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Phân tích

Ví dụ

Chức năng 1. Ví dụ 1: Có từ tín hiệu usually, everyday chỉ những thói quen thường
Diễn tả một thói quen hoặc hành động lặp đi lặp - I usually (get) …… up at 6 a.m. (Tôi thường thức dậy vào 6 xảy ra
lại trong hiện tại giờ sáng.) ® Cần điền thì hiện tại đơn
A. get ® Loại B. am getting và C. will get
B. am getting ® Chọn A. Get
C. will get

Chức năng 2. Ví dụ 2: Trái Đất luôn luôn quay xung quanh Mặt Trời, đó là sự thật
Diễn tả một chân lý, sự thật hiển nhiên - The Earth (move) ….. around the Sun. (Trái Đất quay quanh hiển nhiên và sẽ không bao giờ thay đổi
Mặt Trời) ® Loại A. moved và C. will move
A. moved ® Chọn B. moves
B. moves
C. will move

Chức năng 3. Ví dụ 3: Tuy giờ hạ cánh là 10 sáng mai, nhưng đây là lịch trình đã
Nói về một lịch trình có sẵn, chương trình, thời - The plane (land) …… at 10 a.m. tomorrow. (Máy bay hạ được cố định và không thay đổi
gian biểu cố định cánh lúc 10 giờ sáng mai.) ® Sử dụng thì Hiện tại đơn
VD: train (tàu), plane (máy bay),... A. will land ® Chọn C. lands
B. landed
C. lands

Chức năng 4. Ví dụ 4: Đây là câu điều kiện loại I, mệnh đề chứa If sử dụng thì Hiện
Sử dụng trong câu điều kiện loại I - If I (pass)…… this exam, my parents will take me to London. tại đơn
(Nếu tớ đỗ kỳ thi này, bố mẹ tớ sẽ đưa tớ đến London.) ® Loại B. passed và C. will pass
A. pass ® Chọn A. pass
B. passed
C. will pass
Exercise 1. Chuyển đổi các câu cho sẵn sang thể khẳng định, phủ định và nghi
Thể khẳng định Thể phủ định Thể nghi vấn

We go shopping every weekend. We don’t go shopping every weekend Do we go shopping every weekend?

It isn’t rain every afternoon in the hot Does it rain every afternoon in the hot
It is rain every afternoon in the hot season
season season?

They like to hang out during weekdays They don’t like to hang out during weekdays. Do they like to hang out during weekdays

The Earth revolves around the Sun. The Earth doesn’t revolve around the sun. Does The Earth revolve around the sun?

She only eats fish. She doesn’t eat fish only Does she only eat fish?

They watch movie every weekend They don’t watch movie every weekend How often do they watch movie?
Does he drink tea for breakfast?

I know how to play piano I don’t know how to play piano. Do I know how to play piano?

Your exam starts at 09:00. Your exam doesn’t start at 09:00 Does your exam start at 09:00?

London is a large city London isn’t a large city Is London a large city?
Exercise 2. Chia động từ trong ngoặc.
1. My brother always makes Saturday dinner. (make)
2. Ruth doesn’t eat eggs; they make her ill. (not eat; make)
3. "Have you got a light, by any chance?" "Sorry, I don’t smoke" (smoke)
4. Does Mark go to school every day? (go)
5. Do your parents like your boyfriend? (like)
6. How often do you go hiking? (go)
7. Where Does your sister works? (work)
8. Ann doesn’t usually have lunch. (not have)
9. Who Does the ironing in your house? (do)
10. We hang out once a week. (hang)

Exercise 3. Hoàn thành các câu sau (Sử d ụng th ể kh ẳng đ ịnh ho ặc ph ủ đ ịnh).
Ví dụ:
0. Claire is very open-minded. She knows (know) lots of people.
-> We've got plenty of chairs, thanks. We don't want(not want) any more.
1. My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He doesn’t speak French.
2. Most students live quite close to the college, so they Walk (walk) there every day.
3. How often do you look (look) in a mirror?
4. I've got four cats and two dogs. I love (love) animals.
5. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He doesn’t eat (eat) breakfast.
6. What's the matter? You look (look) very happy.
7. Don't try to ring the bell. It doesn’t work (work).
8. I hate telephone answering machines. I just like (like) talking to them.
9. Matthew is good at basketball. He wins (win) every game.
10. We always travel by bus. We don’t own (own) a car.
Exercise 5: Cho dạng đúng của những từ trong ngoặc để tạo thành câu có nghĩa.
1. It (be) is a fact that smart phone (help) helps us a lot in our life.
2. I often (travel) travel to some of my favorite destinations every summer.
3. Our Math lesson usually (finish) finishes at 4.00 p.m.
4. The reason why Susan (not eat) doesn’t eat meat is that she (be) is a vegetarian.
5. People in Ho Chi Minh City (be) are very friendly and they (smile) smile a lot.
6. The flight (start) starts at 6 a.m every Thursday.
7. Peter (not study) doesn’t study very hard. He never gets high scores.
8. I like oranges and she (like) likes apples.
9. My mom and my sister (cook) cook lunch everyday.
10. They (have) have breakfast together every morning.
Các trường hợp dùng thì quá khứ đơn

