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Created by
Irene Mary Zachariah
What is Homeopathy?
• It is an alternative medicine founded in the late 18th century by German physician
Samuel Hahnemann.

• Operates on the principle of "like cures like," using highly diluted substances to
stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms.
Concept Behind Homeopathy
• Like Cures Like: A principle suggesting that a substance causing symptoms in a
healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.
• Minimum Dose: Remedies undergo potentization through repeated dilution and
shaking, with extreme dilutions aimed at enhancing potency and minimizing side
• Vital Force and Holistic Healing: Belief in a vital force governing the body's
functions; symptoms are seen as the body's effort to restore balance and initiate
• Individualization: Highly individualized treatment considers physical, mental,
and emotional aspects to match the totality of a person's symptoms.
How Homeopathy Works
• Global Health Regulation: Emphasis on symptoms as part of the body's overall
regulation and self-healing mechanisms.

• Criticism and Scientific Skepticism: Critics question the biological plausibility of

extreme dilutions and challenge the lack of robust scientific evidence supporting
homeopathy's efficacy.
Potential Outcomes of Mainstream
Homeopathy in Canada
• Predicted Impacts:
– Increased Access and Availability: More widespread availability of
homeopathic treatments.

– Integration into Healthcare Practices: Collaboration between conventional

and homeopathic practitioners.

– Public Awareness and Education: Greater awareness and informed decision-

making among the public.
Considerations and Challenges
• Regulation and Scientific Scrutiny: Establishment of clear regulations and
standards for homeopathic products.

• Insurance Coverage and Reimbursement: Discussions regarding coverage and

reimbursement for homeopathic treatments.

• Ethical and Professional Standards: Addressing ethical and professional

considerations to ensure quality of care.
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