Translation About Daun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin

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Daun yang jatuh tidak pernah membenci angin

Falling leaves never hate the wind

Page number 55-58
Safhina Rafa’ 2201420021
Page 55
Jadwal pesawat pulang dia dan adikku ke
Jakarta pukul 16.00 besok sore. Jadi sepagian
kami masih punya waktu. Aku mengajaknya jalan-
jalan di Kampus Nacional University of
Singapore (NUS).

= His return date flight schedule and my brother in

Jakarta at 4 PM. So, around all morning we still
have a time. I invite him for a walk at the National
University of Singapore campus (NUS).

"Mending ke mana giru. Ngapain jalan-jalan ke

kampus? Kayak nggak pernah aja. Kak Tania
dari semalam aneh mulu pilihan j alan-j
alannya, “ Dede protes sepanj ang j alan.

It’s better in any places. For what walk in the

Campus? Look like we never do it, Sister Tania
from all around night your choice when walk off
Page 55 sentence 3-4
Aku cuek tidak memperhatikan Dede.
= I ignorance, not pay attention to Dede.

Kami berjalan dan duduk-duduk menghabiskan

waktu di sepanjang taman. Melihat serombongan
mahasiswa bertampang China-Melayu yang
sedang bermain American football di lapangan.
Tubuh mereka terlalu ringkih untuk saling

= We walk off and sat around garden and

spending our time. Seeing a group of students
with Chinese-Malay looking was playing
American football in the field. Their bodies were
too weak for each other collide.
Page 55 sentence 5-6
Saat lewat lapangan basket, dia menyempatkan diri
bergabung bermain bersama mahasiswa, Aku rak
pernah tahu dia jago main basket. Sekitar lima belas
menit dia bergabung dengan mahasiswa-mahasiswa
itu. Menggulung baju lengan panjangnya. Ikut
mendribel bola, tangkas dan cepat. Melakukan tiga
kali shooting yang sempurna. Aku berteriak

= When passing by the basketball court, he took the time to

join in playing with the students, I never knew he was good
at playing basketball. About fifteen minutes he joined the
students. Roll up long sleeves. Participate in dribbling the
ball, agile, and fast. Made three perfect shots. I shouted
encouraging him.

Beberapa mahasiswi yang ikut menonton memakai

seragam cheerleaders juga genit berteriak. Dan
tibatiba aku kehilangan selera untuk bertepuk tangan

= Some of female students who come to watch

wear a cheerleaders costume also girlish
shouting. And, suddenly I’m lost appetite for
clapping again.
Page 55 sentence 7-8
Dia keluar dari lapangan dengan pakaian berkeringat.
Aku menyodorkan saputanganku (kebiasaan yang aku
contoh darinya, selalu membawa saputangan;
saputangan putih). Dia menatapku lembut dan bilang
terima kasih. "Kayaknya kita bisa bikin lapangan basket di
halaman samping rumah deh," Dede menceletuk,
melontarkan ide. Dia mengangguk. Jarang-jarang adikku
punya ide yang bagus.

= He walk away from the court with sweating clothes. I held out my
handkerchief ( a habit I modeled on him, always carrying a
handkerchief ; a white handerchief). He look at me gently and say
thank you. “ I think we can build a basketball court in the yard next
to the house,” Dede spontaneously, give idea. He nodded. Seldom
my brother have a good idea.

Kami makan siang di kantin mahasiswa. Dan saat

sibuk makan sambil berbincang, telepon
genggarnnya berbunyi. Dia meraihnya dari saku
celana. Melihat nama di layar sekilas. Lantas berdiri
permisi beranjak menjauh.

= We eat lunch at the students cafetaria. And when

busy while talking, His mobile phone rang. He grabbed
it from his trouser pocket. View the name on the screen
Page 55 sentence 9
"Sejak kapan Kak Danar menjauh dari kita kalau terima
telepon?" aku bertanya sambil menatap tajam adikku.

“ Since when brother Danar stay awal from us when received a

call? “ I aksed while glaring at my brother.
Page 56 sentence 1-4
Dede hanya menggeleng tak peduli.

= Dede only shook his head

"Dari siapa?" aku bertanya penasaran kepada

Dede. Menyelidik. Adikku pasti tahu semuanya.

= “ From who?” I ask with curious to Dede. Investigate. My

brother must know everything.