Ví dụ Phân tích

Chức năng 1. I (see) Saw Tam in the park last Sunday. (Tớ nhìn thấy Tâm trong công Có từ tín hiệu last Sunday, Hành động đã kết thúc trong quá khứ
Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra và viên vào chủ nhật tuần trước.) → Chọn đáp án A
hoàn tất trong quá khứ với thời gian A. saw
xác định rõ B. see
C. will see

Chức năng 2. She (come) came to class, (open) Opened the notebook and (start) Một chuỗi hành động xảy ra liên tục và đều đã kết thúc trong quá
Diễn tả các hành động xảy ra liên tiếp started to take note what the teacher was saying. (Cô ấy đến lớp, mở khứ
trong quá khứ vở ra và bắt đầu ghi chép những gì giáo viên đang giảng.) → Sử dụng thì Quá khứ đơn
A. comes, opened, will start → Chọn đáp án B
B. came, opened, started
C. comes, opens, starts

Chức năng 3. When I was sleeping, the phone suddenly (ring) ........... (Lúc tôi đang Khi 1 hành động đang xảy ra thì có 1 hành động khác xen vào →
Diễn tả một hành động xen vào một ngủ thì điện thoại kêu.) Hành động xen vào được chia ở thì Quá khứ đơn
hành động đang diễn ra trong quá A. rings → Chọn đáp án C
khứ B. will ring
C. rang

Chức năng 4. If I (have) ........... a wealthy husband, I would travel around the Trong câu điều kiện loại II (Câu điều kiện không có thực ở hiện tại),
Dùng trong câu điều kiện loại II world. (Nếu tôi có 1 người chồng giàu có, tôi sẽ đi du lịch khắp thế mệnh đề giả định If chia ở thì quá khứ giả định (Giống thì Quá khứ
giới.) đơn ngoại trừ động từ “to be” thì dùng “were” cho tất cả các ngôi)
A. had → Chọn đáp án A
B. have
C. had had
The line graph (1-compare) compares three types of traveler to New Zealand between 1997 and 2017 in terms of their average daily expenditure.

It is noticeable that spending by these international visitors (2-be) at its highest between the years 2000 and 2003. Overall, business travelers (3-
spend)______________ the most per day, while people visiting friends or relatives (4-spend)________________the least.

In 1997, business visitors to New Zealand spent an average of almost $260 per day, while holidaymakers spent around $190 and people visiting friends or
relatives spent less than $120. Over the following five years, spending by all three types of traveler (5-increase)_______________ dramatically, to peaks of
around $330, $270 and $220. However, visitor spending suddenly (6-fall)___________ again between 2003 and 2005.

From 2005 to 2015, the daily expenditure of business travelers and tourists (7-fluctuate)___________ around the $200 mark, whereas people visiting
relations or friends spent roughly 60 to 80 dollars less per day. By 2017, daily spending had risen to approximately $250, $210 and $140 respectively for
vacationers, business people and those visiting loved ones.
Exercise 2: Cho dạng đúng của những từ trong ngoặc sau để tạo thành một bài IELTS Speaking part 2 có nghĩa.

I can remember many happy events of my life and out of those, I would like to talk about the event that I can still remember vividly. It (1-be)_________ indeed an
exhilarating event and that was regarding my success in the board final exam. The moment I (2-hear)__________ that I had been awarded a scholarship for my
performance in the board exam, I (3-become)___________ the happiest man in the world. This (4-be)________ truly a felicitous moment for me as it is something I was
looking forward to very eagerly and the news (5-make)_________ my parents quite happy and proud. I would like to thank you for letting me talk about this event.

I (6-wait) ___________almost a month with great anxiety for my result. I (7-start)______________ speculating so many things and many of them were negative. I could
hardly stop thinking about my upcoming result during this period. The result was highly important and my college admission was dependent on it. I could not sleep well
the night before the result publishing day. I think it is common for students to worry about their results, especially for important exams, and I was familiar with this type
of concern. However, I have to admit that I had been more worried about it than other exam results I can remember.
The result was published at around 11.00 am and I (8-find)_________ that I did exceptionally well. I was so relieved and happy that I was on cloud nine. Then I hurriedly
returned home and gave the news to my parents. They were very happy. My father, who barely expresses his emotions (9-be)__________ also very pleased, and my
mother called a few of our relatives to share the good news. I felt excited, happy and relieved. At that time I was about 15 years old. It (10-happen)__________ in our
hometown called (... say the name of your hometown...). It was so pleasant an event that I still remember every bit of it.

