What Is The Professionals and Practitioners in Social

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What is The Professionals and Practitioners in

Social Work
Defining the Roles, Functions and
Competencies of Social Work

• According to Segal, Gerdes & Steiner (2005)

Social work as a profession has evolved over
time but its enduring feature as a helping
profession is “the dual aims of helping
individuals fit better into their environments,
typically known as micro practice, and
changing the environment so that it works
better for individuals, referred to as macro
Roles of Social Work

 These provide direction for professional activities and are best

situated in the context of client system (DuBois & Miley 2008).
The roles are generally interwoven with functions but DuBois and
Miley (2008) have provided elements that can be distinctively
viewed as role rather than functions. For individuals and families,
their role is that of an enabler helping people find solutions.
Social work is a profession dedicated to helping individuals, families,
and communities improve their well-being and address various
social and personal challenges. Social workers play diverse roles in
society, and their primary goal is to promote social justice, empower
individuals, and enhance the quality of life for those in need.
Functions of Social Work

These speak of main activities professionally

performed by social workers. DuBois and Miley (2008).

Counsel with individuals, facilitate groups, work with

families, refine agency procedures, initiate new
programs, lobby for legislative changes, organize
community action, educate the public, conduct needs
assessments, and evaluate practice and programs at
various system levels and targets of change or social
 Enhance social functioning of individuals,
families, groups, organizations, and
 Link clients systems with needed resources
 Improve the operations of the social service
delivery network;
 promote social justice through development
of social policy
Competencies of Social Work

• These cover over all necessary skills and

personally qualities needed by the profession
to perform their various roles and skills.
Foundationally, social work requires the
following abilities and skills (DuBois & Miley
Competencies of Social Work
1. Think critically: When faced with a complex problem at
work, you carefully assess the available information,
consider multiple perspectives, and weigh the pros and
cons before making a decision.
2. Build and sustain relationships: You maintain a close
network of professional contacts, regularly engage in
networking events, and consistently follow up with
colleagues and business partners to nurture these
3. Execute empowering processes: You design and
implement a mentorship program in your organization,
providing junior employees with the resources and
guidance they need to develop their skills and advance in
Competencies of Social Work

4. Use practical methods: In a manufacturing

environment, you introduce lean manufacturing
principles to streamline production processes, resulting
in increased efficiency and reduced waste.
5. Analyze policies: As a policy analyst, you assess the
impact of a proposed healthcare policy on the
population, considering factors like cost, accessibility,
and quality of care to provide recommendations to
Competencies of Social Work

6.Communicate effectively: During a company-wide

meeting, you present a comprehensive project update
using clear and concise language, ensuring that all team
members understand the project's status and goals.
7.Strong cultural and intercultural competence: You
successfully lead a diverse team, recognizing and
respecting the cultural differences of team members
and creating an inclusive and harmonious work
Competencies of Social Work

8. Good computer literacy: You efficiently use software

and tools like Microsoft Excel to analyze data, create
reports, and make data-driven decisions in your role as
a financial analyst.
9. Conduct research: You conduct a thorough market
research study to identify new opportunities for your
business, examining market trends, consumer
preferences, and competitive landscapes.
Competencies of Social Work

10. Do social planning: As a community organizer, you lead the

development of a social program to address local education
disparities, coordinating resources, volunteers, and community
stakeholders to achieve the desired educational improvements.
11. Perform crisis interventions: In your role as a mental health
counselor, you respond to a client in distress, using your crisis
intervention skills to provide immediate support and help them
regain stability.
12. Sound time management: You effectively juggle multiple
projects and deadlines at work by using time management
techniques such as setting priorities, creating to-do lists, and
using time-tracking tools to ensure you meet all your
Areas of Specialization of Social Work

 Professional social work requires full professional training

with college degree and in a number of cases, requires a
person to have a master’s or doctor’s degree in social
work. Social work specializations cover five major fields
(Hartman, 2015):

1. Family and child welfare

2. Health
3. Mental health
4. Corrections
5. Schools
Career Opportunities of Social Work

 Social work careers span a wide variety or job

opportunities in both public and private
practice. Social workers can directly work with
people they serve and it is common for them
to volunteer their services.
According to Hartman (2015) these are the career
opportunities :

