Lecture 4

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Flow for generalised

reservoir geometry
• Pseudo-steady-state solution to the flow equation
assumed a centred well in a circular drainage area.

• There is an equation that models pseudo-steady-state

flow in more general reservoir shapes:
• For a given reservoir geometry, the maximum time a reservoir is invite
acting can be determined using the entry in the column “ infinite-
system with less than 1% error for tDA <

• tDA

• This means that time in hours can be calculated

• Time required for the pseudosteady-state equation to be within 1%

accuracy we used the entry “less than 1% error for t DA >

• Finally time required for the pseudosteady-state equation to be exact is

found from “ exact for tDA >
Example (1)

• For each of the following reservoir geometries, calculate

the time in hours for which (a) the reservoir is infinite
acting (b) the pseudo steady state is exact and (c) the
pseudo steady state equation is accurate within 1%. (1)
Well centred in circular drainage area (2) Well is centred
in square drainage area and (3) well centred in one
quadrant of square drainage area.
Solution (1)
• In each case we have:-

• A=17.42x10^6 sq ft (40 acres)

• 𝜙=0.2

• 𝜇= 1cp

• Ct = 1x10^-5 1/psi

• k= 100 md
• We first calculate the time group tDA (dimensionless time based on
drainage area)

• Now we prepare the following table.

Introduction to Buildup tests
• We developed basic equations for describing the pressure
behaviour in an oil reservoir. Now we need to apply them
in analysing pressure buildup curves/tests.

• In a buildup test, a well which is already flowing (ideally

at constant rate) is shut in. And the bottom hole pressure
measured as the pressure builds up.

• It is easy because the constant flow rate condition is easily

achieved. (0)

• Disadvantages ( production is lost during test, It may be

difficult to achieve the constant rate production prior to
the shut in.
• Suppose after producing a well at a constant rate for a certain length of time
we decide to shut it in for pressure buildup. Intuitively, we expect fluid
movement to continue in the reservoir after shutting the well in. The fact that
we shut in the well means that (q=0) at the wellhead. We account for the
fluid movement which continues in the reservoir after the well is shut in as

• First we produce the well at a constant rate for some time.

• Shut the well in at the surface

• Allow the pressure to build up in the wellbore

• Record the pressure in the wellbore as a function of time.

• We can estimate formation permeability and drainage area pressure etc.

The Ideal Buildup test
• By Ideal we mean test in an infinite, homogeneous,
isotropic reservoir containing slightly compressible
single phase fluid with constant fluid properties ( so the
Ei function and its approximation applies). One last
assumption is the pseudo-producing time is applicable.

• If a well has produced for a time tp at rate q before shut

in, and if we call time elapsed since shut in 𝛥t, then using
the superposition equation we find that:-
• This equation suggests that the shut in BHP, Pws
recorded during a pressure build up test should plat as a
straight line function of log[(tp+𝛥t)/𝛥t], and that the
slope of this line is the constant group
• The formation permeability can thus be calculated from a buildup test by measuring
the slop m.

• Conventional practice in the industry is to plot Pws vs(tp+𝛥t)/𝛥t on

semilogarithmic paper with values of (tp+𝛥t)/𝛥t decreasing from left to right.
• We can also determine skin factor s from the data available in the idealised
pressure buildup test.

• At the shut in time 𝛥t in the test we have:-

• Now combining and solving for s we

• It is customary in the petroleum industry to choose a

fixed shut in time 𝛥t of 1 hour and the corresponding
shut in pressure P for the above equation.

• to simplify the equation by assuming =1

Ideal Pressure build up test

• Unknowns ( k, Pi and S)
• It is a pressure build up test thus we use the formula

• We first have to plot Pws vs in a semiolog paper

• Measure the slop m and calculate k.

• Extrapolate the curve to infinite shut in time, and read the

reservoir original pressure Pi.

• Skin factor equation can be used to calculate s.