Exercise 3: Hoàn thành câu với những từ cho trước.

1. I/ move/ Hanoi/ when/ I/ in/ high school. I moved to Hanoi when I was in high school
2. My family/ use/ eat out (Đi ăn ngoài)/ every weekend/ then (sau đó)/ go/ cinema/ watch/ latest (muôn nhất)/ blockbuster (Bom Tấn). My family used to eat out every weekend then go to the
cinema to watch the latest blockbuster
3. My sister/ spend(tiêu pha)/ $500/ her birthday party/ last year/ because/ it/ her 30 th. My sister spent $500 for her birthday party last year because it was her 30 th
4. I/ buy/ Sarah/ farewell gift (món quà chia tay)/ because/ she/ leave (rời khỏi)/ Sydney/ next month (tháng tiếp theo). I Bought sarah a farewell Gift because she’s leaving Sydney Next Month
5. There/ massive (to lớn)/ traffic jam (tắc đường)/ Melrose Avenue (đại lộ Melrose)/ because/ car accident (tai nạn xe hơi)/ happen (xảy ra)/ an hour/ before/ I/ get/ there. There were a car
accident happen
6. I/ guess/ Vietnamese people/ not use/ celebrate/ Christmas.

7. I/ not able/ buy/ bag/ at first/ because/ expensive/ but/ it/ on sale/ a few days later/ so/ I/ decide/ buy/ it.
Exercise 4. Chia các động từ sau ở thì quá kh ứ đơn.
1. I ………………. at home last weekend. (stay)
2. Angela ………………. to the cinema last night. (go)
3. I and my friends ………………. a great time in Nha Trang last year. (have)
4. My vacation in Hue last summer ………………. wonderful. (be)
5. Last June I ………………. Ngoc Son Temple in Ha Noi. (visit)
6. My parents ………………. very tired after the trip. (be)
7. I ………………. a lot of gifts for my little sister. (buy)
8. Lan and Mai ………………. sharks, dolphins and turtles at Tri Nguyen
aquarium. (see)
9. Trung ………………. chicken and rice for dinner. (eat)
10. They ………………. about their holiday in Hoi An. (talk).

Exercise 5. Mỗi câu sau đây có một lỗi sai. Tìm và sửa chúng.

1. At present, I’m work as a teacher in a secondary school and I plan to work here for 2 or 3 years before going to Australia to study.


