Nutrition - SC 210 Factors Affecting Food Intake

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Factors influencing Food Intake

• Income and level of education influence food
• The higher the income the better the quality
of the meal.
• Some persons with higher income and
education make poor choices and develop
diseases due to time constraints and work.
Religious Beliefs
• Religion is another imperative factor that
influence what people eat.
• The eating habits are often influenced by
one’s upbringing and family norms and
• Culture is a custom and belief of a social
Food Availability
• People eat what is available in the home
and what is on the market.
• An embargo meaning hindrance or
• It is a ban implemented to partially or
completely prohibit trading with a particular
country or group of countries.
• This factor can create economic and health
challenges for the countries involved.
Political Factor/Issues
• Political influence on food availability can have
cultural consequences on the food choices of a
• Government food policies have large impacts on
the cost of foods, can change the way in which
food is acquired and may have potential
influences on food selection.
• Food laws and trade agreements affect what is
available in a certain country and across different
countries around the world along with the prices
of different foods.
Advertisement Factory/Media
• Mas media such as television, radio and
magazines can affect our food selection. The
media introduce, remind or inform us about
food products.
• They use several techniques to encourage
you to try new food products.
• A common feature of modern life can affect
food choice.
• Some people eat more and some eat less
when experiencing stress.
• Appetite is coordinated through the
interaction of various complex system within
the body involving the gut and the brain.
• Regular exercise help regulates appetite and
helps limit excess food intake.
• Persons with naturally high metabolic rate
have higher appetite.
Disease Factor
• Certain Non-communicable diseases such as
Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension and High
Cholesterol are associated with the type of
food we eat and not only genetic factors and
lifestyle practices.
• Persons suffering from certain illnesses are
placed on special diets that will curb the
effects of the disease on the body.

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