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MELC: Creates crafts that can be locally
assembled with local materials, guided by
local traditional techniques (e.g. Gong-bi,
Ikat, etc.).
Chinese Paintings
Chinese art expresses the human understanding of the relationship between
nature and humans. This is evident in the form of painting of landscapes,
bamboo, birds, and flowers, etc. This might be called the metaphysical, Daoist
aspect of Chinese painting.
To make your painting interesting and realistic apply these Six
Principles of Chinese Painting established by Xie He, a writer, art historian,
and critic in 5th century in China.
1. Observe rhythm and movements. 2. Leave spaces for the eyes to rest.
3. Use brush in calligraphy. 4. Use colors correctly.
5. Live up to tradition by copying the master’s artwork.
6. Copy the correct proportion of the objects and nature.
Tea and coffee have been used for painting since ancient times: the
Chinese used tea to create the backgrounds for their artworks, while both
of these drinks were used also to give particular hues to fabrics and to
give an aged effect to the marble of statues, as Gabriele d’Annunzio also
did, to give a more classic look to the sculptures of his extravagant villa
del Vittoriale. The art of painting with coffee has a story with roots which
go back much further than you might think and became widespread with
the discovery of this fragrant drink. Let’s discover this technique together
and which artists use it to create real masterpieces.
Coffee Painting
The technique of coffee painting is very simple and similar
to that used for painting with watercolors, so it can be used
by everyone, old and young. To start with, all you will need
is some coffee, sheets of paper for watercolor painting and
brushes of various sizes. Keep a pencil handy too, you will
need it to make a preparatory sketch for
Coffee Painting
The technique of coffee painting is very simple and similar to that
used for painting with watercolors, so it can be used by everyone, old
and young. To start with, all you will need is some coffee, sheets of
paper for watercolor painting and brushes of various sizes. Keep a
pencil handy too, you will need it to make a preparatory sketch for
your painting. You can use the coffee from the moka and that from
the espresso machine together to obtain lighter tones with the first and
darker tones with the second, or make coffee several different times
using the moka, each time changing the quantity of coffee powder
used and thus the intensity of the drink.
Materials to prepare:
• Watercolour Paper
• Pencil and eraser
• Coffee powder
• Mixing plate
• Paint brush
• Masking tape
• Scrap paper
• Paper napkin
• Clean water
• Rag
Add coffee powder in different quantities in
mixing tray and add water to dilute it. Less
coffee with more water will create lighter
shade and more coffee with less water will
create darker shade. The more water you
add to the coffee, lighter the shade Becomes.
Generally three or four shades are enough
for a painting. Let’s create the shades.
Take your watercolour paper
and stick it to the table with
masking tape as shown.
Now create a lightest mix by adding more water
to coffee ee powder and paint the entire sheet. I have
used a 1/2 inch flat brush to do it
Always keep a scrap paper handy to test the mix which
you have created. Use paper napkin to wipe off any
extra mix from the paper. Don’t overdo it, otherwise it
will take off the all the colour leaving the white
patches on the paper
Once the first wash is done, wait till it dries
completely before you start the dries completely
before you start the second. Next create a mix
slightly darker than the previous one by adding
more coffee powder. Use a no.4 flat brush to create
the farthest o.9 round brush to fill mountain and the
mountain as shown
Wait till it dries off completely. To speed up the drying
process you can use a hair dryer. Repeat the same steps again
with darker shades to create different mountains. Keep in
mind, before starting the new mountains old mountains
should be dried completely. Once it is done, your painting
will look something like this.

Now let’s start painting the trees. Use a no. 4 round brush,
load it with the darkest mix and start creating the trees as
shown below.
Once you have painted all the trees, wait until it
dries up completely. Remove the masking tape
carefully without tearing the paper off.



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