2. Fire are one of the most important inventions in history.


3. Beyoncé was now a very well-known all over the world and she has released several albums in her singing career.


4. In the future, I came back to Indonesia to work after having a long vacation in Japan.


5. They haven’t seen each other since a long time.

Bài 1: Bài tập chia động từ thì quá khứ đơn
1.I (eat) ate dinner at six o’clock yesterday.
2.A: did Helen (drive) drive to work? – B: Yes, she did
3.My neighbor (buy) bought a new car last week.
4.They (go) Went to Italy on their last summer holiday.
5. Did they (swim) Swim at the beach? – B: No, they Didn’t.
6.My family and I (see) saw a comedy movie last night.
7.First, we (do) did exercise, and then we (drink) drank some water.
8.Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite) Bit my hand.
9.What time (do) did you (get up) get up this morning?
10.The Wright brothers (fly) Flew the first airplane in 1903.
11.I think I (hear) heard a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.
12.When I was ten years old, I (break) Broke my arm. It really (hurt) Hurt.
13.The police (catch)caught all three of the bank robbers last week.
14.How many times (do) did you (read) read that book?
15.Unfortunately, I (forget) forgot to (bring) bring my money.
Bài 2: Chuyển những câu dưới đây từ hiện tại đơn sang Bài 2: Chuyển những câu dưới đây từ hiện tại đơn sang
quá khứ đơn quá khứ đơn
1.He goes to the swimming pool because he likes 1.He went to the swimming pool because he liked
swimming. swimming.
2.They have dinner at nine o´clock. 2.They had dinner at nine o’clock
3.Helen eats too many sweets. 3.Helen ate too many sweets.
4.I buy the newspaper in the shop. 4.I Bought the newspaper in the shop.
5.We get up at eight o´clock and go to school 5.We got up at eight o´clock and go to school
6.Does she buy the newspaper in the shop over there? 6.Did she buy the newspaper in the shop over there?
7.Do they do their homework in the evening? 7.Did they do their homework in the evening?
8.Do they have a good holiday? 8.Did they have a good holiday?
9.Do they find any animal in the forest? 9.Did they find any animal in the forest?
10.Is it dark when she gets up in the morning? 10.Was it dark when she gets up in the morning?
1.Keep V2. Kept V3. Kept
2.Know V2. Knew V3. Known
3.Learn V2. learnt V3. learnt
Bài 3: Chuyển những động từ bất quy tắc sau sang dạng quá khứ
4.Let V2. Let V3. Let
1.Be V2. Was/were V3. Been
5.Make V2. Made V3. Made
2.Become V2. Became V3.Become
6.Mean V2. Meant V3. Meant
3.Begin V2. Began V3.Begun
7.Meet V2. Met V3. Met
4.Break V2. Broke V3. Broken
1.Pay V2. Paid V3. Paid
5.Bring V2. Brought V3. Brought
2.Read V2. Read V3. Read
6.Build V2. Built V3. Built
8.Rise V2. Rose V3. Risen
7.Buy V2. Bought V3. Bought
9.Run V2. Ran V3. Run
8.Choose V2. Chose V3. Chosen
10.Say V2.Said V3. Said
9.Come V2. came V3. come
11.See V2. saw V3. seen
10.Cost V2. Cost V3. Cost
12.Send V2. Sent V3. Sent
11.Cut V2. Cut V3. Cut
13.Set V2. Set V3. Set
12.Do V2. Did V3. done
14.Shake V2. Shook V3. Shaken
13.Dream V2. dreamt V3. Dreamt
15.Shut V2. Shut V3. Shut
14.Drink V2. Drank V3. Drunk
16.Sing V2. sang V3. sung
15.Eat V2. Ate V3. eaten
17.Sit V2. Sat V3. Sat
16.Feel V2. Felt V3. Felt
18.Sleep V2. Slept V3. Slept
17.Find V2. Found V3. Found
19.Stand V2. Stood V3. Stood
18.Forget V2. Forgot V3. Forgotten
20.Swim V2. Swam V3. Swum
19.Get V2. Got V3. Got
21.Take V2. Took V3. Taken
20.Give V2. Gave V3. Given
22.Teach V2. taught V3. taught
21.Go V2. Went V3. Gone
23.Tell V2. Told V3. Told
22.Have V2. Had V3. had
24.Think V2. Thought V3. Thought
23.Hear V2. Heard V3. Heard
25.Wear V2. Wore V3. Worn
24.Hold V2. Held V3. Held
26.Win V2. Won V3. Won
27.Write V2. Wrote V3. Written
Bài 4: Chia động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn
1.It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take).
2.The film wasn’t very goor. I didn’t enjoy it very much. (enjoy)
3.I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ….. her (disturb)
4.I was very tired, so I ….. the party early. (leave)
5.The bed was very uncomfortable. I ….. very well (sleep)
6.The window was open and a bird ….. into the room (fly)
7.The hotel wasn’t very expensive. It ….. very much (cost)
8.I was in a hurry, so I ….. time to phone you (have).
9.It was hard carrying the bags. They ….. very heavy. (be)
Bài 5: Bài tập về thì quá khứ – Đọc những gì Laure nói về một ngày làm việc điển hình.
Laure: I usually get up at 7 o’clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me about an hour. I start work
at 8:45. I neverhave lunch. I finish work at 5 o’clock. I’m always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the
evening. I don’t usually go out, I goto bed at about 11 o’clock and I always sleep well.
Yesterday was a typical working day for Laura. Write what she did ordidn’t do yesterday.
She got up at 7 o’clock
1.She ….. a big breakfast
2.She …..
3.It ….. to get to work.
4.….. at 8:45.
5.….. lunch
6.….. at 5 o’ clock
7.….. tired when ….. home.
8.….. a meal yesterday evening
9.….. out yesrerday evening.
10.….. at 11 o’ clock
11.….. well last night.
Bài 2: Chuyển những câu sau sang câu phủ định và nghi vấn
1.Nam wrote an essay in Literature class this morning.
2.I watched TV yesterday morning.
3.Nam and you were in the English club last Tuesday
4.They ate noodles two hours ago.
5.We always had a nice time on Christmas holiday in the past.
6.My father decorated the Christmas tree.
7.She bought a new dress yesterday.
8.They were late for school.
9.Mr.Tam took his children to the museum last Sunday.
10.Hoa made a cushion for her armchair.
Bài 4: Lựa chọn và điền dạng đúng của từ
teach cook want spend ring
be sleep study go write
1.She…..out with her boyfriend last night.
2.Laura…..a meal yesterday afternoon.
3.Mozart…..more than 600 pieces of music.
4.I…..tired when I came home.
5.The bed was very comfortable so they…..very well.
6.Jamie passed the exam because he…..very hard.
7.My father…..the teenagers to drive when he was alive.
8.Dave… make a fire but there was no wood.
9.The little boy…..hours in his room making his toys.
10.The telephone…..several times and then stopped before I could answer it.

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