"Paling dari pacar baru Oom Danar," Dede santai

sekali mengatakan itu sambil mengunyah daging


= “ Maybe from uncle Danar’s new girlfriend,” Dede so relaxed to

say that while chew his beef.
Aku mendadak kehilangan selera makan.
= Suddenly I lost my appetite
Page 56 sentence 5-6
Pukul 15.00 aku mengantar mereka ke Bandara Changi.
Kejadian telepon saat makan siang tadi masih
menggangguku. Aku kehilangan separuh keceriaan.
Beruntung adikku banyak mengambil alih pembicaraan
(sebenarnya dia memang selalu mendominasi pembicaraan;
mulutnya persis seperti mitraliur).

= At 3 PM I accompany them at Changi Airport. The

occurrence of call at lunch time still bother me. I lost half of
the fun. Fortunately, my brother took over a lot conversation
( actually, he always dominated the conversation ; his mouth
was just like submachine gun).

Kami dari NUS pulang menuju ke hotel, check-out

sebentar. Lantas buru-buru menuju bandara. Tidak lama,
langsung menuju lobi keberangkatan.

= We from NUS returned to the hotel, checkout just for a

while . Then rush to the airport. Not long, straight to the
departure lobby.
Page 56 sentence 7-8
Aku memeluknya masih dengan sisa perasaan tak nyaman.
Adikku sudah lama tak mau kupeluk
("Emangnya Dede apaan? Malas dipeluk-peluk Kak Tania.").

= I hug him still with the remaining feeling of uncomfortable. My

brother has not wanted to hug me for a long time. ( “ Do you
think who I am? It’s lazy hugged by sis Tania.”

Sebelum beranjak pergi, dia mengambil sesuatu dari

kantong celananya. Sebuah kotak kecil berwarna merah,
terbuat dari kain beludru (tentu bukan sepatu snickers;
meski bolehjadi sebuah "sepatu ukuran mini").

= Before leaving, he tooke something from his touser

pocket. A smaller red box, made of velvet ( certainly not a
snickers shoes, though it might be a “ mini shoes”.
Page 56 Sentence 9-10
Isinya adalah liontin. Liontin.

= The contents is pendant. Pendant.

Ada inisial namaku di sana: T. Aku terharu sekali

Perasaan tak nyaman tadi langsung berguguran

= There’s my initials on it : T. I’m so happy and my uncomfortable

feeling just disappeared instantly.
Page 56 Sentence 11-12
Aku tak peduli. Bisa saja dia memberikan hadiah tersebut
semata-mata karena aku ulang tahun (waktu pesta di dorm
semalam dia belum memberikan hadiah). Atau semata-mata
karena dia menganggap aku sebagai "adik" Atau semata-
mara entahlah lainnya. Yang penting bagiku hadiah itu
mengharukan, Sebuah liontin.

= I don’t care. Maybe it could be he give the gift because it’s

my birthday ( during the party the dorm last night he didn’t
give a gift). Or simply because he acknowledge me as “ little
sister” or simply I don’t know. The important thing is that gift
is heartwarming, a pendant.

Aku menahan denting air di mataku.

I hold my tears in my eyes

Page 56 Sentence 13-14
"Nah, kalau dikasih beginian, Kak Tania mendingan
nangis." Adikku menyengir, Aku hanya tersenyum kecil.

= Nahh, if given this, sis Tania better to cry.” My brother

grinned , I only smile a little.

"Terima kasih!“

= “Thank you!”
Page 56 Sentence 15-16
Dan mereka beranjak menuju garbarata pesawat.

= And they headed towards the aerobridge.

Hari itu aku bahagia sekali. Liontin itu pasti istimewa.

= That day I was very happy. The pendant must be special.

Page 57 Sentence 1-2
Pukul 20.37: Liontin Seribu Pertanyaan
= At 20 : 37 : Pendant with thousand questions.

LANTAI dua toko buku terbesar kota ini. Sudah

setengah jam lebih aku repekur berdiam diri di sini.

Mengenang semua kejadian itu. Mengenangnya.

= LANTAI is a two big store in this city. It’s been half an hour more I

repeat silent here. Remember all those happening. Remember it.

Page 57 Sentence 3-4
Aku tersenyum. Tangan kiriku meraba leher. Liontin itu selalu
kukenakan sejak hari itu. Jemariku menyentuh inisal
tersebut: T. Bisa jadi Tersayang, Tercinta, Ter-apalah!

