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Save the whales.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND

What is the WDC

WDC, Whale and Dolphin

Conservation is the leading
charity dedicated to the
protection of whales and

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

What do we do

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Our goals

• Whales and dolphins face huge

challenges over the coming years but
WDC is determined to fight for them
wherever and whenever we can.
We’re not a huge organisation with
limitless resource, so we’re making
sure we focus our expertise and
passion on the most important areas
and where we believe we can make
the biggest difference.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

• Over 3,600 whales and dolphins remain in
tanks. But the tide is turning. People like
you are boycotting captive aquaria and
supporting WDC to do critical work.
• In recent years we have campaigned for
holiday companies to stop selling trips to
SeaWorld and other aquaria; leading to
the Virgin pledge for all aquaria to stop
imports of wild caught whales and
dolphins and many travel companies
agreeing to no longer promote or sell
tickets to marine parks. We have also
helped prevent the opening of new
aquaria and even a total captivity ban in
India, Croatia, Slovenia and other

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Our end result

• Creating sea sanctuaries where whales and dolphins can be relocated to live more natural lives, if
they cannot be returned to the wild
• Working with Merlin Entertainments on a Sanctuary to retire captive belugas to a natural sea pen
• Providing expert advice on other potential sanctuaries around the globe
• Stopping the supply of whales and dolphins to captive facilities
• Stopping airlines transporting whales and dolphins from Japanese drive hunts to cut the supply of
whales and dolphins to parks
• Pressuring governments to ban the capture of wild whales and dolphins for display
• Exposing welfare issues and cruelty associated with breeding in captivity
• Ending demand for whale and dolphins shows
• Campaigning to stop tour operators and cruise companies promoting trips to shows
• Working with local groups and individuals in countries where new facilities are planned, to raise
awareness, change attitudes and stop the development of such facilities

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
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