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Student Name : Ayesha Saba
Student ID : STU6231658abb9ad1647404426
College Name : Balaji Institute of Technology and Science

Project Title : Amazon Market Place Inside Console using Power BI

Abstract | Problem Statement | Project Overview | Proposed Solution | Technology Used | Modelling
& Results | Conclusion | Q&A
• E-commerce platforms like Amazon generate vast amounts of data daily, making it challenging for sellers to
efficiently analyze and manage their performance. This project aims to create a streamlined solution by integrating
Amazon Marketplace data into a centralized console using Power BI. This consolidation will provide sellers with a
comprehensive overview of their business, enabling data-driven decisions and improving overall efficiency.
Problem Statement
Amazon sellers frequently encounter challenges due
to the dispersed nature of data and the complexity of
using various analytics tools. The current scenario
requires sellers to invest significant time in manually
navigating through multiple Amazon dashboards and
reports, impeding their ability to extract meaningful
and actionable insights. To address this issue and
improve the decision-making process, there is a
pressing need for a consolidated solution that
streamlines data management and analysis for
Amazon Marketplace sellers
Project Overview
The project involves creating a seamless integration between Amazon Marketplace and Power BI,
a powerful business analytics tool. This integration will allow sellers to directly connect their
Amazon Marketplace data to Power BI, enabling them to visualize, analyze, and derive
meaningful insights from their sales, customer behavior, and inventory data.
Project Components:
Amazon Marketplace API Integration
Power BI Integration
Custom Connector Development
Data Extraction and Transformation
Data Modeling
Dashboard Creation
User Interface (UI)
Automation and Real-time Updates
Testing and Quality Assurance
Training and Support
Security Measures
Proposed Solution
Amazon Marketplace API Integration:

Establish a seamless connection for real-time data retrieval.

Focus on fetching sales, customer reviews, and inventory details.
Power BI Integration

Utilize Power BI for efficient data visualization and reporting.

Implement a direct integration for smooth data flow.
Custom Connector Development

Develop a custom connector if needed for tailored data transfer.

Data Extraction and Transformation:

Extract and transform relevant data, emphasizing sales, reviews, and inventory.
Data Modeling:

Structure data within Power BI, creating effective relationships.

Dashboard Creation:

Design user-friendly dashboards for comprehensive insights.

User Interface (UI) Enhancement
Technology Used

Amazon Marketplace API: To fetch real-time

data directly from the seller's Amazon
Marketplace account.

Power BI: A robust business analytics tool for

data visualization, analysis, and reporting.

Custom Connector Development or Existing

Connectors: To establish a seamless
connection between Amazon Marketplace and
Power BI.

Data Transformation Tools: To clean,

transform, and model the raw data for
meaningful insights.
Modelling & Results
• The data modeling process will involve structuring the raw
data from Amazon Marketplace into a format suitable for
analysis within Power BI. This includes creating relationships
between different data sets and designing dashboards for
visual representation. The results will empower sellers to
monitor sales trends, track customer behavior, optimize
inventory management, and make informed decisions to
enhance their overall performance on Amazon Marketplace.
• By integrating Amazon Marketplace with Power BI, this project
addresses the challenges faced by sellers in efficiently
analyzing their data. The seamless flow of information will
empower sellers to make data-driven decisions, optimize their
strategies, and ultimately improve their success on the
Amazon Marketplace platform. The proposed solution not only
enhances the user experience but also contributes to the
overall efficiency and competitiveness of sellers in the
dynamic e-commerce landscape.
Thank You!

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