= I smile. My left hand groping the neck. I’ve been wearing that
pendant since that day. My fingers touched the initials : T. Could
be dearest, beloved, and what ever!

Anne berkali-kali menyelaku saat berusaha "mengartikan" pem-

berian itu. "T memang berarti banyak, kan? Bukan sekadar Tania.
Tetapi kalau secara sederhana menggunakan bahasa Indonesia,
bukankah itu hanya berarti Te ... man?" Anne menyeringai.
Kesulitan menyebutkan kata "teman" barusan.

= Anne repeatedly interrupted me trying to “mean” the gift. “ T really

means a lot, right?” Not just Tania. But if you use Indonesian in a
simple way, doesn’t that just mean friend?” Anne grinned. Difficult to
mention word “ friend” just now.
Page 57 Sentence 5-7
Aku melemparnya dengan guling.

= I threw her with bolster.

Ah, mungkin Anne benar. Akulah yang berlebihan menanggapi

hadiah itu.

= Ah, maybe Anne is right. I was the one who overreacted to the gift.

Sepertinya fotokopian yang sedang ditunggu mahasiswa yang

duduk di kursi putar tinggi seberangjalan sudah selesai.
Mahasiswa itu berdiri merogoh saku, membayar. Menerima
sebungkus plastik besar. Kemudian beranjak berdiri. Tiba di
depan gerai fotokopian, berdiri termangu. Hujan lebat,
bagaimana pula mahasiswa itu hendak ke mana.

= Look likes the photocopies the students sitting in the high swivel
chairs across the street are waiting for have finished. The student
stood reaching into his pocket, paying. Received a large plastick
pack. Then, get up. Arriving in front of the copy booth, stood
stunned. It was raining heavily, how did the student go where.
Page 57 Sentence 8-9
Tak kehabisan akal, mahasiswa itu berteriak memanggil ojek
payung yang banyak berkeliaran. Lantas dengan payung besar
tersebut dia buru-buru melangkah menerobos derai air yang
semakin deras. Aku menghela napas. Sekarang pemandangan di
depan, di gerai fotokopian itu hanya menyisakan tiga pasangan
supermesra dengan karyawan yang sibuk mengobrol.

= Not at his wits end, that student shouted for call umbrella driver who
was around a lot. Then, with the big umbrella he hurriedly stepped
through the poring water. I sighed. Now, the view in the front, at the
copy booth only leaving three couples super intimate with busy
employees chatting.

"Maaf ya, Dik, kalau ingin cari buku lewat komputer,

kemputernya di mana?" seorang ibu menegurku. Tersenyurn
sedikit canggung, banyak bingung.

= “ Excuse me, if look for a book on the computer, where is the

computer? “ a madame reprimanded me. I smiled a little

awkwardly , a lot confused.

Page 57 Sentence 10-11
Aku menoleh malas. Menyimak wajah ibu itu. Pelan mengangkat tangan.
Menunjuk ke arah komputer itu berada. Membalas senyunrnya seadanya.
Dia kan bisa bertanya ke karyaivan toko buku ini. Kenapa pula mesti
bertanya padaku? Aku menghela napas sebal dalam hati. Ibu ini
mengganggu kenyamananku mengenang semua kej adian.

= I turned lazily. Look at the madame’s face. Slowly raised hand. Point to where
the computer is. Reply to her sober smile. He could have asked the bookstore
employee. Why do you have to ask me anyway? I took a deep breath inside. This
madame disturbs my comfort remembering all the occurrence.

"Wajahmu menyenangkan, Tania. Dan itu membuat banyak orang nyaman

untuk bertanya dan bersamamu.... " Itu yang dia j elaskan saat kami pernah
membahasnya dalam chatting singkat soal kenapa teman-teman sekelasku
lebih banyak bertanya kepadaku dibandingkan dengan anak lain.

