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Ancient Israel

Language Their main languages are Hebrew and Arabic th They began speaking in the 10 century There is a total of 33 languages spoken in Israel

Israel is the only country in which Judaism is the religion of the majority of the citizens. In 1842 the population was 76.1% Jewish, 16.2% Muslim, 21.% Christian and 1.6% Druze and the remaining 3.9% were not religious at all! Most citizens in the state of Israel are Jewish, and most Israeli Jews practice Judaism in some form.

The prevalent opinion was that creating art drawing and sculpting was a violation of the second commandment graven images. Israel people had a need to express their longing for beauty and art. The first Israel artist on record was named Bezalel. He was an architect, sculptor, and a designer of holy garments. Mostly he was known for making the tabernacle that contained the ark of the Covenant.

Ancient Israels Architecture is very unique in it era. They built may temples and religious shrines. They were built out of brick like stones and some had inscription on them. The temples were very extravagant because they were used to worship their God. Many of these sites where the building are still standing are now considered holy.

Some medicines that the Israelites used were:
animal fat to help heal wounds. herbs and other plants. They also believed that their gods could help heal all.

The Israelites believed that only the healers could them.

Ehud Olmert was the prime minister of Ancient Israel. Israel is also run by democracy. The state of Israel has no formal constitution. Some of the laws are the Jerusalem law and the law of Return:
The Jerusalem law states that the integrity and unity of greater Jerusalem in its boundaries after the Six-Day War shall not be violated. The law of return is Israeli legislation that allows Jews and those with Jewish parents or grandparents, and spouses of the aforementioned, to settle in Israel and gain citizenship.

Some games that the Israelites played were
Basketball Soccer Track and field Dodge ball

The Israelites had this ancient dodge ball game

The Israelites had many values but some of their mane values would have to be:
their god was very important and he was the main ruler of everything. They thought that the spirits would help them get through rough times. They did not believe in sex before marriage.

The Ancient Israelites created many intuitive inventions that have affected many civilizations that are ancient and modern. Inventions
Wheel Bricks Gold mirrors Makeup made from different powders

Some food that the Israelites ate was
Cow milk, Sheep milk, and goat milk Honey was the most common sweetener Bread Fish Pigeons

Some seasonings they used were

Mustard Mint Rosemary

Weapons and technology

Weapons were divided into three categories according to there range:
Short-range: Sword, dagger and spear Medium-range: javelin Long-range: sling shot and catapults

Not only are these the only weapons but they are the ones that are well known.

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