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Creative Non-fiction
 “Night” by Elie Wiesel is an example of a memoir. The story tells the struggle of a
teenage Jew during one of the world’s darkest times.
 Memoire is derived from the French word memoire which means memory or to
reminisce. It is a collection of significant events, a collection of memories, that an
individual writes that caused an impact in his or her life.
 By reading a memoir, you can actually have a glimpse on a person’s life and the
events that shaped his life. It is like looking back using another person’s point of



1. Keep in mind that a memoir is not an autobiography. The autobiography is the

story of your entire life, a memoir is just one part of that life. There can be countless
memoirs in one life but there only be one autobiography
2. Make a diagram of your life. Feel free to remember pivotal moments of your life.
Become nostalgic and list at least ten events in your life, a friend or a relative can
help, at least one of those ten will be a stand out. Focus on this moment and tell that
3. Think “un-chronologically.” Sometimes it is boring for readers to read the
beginning of a story because it is too predictable. A good beginning will always
hook the reader in finishing a story. Sometimes a little bit of mystery can help as it
unfolds the story to life. Then, it will take the reader back to the chronological
beginning and paint the background.

4. Entice the senses. The best writers can create vivid images in the mind of the readers
by using such descriptive words. Write vividly by using all your senses to transport
yourself and the readers to the world. Practice your descriptive writing by being
observant to the textures, smells, temperatures, and the colors around you.
5. Set your goal. Exercise your writing muscle by setting a goal for yourself. Be very
disciplined and follow a strict schedule in writing. Just focus on telling your story,
there will still be time for polishing later.
Point of view refers to the perspective in which the story is told.
1. First Person POV. The narrator is also a character in the story who can see the
behavior and actions of other characters. This is a limited perspective and can only
tell you what the narrator is thinking.
2. Third Person Omniscient. The narrator knows everything that happens, including
what all the characters think and feel.
3. Third Person Limited. The narrator only knows what one character, specially the
main character, sees, thinks, and feels.

Create a your own memoir by making a diagram. List at least ten (10) moments of
your life as a student of St. Clement Academy in an essay form creatively.
Make at least 3-5 paragraph.

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Please send to me the soft copy on Saturday, January 27 @ 8:00 A.M.

P.S. I will no longer entertain late submissions.

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