= “ You have a pleasant face, Tania and that makes a lot of people comfortable to
ask questions and be with you….” That’s what she explained when we once discussed
it in a short chat about why my classmates ask me more questions than other kids.
Page 57 Sentence 11
Aku kan sejauh ini hanya menduduki peringkat kedua, anak Singapura yang
dulu ranking satu di SMP lagi• lagi berada di atasku. Penjelasan itu dulu amat
membanggakanku. Itu berarti aku mewarisi "wajah menyenangkan" miliknya.
Orang-orang di sekitarnya juga selalu lebih banyak bertanya kepadanya.
Bahkan dulu pernah saat makan di salah satu warung tenda di
sepanjangjalan kota kami, pemilik warung tidak
mau dibayar. Ibu pemilik warung itu tersenyurn dan berkata, "Aku sudah
amat senang Mas Danar mau makan di sini.

So far, I’m only in second place. The Singaporean kid who used to rank first
Junior High School is still above me. That explanation used to make me ver
proud. That means I inherited her fun face” The people around him also aksed
him more. Once, even when eating at one of tent stalls along the streets of our
city, the stall owner was not there want to pay. The shop owner’s mother smiled
and said, “ I’m very happy that Mas Danar want to eat here.
Page 58 Sentence 1
Namun, sekarang pikiranku tidak tertuju ke soal itu. Ibu yailg menegurku
tadi lebih mengingatkanku pada betapa penasarannya aku soal "pacar
baru" dia. Aku berpikir panjang kalimat Dede soal telepon di kantin NUS
waktu itu. Aku harus mencari tahu tentang itu, entah dengan cara apa pun.

However, now my mind is not on that matter. A Madam who rebuked me that
reminded me more of how curious I am about her “ boyfriends new”. She said. I
though long about Dede’s sentence about the phone in the cafetaria at that
time. I have to find it out about it somehow.

Here you could give a brief

description of the topic you want to
talk about. For example, if you want
to talk about Mercury, you could say
that it’s the closest planet to the Sun
and the smallest one in our Solar
System. It’s only a bit larger than our
Moon, and its name has nothing to
do with the liquid metal, since it was
named after the Roman messenger
god, Mercury
A picture is worth a
thousand words


It’s the closest It’s the ringed one, Despite being red, Venus has a
planet to the Sun composed mostly Mars is actually a beautiful name
and the smallest of hydrogen and cold place. It’s full and is the second
one in our System helium gas of iron oxide dust planet from the Sun


Despite being red, It’s a gas giant and Venus has a

Mars is actually a the biggest planet in beautiful name and
cold place. It’s full of our Solar System. is the second planet
iron oxide dust, Jupiter is the fourth- from the Sun. It’s
giving the planet its brightest object in terribly hot, even
reddish cast the sky hotter than Mercury
Remember that big
numbers grab a lot
of attention

10K You can use them

to make an

In Spain, a comma

is used as a decimal


It’s the closest Venus has a

planet to the Sun beautiful name


Yes, this is the Despite being red,

ringed one Mars is cold

Mercury is the
01 smallest one

Saturn is the ringed

02 one

Despite being red,

03 Mars is cold

Venus has a
04 beautiful name
Despite being red, Mars is
actually a cold place. It’s full of
iron oxide dust, which gives the
planet its reddish cast

Insert your multimedia content here


Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun

Saturn is the ringed
planet and a gas giant

Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
...and did you know this?

Despite being red, Mars is

actually a cold place. It’s full of
iron oxide dust, which gives the
planet its reddish cast

If you want to modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,
change the data and replace it here

Mercury is the Jupiter is a gas

closest planet to the giant and the
Sun and the biggest planet in
smallest one in the our Solar System. It’s
Solar System. It’s also the fourth-
only a bit larger brightest
than our Moon object in the sky




Mercury is Despite Venus is the Saturn is Neptune is

the closest being red, second the ringed the farthest
planet to Mars is a planet from planet and planet from
the Sun cold place the Sun a gas giant the Sun

● Mercury is the closest planet
to the Sun, but does its name
have anything to do with the
liquid metal?

● Contrary to popular belief, no.

The truth is that this planet
was named after the Roman
messenger god, Mercury

Mercury is the closest planet to the

Sun, and Neptune is the farthest one.
Calculate the distance between these
two planets



It’s the smallest This is the ringed Venus has a

planet in our Solar planet, composed beautiful name and
System and the mostly of hydrogen is the second planet
closest to the Sun and helium from the Sun


Despite being red, Jupiter is a gas Neptune is the

Mars is actually a giant and the farthest planet from
cold place. It’s full of biggest planet in the Sun and the
iron oxide dust our Solar System fourth-largest
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

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