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Signal Words

Cause - Effect
Common Signal Words

Because Because of
(karena) (karena)

Due to Thanks to
(disebabkan) (berkat)
Because (subordinate conjunction)

Because is a subordinate conjunction which is used at the beginning

of a clause before the subject and the verb.

The rule of using “because” must be followed by a main clause.

(because + clause) is not independent and cannot stand alone.
• We were bored because the speech is too long.
• I'm not happy because the film is not so good.
• He decided to stay at office because the weather was bad.
• Because the weather was bad, he decided to stay at office.
• Sinta makes a cake because her mother wants it.
• Because her mother wants it, Sinta makes a cake.
• Lisa is a smart girl because she is not lazy to study.
• She was sleepy because the melody is very slowly.
• George was dissappointed because the result of exam was so bad.
• Because the rain is heavy, she decided to bring umbrella to go to the
Because of (preposition)
Because of adalah preposisi kata atau two-word conjunction, digunakan
sebelum kata benda atau kata ganti.

Because of memiliki makna by reason of, yang kemudian dalam

penulisannya diikuti dengan object yang berupa noun atau phrase,
pronoun, atau verb-ing.
• We were bored because of the speech.
• John was worried because of the rain.
• The sea water level increased as the heavy rain poured since last night
and also, because of the climate change.
• He looks terrible and tired since he’s up all night because of the test.
• Why are you upset? Don’t you see? We are all here doing this because of
• It’s all because of me, he lost everything.
• We should reflect on what we did all this time. I think he dropped out
because of us.
Due to (adjective)
• It can only modify pronouns and nouns.
Due to
• Due to John’s laziness, he did not pass the English test.
• This stomachache is due to unhealthy food.
• Due to heavy traffic, my father did not return home.
• Her father anger was due to her failure.
• I missed the class due to the rain.
• Due to the cold weather, I stayed home.
• The car accident was due to her carelessness.
Thanks to (someone or something)
• It is an adverbial phrase and it can’t work before the conjunction ‘or’
which is a sign of compound sentence.

• The content should be “something nice is done”

Thanks to
• Thanks to you, I can be on time.
• Thanks to the rain, we don’t have to pour the flowers.
• Thanks to Marry, we have tickets to the game.
• Thanks to cooperative work of the neighborhood, the environment is
very clean and healthy.
• Thanks to the last rain, the wells in our neighborhood get the water.
1. I was afraid to tell my mother ….. my test score is so bad.
2. …. you, I never feel like I was alone anymore.
3. You know, you are our strength. And we stand here today, play the
game we used to play, get the champ it’s all …. you.
4. …. the test is so hard, I almost give up.
5. The flood is coming to town … the rain.
6. I thought if it’s all happened …. me, but really I didn’t mean to cause
any harm. …. I only want them to be happy.
7. The news is surprising for all of us. He’s been the kindest man and ….
him, we can live comfortably.
8. It’s been a while since we met, …. I have moved out of town since
last year.
9. My brother needs to leave our family to war …. his duty as an army.
10. I bring an umbrella …. I think it will rain today.
11. He asked me to count him into our party …. he did really want to
12. I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight …. the horror movie I
watched earlier.
13. I can stand here, travel from one country to another is all …. my
14. I will wear my jacket …. the weather is so cold.
15. I don’t think Maria will come to the party …. her parents are so
16. I’m afraid to be home alone …. the ghost story I’ve heard before.

17. I don’t think they’ll be able to arrive by today …. the storm.

18. I hope you remember that one day when you get everything you want, it
was all …. me.

19. I only cook …. he wants me to.

20. My life has changed, and it is …. You.

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