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Membraneous Organelles

Ika Murti Harini

Histology Dept

 Alberts. Molecular Biology of The Cell. 5th Ed

 Lodish et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 5th Ed
Cell is a closed compartment
 separated from extracellular space by cell membrane, consists of
cytosol & intracellular organelles
Cell Organelles
 Organelle = “little organ”
 Found only inside eukaryotic
 All the stuff in between the
organelles is cytosol
 Everything in a cell except the
nucleus is cytoplasm
Cells consist of endomembrane system
Endomembrane System

 System includes:
 Nuclear envelope, smooth and rough ER,
lysosomes, vacuoles, transport vesicles,
Golgi apparatus, and the plasma
 System of organelles that function to :
 Produce, store, and export biological
 Degrade potentially harmful substances
Endomembrane System
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):
the production centers or factories of the cells
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):
the production centers or factories of the cells
 Network of membranes connected to nuclear envelope
 Cisternae : hollow tubes, flattened sheets, and chambers
 Functions:
 Synthesis proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids
 Storage synthesized molecules or materials absorbed from the cytosol
 Storage of calsium (Muscle cells  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum)
 Transport
 Detoxification
The Endoplasmic Reticulum :
the production centers or factories of the cells
 Types of ER :
 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum:
 no ribosomes
 synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates
 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum :
 Outer surface contains fixed ribosomes
 Synthesis proteins
 chemical modification and packaged for export to Golgi apparatus
 Most of ER products are packaged into small vesicles  pinch off the tips of
the cisternae
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus :
the packaging facilities of cell products
Golgi Apparatus :
the packaging facilities of cell products
 Cisternae : stacks of membranes
 2 faces of cisternae
 Cis face  near ER
 Trans face  near plasma membrane
 Communicate with the ER and with the cell surface by the formation,
movement, and fusion of vesicles
 Functions :
 modifies and packages secretions for release through exocytosis
 Renews or modifies the cell membrane
 Packages special enzymes within vesicles
Golgi Apparatus

Model of the Golgi complex based on

three-dimensional reconstruction of
electron microscopy images
Role of the Golgi Apparatus
Vesicles : package of substance that can be delivered from
one compartment to other compartment inside a cell
Lysosomes :
the digestion center of the cells
Lysosomes :
the digestion center of the cells

 Vesicles containing digestive/hydrolitic enzymes

 Cell digestion and cells component’s renewal
 Functions:
 Digest ingested parts of bacteria, viruses, and toxins
 Degrade nonfunctional organelles
 Breakdown non-useful tissue
 Breakdown bone to release Ca2+(osteoclast)
 Autolysis
 Numerous in cells with large activity of phagocytosis (macrophage,
neutrophil, etc)
Lysosomes :
the digestion center of the cells

• are sites for the breakdown

of food and foreign objects
taken up by the cell by

• are sites where the cell

digests its own material

Cellular structures that participate in

delivering materials to lysosomes
Lysosomes :
the digestion center of the cells

An electron micrograph of a section of a

cultured mammalian cell that had taken up small gold
particles coated with the egg protein ovalbumin.
Gold-labeled ovalbumin (black spots) is found in
early endosomes (EE) and late endosomes (LE), but
very little is present in autophagosomes (AV)

(c) Electron micrograph of a section of a rat liver cell

showing a secondary lysosome containing fragments
of a mitochondrion (M) and a peroxisome (P)
Peroxisomes :
spherical organelles for minor digestion & detoxification

 Vesicles containing oxidases and catalases

 Smaller than lysosomes
 Produced by the growth and subdivison of existing
 Their numbers are highest in metabolically active cells
 Functions:
 absorb and break down fatty acids
 Detoxify harmful or toxic substances
 Neutralize dangerous free radicals (highly reactive chemicals
with unpaired electrons)
Mitochondria :
Center of energy production
Mitochondria :
Center of energy production
 Largest organelles, variety of shapes
 Number varies with the cell's energy demands
 Mitochondria have double membrane
 Outer membrane surrounds organelle
 Inner membrane: contains numerous folds (cristae)
 Intermembrane space: between inner and outer membrane
 Many folds in inner membrane = cristae  increase the
surface area exposed to the fluid contents (matrix)
 Matrix contains metabolic enzymes catalyze energy
production reactions
 Cellular respiration  energy source of the cell (ATP)
Mitochondrial Energy Production
Mitochondria have circular DNA in the matrix and may produce protein inside
the organelles.
However, they also imported proteins encoded by nuclear genes

Figure 14-53 Molecular Biology of the Cell (© Garland Science 2008)

Nucleus :
the center of information storage in cell
The genetic information stored in DNA is an archive of instructions
(“recipes” or “documents”) that cells use to produce proteins

• Gene-containing control center of the

• Contains the genetic library with
blueprints for nearly all cellular
• Dictates the kinds and amounts of
proteins to be synthesized
Nucleus :
the center of information storage in cell

Components : nuclear envelope, nucleoli, chromatin, nucleoplasm

Nuclear structure
 Nuclear envelope
 surrounds the nucleus
 double membrane, separated by a narrow perinuclear
 At several locations  connected to the RER
 Nuclear pores:
 chemical communication between the nucleus and the
 permit the movement of ions and small molecules
 contains regulatory proteins: transport specific proteins
and RNA into or out of the nucleus
Nucleus structure

 Nucleoplasm : contains
 nuclear matrix, a network of filaments  provides
structural support and involved in the regulation of
genetic activity
 ions, enzymes, RNA and DNA nucleotides, small
amounts of RNA, and DNA
 Nucleoli
 nuclear organelles that synthesize ribosomal RNA
 assemble the ribosomal subunits
 composed of RNA, enzymes, and histones
 Most prominent in protein-manufacture cells
Chromosome and Chromatin

 Nucleus contains DNA in chromosomes

 Each chromosome contains DNA strands bound to histones
and coiled  nucleosome
 Non-dividing cell  chromosomal material is loosely coiled
 fine filaments (chromatin)
 Chromosomes become visible when cell division begins
 Chromosomes are copied  chromatid
 Each chromatid joined together at centromere, surrounded by
a protein complex (kinetochore)
Quick Review

Which organelle is the control center of the cell and the

center of information storage ?
Which organelle is the center of energy production of
the cell ?
What structure is it ?
Which organelle is the sites for the breakdown of food and
foreign objects taken up by the cell ?

Selamat Belajar

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