•Wecan test if this is an ideal pressure build up test by
examining that the plotted curve yields a straight line. thus

•We pick any two points on the line and subtracting the
pressures ( that are one cycle apart i.e. factor of 10)
Producing time tp=72 hr
Slope m= (1950-1850)= 100 psi/cycle


Pi can be found by the extrapolation of

line to =1

Pi=1950 psig
skin factor can be calculated from

Here Pws (pressure at shut in) is P1hr on the line and can be found at =73

Pws=1764 and hence;

=1.43 (well has a flow restriction).

Actual Buildup Tests
• When ideal build up test used in an actual well, discouraging
results were faced and thus a correction is needed. Thus,
instead of obtaining a single straight line, we get a
complicated curve.

• This curve can be divided into 3 regions

• Early-time region

• Middle-time region

• late-time region
Deviations from Assumptions
in Ideal theory

• 1) Infinite reservoir

• 2) Single phase liquid

• 3) Homogeneous reservoir.
Infinite reservoir
• We can conclude that the Horner plot and approximation isn’t valid if
the reservoir is not infinite acting. A reservoir with no apparent outer boundary limit
affecting fluid flow during a test period. Unless an outer boundary, such as a nearby fault, is close to
the wellbore, it usually takes a day or more for outer boundaries to affect well-test results. Since most
tests are of relatively short duration, outer boundaries usually do not affect test results” Schlumberger

• We assumed that the reservoir is infinite acting just before the build up test and during the test. We
can’t use the infinite reservoir solution with Ei function and its simplification (ln)

• There are methods (by different analysts) to resolved this issue when the reservoir isn’t infinite acting.
Finite acting reservoir
• We will use MDH method.
Homogeneous Reservoir
• Solutions for the flow equation are valid for
homogeneous reservoir, yet there is no such a thing as a
homogeneous reservoir.

• When massive heterogeneities are faced in localised

portion of the reservoir, simple flow equation loses

• Models in the literature can be used.

Single phase liquid assumption
• We know that

• Even in single phase flow when Sg ≠0, evaluation Co and

Cw are complicated:-
Modifications for Gases
• Practices showed that for some gases at P> 3000 psi,
flow in an infinite-acting reservoir can be models
accurately by the equation:-

Similar to liquids with minor

modifications such as:-
-Gas production rate qg
-Bgi formation factor at original
reservoir pressure Pi.
-D is a measure of non Darcy or
turbulent pressure loss. It can not be
calculated separately from skin factor
from single buildup test.
-Thus we introduce the apparent skin
factor S’ is convenient since it can be
determined from single test.
For P<2000 psi
• flow can be modelled by

• What to use?!
Modifications for multiphase
• Build up equation:-

• where qRt is the reservoir barrels/day not taking into

account entrained gas.

• And total mobility

Radius of investigation

• Radius of investigation represents how far into the

reservoir that transients effects travelled. A pressure
transients is created when a disturbance such as a change
in rate occurs at a well. a time progresses the pressure
transient advances further and further into the reservoir.
Build up test regions
• Generally a build up curve can be divided into :-

• An early time region during which a pressure transient is

moving through the formation nearest the wellbore.

• A middle-time region during which the pressure transient

has moved away from the wellbore and into the bulk

• A late-time region in which the radius of investigation has

reach the well’s drainage boundary.
Early-time region
• Most wells have altered k near the wellbore.

• Until the pressure transient cause by shutting in the well for build-up test moves
through this k altered region; there is no reason to expect a straight line slope that is
related to formation k.

• Another complication is due to continuous movement of fluids into the wellbore after
shut in.

• Why does it this deviated the curve and errors prevails?!

• In the idealised test leading to the equation (Pws=Pi-mlog(tp+ 𝛥t)/ 𝛥t), it was
assumed that after shut in (𝛥t=0) flow rate q changes to 0 instantaneously. Where in
fact q declines towards 0.

• This is called after flow effect.

Middle-Time region
• Radius of investigation has moved beyond altered zone.

• After flow has ceased distorting pressure build up data.

• We can observe the straight line (for ideal test) whose

slope is related to k.

• Using the Horner method requires us to recognise this

Late-Time region

• Radius of investigation will reach drainage boundaries of

a well.

• here, pressure behaviour is influenced by boundaries,

nearby wells etc.
Estimating formation

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