1. Administrators: Social work administrators are

responsible for overseeing the operations of social
service organizations. They ensure that the
organization's mission is upheld, manage budgets,
coordinate staff, and implement policies
2. Administrators: Social work administrators are
responsible for overseeing the operations of social
service organizations. They ensure that the
organization's mission is upheld, manage budgets,
coordinate staff, and implement policies
3. Planners: Social planners work on designing and
implementing social programs and services. They
analyze community needs, develop strategies, and
create programs to address those needs. For instance, a
social planner might work on designing a community
outreach program to combat substance abuse.
4.Researchers: Social work researchers conduct studies
and collect data to better understand social issues and
improve the quality of social services. They may
research topics like the effectiveness of addiction
treatment programs or the impact of homelessness on
mental health.
5. Teachers: Social work teachers educate future social
workers. They work in universities and colleges, teaching
courses on social work theory, practice, and ethics. These
educators prepare students for careers in the field.
6. Child Welfare Administration: Professionals in child
welfare administration manage and oversee services
related to the welfare of children. They may work in
government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or private
adoption agencies, ensuring that children receive proper
care and support.
7. Elderly Care Services: These services cater to the needs
of the elderly population. Social workers in this field might
help elderly individuals access healthcare, socialize, and live
independently. They can work in nursing homes, senior
centers, or home healthcare agencies.
8. Financial Assistance: Social workers who specialize in
financial assistance help individuals and families access
government aid programs and social services. They
assist with applications for food stamps, housing
vouchers, and other forms of financial support.
9. Medical Care for the Elderly: Social workers in this
area often work in healthcare settings, such as hospitals
or long-term care facilities. They provide emotional
support, help families make decisions about medical
care, and ensure that elderly patients have access to
the appropriate resources and services.
10. Work in Clinics and Community Treatment: Social
workers in clinics and community treatment settings
provide therapy and counseling services to individuals
and families dealing with mental health issues,
substance abuse, or other challenges.
11. Work in Public Housing Projects: Social workers in
public housing projects may assist residents with
accessing social services, finding employment, and
addressing issues related to housing stability and
community well-being.
12. Find Dwellings for Homeless Families: These social
workers help homeless families secure stable housing
by connecting them with shelters, transitional housing
programs, or permanent housing options.
13. Social Planning Practitioners: Social planning
practitioners focus on developing and implementing
social policies and programs. They assess community
needs, collaborate with stakeholders, and create
strategies to address social issues, such as poverty,
education disparities, or healthcare access.
Rights, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities of
Social Work
The rights of social work are partially outlined. Social
work foremost rights include:

 Right to fulfill professional mandates and to live by its

values. Its responsibilities cover those that pertain to
the dispensation of its basic functions, roles,
professional standards, and adherence to its local
and international codes of ethics. Social work is
accountable to the clients, the general public, and
the society.
 Responsibilities of social workers working within their
field of specialization are to help children, assist those
life threatening problems, or aid people in overcoming
addictions. Its responsibility of social worker to protect
and uphold respect for the inherent worth and dignity
of all people as expressed in the United Nations
Universal Declarations of Human Rights (1948).
 Accountability of social worker is to the clients,
colleagues, employers, professionals associations, and
to the law. Social workers are accountable for their
actions to tee values and principles of the profession,
which require them to act in a reliable, honest, and
trustworthy manner.
Code of Ethics of Social Work

 The code of ethics specifies the standards of ethics,

conduct, and performance expected to registered
social workers. It is a duty of a social worker to
always protect the health and well-being of people
who avail of the services.
A sample of ethical principles and ethical standards ere
are adapted from the Code of Ethics of the National
Association of Social Workers
Code of Ethics of Social Work

 1. Value : Service
Ethical Principle: Social workers’’ primary goal is to help
people in need and to address social problems.
 2. Value : Social Justice
Ethical Principle: Social workers challenge social
 3. Value: Dignity and Worth of the Person
Ethical Principle: Social workers respect the inherent
dignity and worth of the person
 4. Value: Importance of Relationships
Ethical Principle: social workers recognize the central
importance of human relationships
 5. Value: Integrity
Ethical Principle: Social workers behave in a trustworthy
 6. Value: Competence
Ethical Principle: Social workers practice within their
areas of competence and develop and enhance their
professional expertise.
Ethical Standards

 These following ethical standards relevant to the

professional activities of all social workers:

1.To clients
2. To colleagues
3. In practice settings
4. As professionals
5. To the social work profession
6. To the broader society

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