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Midfoot Anatomy

Name- Jane Alam

Group- 11A

Midfoot Anatomy
Four Major Units
1. 1st Metatarsal (MT) <> Medial
Cuneiform: 6° of mobility
2. 2nd MT <> Middle Cuneiform:
Firmly Fixed
3. 3rd MT <> Lateral Cuneiform:
Firmly Fixed
4. 4th – 5th MT <> Cuboid: Mobile 1
2 3
Midfoot Anatomy
Osseous stability is provided
by the “Roman arch” of the
metatarsals and the recessed
keystone of the second
metatarsal base 1
Midfoot Anatomy
Associated Structures *
 Dorsalis pedis artery*:
between 1st and 2nd MT bases
 Deep peroneal nerve:
runs alongside the artery
Midfoot Anatomy
“Column” Anatomy
 Medial column includes talon-
avicular joint, cuneiforms, and
medial three rays of the fore-
 Lateral column includes calca-
neocuboid joint and fourth and
fifth metatarsals.
Midfoot Anatomy
Medial column joints (tarsometatarsals
(TMT) 1-3) are qualitatively different from
lateral column joints (TMT 4-5)
Medial column joints more similar to inter-
tarsal joints
Medial column joints need to be aligned and
Lateral column joints need to be mobile
Midfoot Anatomy

Lisfranc’s Joint
 articulation between the
cuneifoms + cuboid (aka tarsus)
and the bases of the five
Midfoot Anatomy

Dorsal Capsule Plantar Ligaments

Midfoot Anatomy
Lisfranc’s ligament:
 large oblique ligament that ex-
tends from the plantar aspect of
the medial cuneiform to the base
of the second metatarsal
 **there is no transverse
metatarsal ligament between the
first and second metatarsals)
Midfoot Anatomy
Interosseous ligaments:
 Connect the metatarsal
 ONLY 2-5, not 1-2
 Dorsal and plantar
 Plantar are stronger and
Secondary stabilizers:
 Plantar fascia
 Peroneus longus
 Intrinsincs
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