constructor overloading.
 The pointer variables are used as arguments for
the constructors.
 #include<iostream.h>
 #include<conio.h>

 class cse
 {
 private:
 int b,g;
 public: cse(int *x)
 {
 b=g=*x;
 }
 cse(int *x, int *y)
 {
 b=*x;
 g=*y;
 }
 void display()
 {
 cout<<"The Boys are:"<<b<<endl;
 cout<<"The girls are:"<<g<endl;
 }
 };
 int main()
 {
 int x,y;
 clrscr();
 cout<<"enter the data:";
 cin>>x>>y;
 cse a(&x);

 cse b(&x,&y);
 a.display();
 cout<<"\n===================";
 b.display();

 getch();
 return 0;
 }
Dynamic Operators and Constructors

 When constructors and destructors are executed,

they will use internally new and delete operators.
 Dynamic construction means allocation of
memory by the constructor for the objects.
 Dynamic destruction means releasing the
memory using the destructor.
Write a C++ program to demonstrate the Dynamic
Operator and constructors and

 #include<iostream.h>
 #include<conio.h>
 class num
 {
 int *x;
 int s;
 public:
 num()
 {
 s=number();
 x=new int[s]; //dynamic allocation
 }
 ~num()
 {
 cout<<"\nX is deleted:";
 delete x;
 }

 void input()
 {
 cout<<"Enter the data:";
 for(int i=0;i<s;i++)
 {
 cin>>x[i];
 }
 }
 int number()
 {
 int n;
 cout<<"Enter number of elements:";
 cin>>n;
 return n;
 }
 void sum()
 {
 int tot=0;

 for(int i=0;i<s;i++)
 {
 tot=tot+x[i];
 }
 cout<<"The sum of all elements:"<<tot;
 }
 };
 int main()
 {
 clrscr();
 num n1;
 n1.input();
 n1.sum();
 getch();
 return 0;
 }
Recursive Constructor

 Similar to the normal and member functions, the

constructors also support recursion.
 The process of calling the constructor by itself
repeatedly until some condition is satisfied is
called "recursive constructor". The following
example explains this.
Show output
 Note: A triangular number or triangle
number counts the objects that can form an
equilateral triangle, as in the diagram on the
Constructor and Destructor with Static

 We can also declare static data members inside

the class.
 When we declare static data members only one
copy is created, all the objects will share the
same copy.
 Static data members are used to know the number
of objects created with that class.
Local Vs. Global Object

 The object declared outside all the function

bodies is known as "global object".
 All the functions can access the global object.
 The object declared inside the function is called
"local object".
 The scope of the local object is limited to its
current block.
 When local and global objects are declared with
the same name then the scope resolution operator
is used(::) to access the global object in the
current scope.
 #include<iostream.h>
 #include<conio.h>
 class text
 {
 public:
 void disp(char *c)
 {
 cout<<c<<endl;
 }
 };
 text t; //global object
 void main()
 {
 clrscr();
 text t; //Local Object
 ::t.disp("global object accessing");
 t.disp("local object accessing");
 getch();
 }
Part-II of 4th unit
Operator Overloading and Type
 The capability to relate the existing operator with
a member function and use the resulting operator
with object of its class as its operand is called
Operator Overloading.
 Operator overloading is one of the important and useful feature of
 The concept of operator overloading is somewhat similar to function
overloading in which multiple functions use same name.
 A symbol that is used to perform an operation is called an Operator.
It is used to perform an operation along with constants and variables.
 We cannot build an expression without operator.
 Operator overloading is one of most valuable concept introduced by
C++ language.
 It is a type of polymorphism.
 C++ has number of data types such as int, float, double, char etc and
number of operators such as +,-,*,/,% etc. Operator overloading
helps to use these operator along with object of class.
 The objects can be used as normal variable in the expressions.

 Example: a=c+d; where a, c and d are objects.
The "operator" keyword

 The keyword operator defines new action or operation to

the operator.
 The compiler cannot perform addition of two objects.
 Then the compiler may throw an error if addition of two
objects is carried out.
 The compiler must be made aware of addition process of
two objects.
 When an expression with object is encountered, the
compiler searches for the definition of operator, in which
code is written to perform an operation with two objects.
 This definition is written as follow:
 Syntax:
 return_type operator operator_symbol( parameters)
 {
 statement1;
 statement2;
 }
 Example:
 number operator +(number D)
 {
 number T;
 T.x=x+D.x;
 T.y=y+D.y;
 return T;
 }
 Show output
Overloading unary operators
 Providing an explicit argument to the operator
function is called unary operator overloading.
 The operators ++, --, and are unary operators.
 The unary ++ and- – are used as prefix and suffix
with function.
 Example 16b.cpp show output
Operator return type
 The way how a function can return a value the
operator overloading also can return a value and
the same value can be assigned to other object
 The type of the function should be the type of the
 Show output retobj.cpp
 #include<iostream.h>
 #include<conio.h>
 class plusplus
 {
 int n;
 public:
 plusplus()
 {
 n=0;
 }
 plusplus operator++()
 {
 plusplus p;
 p.n=n+1;
 return p;
 }
 int getnum()
 {
 return n;
 }
 };
 int main()
 {
 plusplus p1,p2;
 p1=++p2; //assigning p2 to p1
 cout<<"The value of p2 is:"<<p2.getnum()<<endl;
 cout<<"The value of p1 is:"<<p1.getnum();
 getch();
 return 0;
 }
Constraint on Increment and Decrement

