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Consumer Awareness
Consumer Awareness is a demonstration of ensuring the purchaser or
buyer knows about the data and information about items, products,
administrations, and buyers' privileges.

Consumer Awareness 2
Consumer awareness is
crucial for empowering
individuals to make
informed purchasing
decisions, demanding
Importance of
Consumer high-quality products, and
Awareness holding businesses
accountable for ethical and
transparent practices. It
contributes to fair and
competitive market
1. Empowerment :-
*Informed consumers
make better choices.
** Knowledge about
Importance of
products and services.
Awareness 2. Protection :-
*Shield against fraud
and exploitation.
**Legal rights and
avenues for recourse.
Consumer Awareness 5
Consumer rights and responsibilities:
• The rights of the Consumer…
Right to Safety- Before buying, a consumer can insist on the quality
and guarantee of the goods. They should ideally purchase a certified
product like ISI or AGMARK.
• Right to Choose- Consumer should have the right to choose from a
variety of goods and in a competitive price.
• Right to be informed- The buyers should be informed with all the
necessary details of the product, make her/him act wise, and change
the buying decision.

Consumer Awareness 6
Consumer Awareness 7
Consumer rights and responsibilities:
• Right to Consumer Education- Consumer should be aware of his/her
rights and avoid exploitation. Ignorance can cost them more.
• Right to be heard- This means the consumer will get due attention to
express their grievances at a suitable forum.
• Right to seek compensation- The defines that the consumer has the
right to seek redress against unfair and inhumane practices or
exploitation of the consumer.

Consumer Awareness 8
Consumer rights and responsibilities:
• The Responsibilities of the Consumer
Responsibility to be aware – A consumer has to be mindful of the
safety and quality of products and services before purchasing.
• Responsibility to think independently– Consumer should be well
concerned about what they want and need and therefore make
independent choices.
• Responsibility to speak out- Buyer should be fearless to speak out
their grievances and tell traders what they exactly want.

Consumer Awareness 9
Consumer Awareness 10
Consumer rights and responsibilities:
• Responsibility to complain- It is the consumer’s responsibility to
express and file a complaint about their dissatisfaction with goods or
services in a sincere and fair manner.
• Responsibility to be an Ethical Consumer- They should be fair and
not engage themselves with any deceptive practice.

Consumer Awareness 11
Ways to raise Consumer Awareness
• The enactment of the COPRA (Consumer Protection Act) has led to
the setting up of separate departments of Consumer Affairs in
central and state governments. These make people aware of
exploitations in the markets and also tells on how to file cases in
• The posters that we see are one example through which the
government spread information about the legal process which
people can use.
• The government should organize Consumer Awareness Campaigns
at every place regularly to describe the various ways of exploitation
in the market and how to avoid them.
Consumer Awareness 12
Ways to raise Consumer Awareness
• Consumers should be made aware of their various rights like the
right to be informed, right to choose. Consumers should be made
aware of duties like reading the instruction before buying a

Consumer Awareness 13
1. Lack of Information:-
Inaccessible or
misleading information.
2. Unethical Business
Challenges in Practices:- Deceptive
Consumer advertising and unfair
trade practices.
3. Limited Legal
Awareness:- Ignorance
about consumer
protection laws.
Consumer Awareness in INDIA
• One of the most important and successful Consumer Awareness campaign
in recent times has been the “JAGO GRAHAK JAGO” campaign. You
must have certainly come across it. It is a great example of successful
consumer awareness.

Consumer Awareness 15
Student’s Name :-
Thank you DIVYANSH
Class 10th A

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