 There exist no difference between prefix and

postfix overloaded operator functions.
 The result will be same even if we use postfix or
prefix operator in the operator overloading.
 To make some distinction between postfix and
prefix notation a new syntax is used as follow:
 syntax:
 operator ++(int) // post fix notation
 operator ++() // prefix notation
Overloading Binary Operators

 Binary operator requires two arguments or operands. These can be

overloaded using member function or friend function.
 Overloading using member function
 Syntax:
 return_type operator + (obj1,obj2)
 {
 obj3=obj1+obj2;
 }
 Overloading using the friend function
 Friend functions can be used alternatively with member functions for
overloading of binary operators. The friend function requires two
operands as arguments. Friend functions are useful when we perform
operations with different arguments.
Overloading with Friend Function

 Friend functions are more useful in operator

 They offer better flexibility than member functions.
 The difference between member function and friend
function is that the member function takes the
operands explicitly. On the other hand, the operands
are passed to the friend function explicitly.
 The keyword "friend" precedes the function
 Syntax:
 friend return_type operator
operator_sybmol (var1, var2)
 {
 statement1;
 statement2;
 }
 Example program mul.cpp
Write a C++ program to multiply an integer and
object using the friend function?
Overloading Assignment(=) Operator

 You can overload the assignment operator (=) just as you can
other operators and it can be used to create an object just like
the copy constructor.
 The assignment operator can be overloaded in two ways:
› Implicit overloading
 implic.cpp example program
 Syntax: n2=n1;
› Explicit overloading
 Explic.cpp
 Syntax n2.operator=(n1);
Type Conversion

 We know that, when constants and variables of different types

are clubbed in a single expression, automatic type conversion
takes place. This is done only for basic data types. The
compiler is unknown about conversion from user defined data
type to other data type. The programmer should write the
routine that convert basic data type to user-defined data or
vice versa. There are three possibilities of data conversion as
given bellow:
› Conversion from Basic to Class type ( B-To-C)
› Conversion from Class to Basic Type (C –To-B)
› Conversion from Class to another Class Type( C-To-C)
Conversion from Class to Basic Type (C –To-B)

 During this conversion, the statement should

satisfy the following conditions.
› The conversion function should not have any
› Do not mention return type.
› It should be a class member function.
Conversion from Class to another Class
Type( C-To-C)

 When an object of one class is assigned to object of another class,

it is necessary to give clear-cut instructions to the compiler how to
make the conversion between two user-defined data types.
 There are two ways to convert object of one type to another.
 One way is, to define a conversion operator function in source
class or a one-argument constructor in the destination.
 For example:
 X=A, Here X is an object of type XYZ and A is an object of ABC.
The class ABC Data type is converted to class XYZ. The ABC
class is called "Source" and The XYZ is called "Destination".
 We know the operator function operator data_type(). Here data
type can be basic or user-defined data type.
Rules for Overloading Operators

 We cannot change the basic idea of an operator

 number of operands an operator expects
 precedence and associatively of operators
 or use default arguments with operators
 We should not change the natural meaning
 The meaning of the operato (+ does not mean subtraction!)
 The nature of the operator (3+4 == 4+3
 The data types and residual value expected
 Whether it is an rvalued or lvalued resul
 Provide consistent definitions (if + is overloaded, then +=
should also be)
 The overloaded operator should contain one
operand of user-defined data type
 The overloaded operators have the same
syntax as the original operator.
 There is no higher limit for the number to the
number of overloading for any operator.
 Operator overloading is applicable within the
scope in which overloading occurs.
 Only existing operator can be overloaded.
 Some operators cannot be overloaded as bellow:
 :: scope resolution operator
 . direct member access operator
 .* direct pointer to member access operator
 ?: conditional operator
 sizeof size of object operator
 Operators that must be overloaded as members:
 = assignment operator
 [] subscript operator
 () function call operator
 -> indirect member access operator
 ->* indirect pointer to member access operator

One Argument Constructor and Operator

 A large range of classes are available in the class libraries

with compiler.
 When the programmer makes an attempt to convert the
built-in class data type to the user defined data type then
errors are generated.
 To avoid this problem the programmer must define the
routines that can perform this conversion.
 These routines are coded in the form of one argument
constructor and operator function.
 As we have already discussed the conversion types, such
as class to basic, basic to class and class to class are used.
Overloading Stream Operators

 The predefined objects cin and cout are used to

perform various input/output operations in C++.
 The extraction operator (>>) is used with cin
object to carryout input operations.
 The insertion operator (<<) is used with cout
object to carry out output operations.
 It is possible to overload both these extraction
and insertion operators with friend function.

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