BMacro Orientation

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Basic Macroeconomics

Macro/BMacro Course Orientation

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Teacher orientation

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Towards Meaningful Learning Experiences

Jean Lee C. Patindol

Philosophy of Education
 Empowerment – helps people discover their own
powers, to create good in their own lives and others’
 Lifelong – experiences and theory inform each other;
encourage sharing, reflection
 Integrative - theory and practice complement and
enrich each other (experiential exercise, theory,
discussion, test)

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Expected class behavior

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Manifested in Classroom
Values Behavior
 Honesty/integrity  Punctuality; no going in-out when
 class is in session
respect for self  One person speaks at a time
 respect for others  Take responsibility for missed
 responsibility for one’s attendance check/ sessions/
decisions and actions assignments (only HW can be made
up for with penalty deductions); check
egroup at least every weekend
 Express your best!
 A passion for and  Intellectual honesty; cite references if
commitment to excellence ideas are not own
 Fairness/transparency  When in doubt, ASK! Never assume!
 Set appointments for consultation

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Excellence with a Soul, Competence with Compassion: ELGA
(Expected Lasallian Graduate Attributes)
 Socially-responsible Christian
 Practices Christian values by showing concern to others especially to the poor
 Respects diversity and bridges cultural differences
 Takes responsibility for the protection and preservation of the environment
 Immerses themselves in the community and takes concrete action on societal and
global issues in the light of the Gospel
 Participates and collaborates in the projects initiated by the Church
 Takes personal responsibility for actions which are a result of their choices and
their integrity as persons

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

 Critical thinker
 Can differentiate relevant from irrelevant information in a
certain context
 Can apply multidisciplinary approaches to solving problems
and completing tasks in the real world
 Can analyze and synthesize information in order to answer
questions and formulate solutions to address the needs of the
 Can make complex choices and decisions based on sound
reasoning and guided by Gospel values

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

 Effective communicator
 Articulates thoughts and feelings tactfully that are rooted in
Christian values
 Exercises flexibility, sensitivity, and adaptability vis-à-vis a
variety of social contexts without compromising Christian
Gospel values
 Uses technology responsibly and skillfully to enhance
communication for personal, social and academic pursuits
 Demonstrates confidence in his/her communicative abilities
at par with the global community

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Gospel/Christian Values
 Rooted in God’s Love (1 Cor. 13: 4-8)
 Truth
 Justice/ Honor Dignity of Life : people above things; things
serve people & not the other way around
 Mercy/Compassion/Forgiveness
 Reconciliation/Healing and nurturing of relationships to self,
others, Creation

by Jean Lee C. Patindol


by Jean Lee C. Patindol

(Basic Macroeconomics)

 This 3-unit introductory course in Basic Macroeconomics is primarily designed for

students pursuing business courses.
 It introduces students to the different topics concerning the macro economy such as
national income determination, employment, price levels, monetary and fiscal
policies, taxation, international trade, and economic development.
 It creates awareness among students on how individual decisions affect the
aggregate so that they will make more socially responsible decisions.
 It also exposes them to pressing economic issues such as poverty, inflation,
recession, and unemployment that need proper, sincere and honest government
 At the end of the semester, students will be asked to create an economic agenda that
they think will boost the economic standing of the country (province, city)
concerning its present state. It should be able cover current economic issues and
make recommendations that incorporate sound economic policies.
 Prerequisite: BMicro (Basic Microeconomics)

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Desired Learning Outcomes

 Critically analyze how the entire economic system operates

and how it is affected by the decisions of each component of
the macroeconomy, so that they may be able to create sound
decisions that promote over-all economic welfare. (CRITICAL
 Convey ideas clearly in English through active participation in
class presentations and discussions and through quality written

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

 Perform quality work and demonstrate the values of fairness,
transparency, accountability, hard work, honesty, patience,
diligence, leadership, flexibility, innovativeness and
responsible risk taking through individual and collaborative
 Demonstrate the ability to access, retrieve, use and publicly
disseminate information responsibly using traditional and new
media and information and communications technology
through the course’s online assignments and presentation

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

 Develop the ability to create sound economic policies that will
address the socio-economic issues/ concerns of society and
address the needs of many, especially those who have the least

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

(Pls. download school calendar from )

 Prelim
 Thinking Like An Economist
 Introduction to Macroeconomics
 The Development of Economic Thought
 Midterm
 Macroeconomic Variables
 National Income Determination
 Money, Money Supply and Monetary Policy
 Fiscal Policy

 Endterm
 Development, Poverty and Growth
 Special Topic: ASEAN Economic Integration

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Lecture 1 Download Link


by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Course Requirements

 Active participation in class and group activities

 Homework, seatwork, quizzes and term exams
 Individual and group reports (oral and written)
 Reflection/ critique papers
 Group project policy paper

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Suggested Basic Resources
 Abel, A. B. (2011). Macroeconomics. Boston: Pearson.
 Blanchard, Olivier. (2011). Macroeconomic. Upper Saddle River, N. J.:
Pearson Prentice-Hall.
 Case, K. E. (2011). Principles of economics, Volume 2. Macroeconomics.
Singapore: Pearson Custom Pub.
 Case, Karl E. (2013). Principles of economics. Upper Saddle River, N. J.:
Prentice-Hall Pearson Education International.
 Gaffney, Mason. (2009). After the crash: Designing a depression-free economy.
 Hunt, E. K. (2011). History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective.
Armonk, N. Y.: M. E. Sharpe.
 Mankiw, G. N. (2011). Macroeconomics. Australia: South-Western, Cengage
 Montiel, P. (2009). International macroeconomics. Chichester, U. K.; Malden,
MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
 Pagoso, C., Dinio R. and Villasis, D. (2009). Introductory
Macroeconomics.Revised ed. Manila: Rex Bookstore.
 Sandelin, Bo. (2008). A short history of economic thought. Abingdon, Oxon
(England); New Yori, New York: Routledge.
 Schiller, B. R. (2009). Essentials of Economics. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Evaluation & assistance

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Grading Criteria and Policy
(Final Grade: 30% PLG + 30% MTG + 40% ETG)

 Class participation/Attendance = 10%

 Perfect attendance/term = 90
 Add class participation and scored discussion points
 Deduct 2% points from 90 for every absence
 Perfect attendance per term: add 2% points to term grade
 Daily Work = 45%
 Homeworks/Seatworks/Reports
 Quizzes/Critique Papers/Group blog
 Term Exams/ Project policy paper = 45%

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Grade Computation

 50% cut-off score

 Conversion of scores to grades:
 Grade = 49 + 51 (Raw score / Total score )
 Example:
 Perfect score = 100 points
 Cut-off = 49 to 50 points as around 75%; with score of 50
 49 + 51 (50/100) = 74.5%
 Below cut-off: e.g. 10 points
 49 + 51 (10/100) = 57.5 % or 60%

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

 Yu An Log College of Business and Accountancy
(CBA) Faculty Office:
• 1230 - 230 PM by prior appointment (text at least a day before)
• TTh
• 1030am -1200nn by prior appointment;
• 400 - 530pm by prior appointment

 Call or text: 0922-8707-206

 Email: (official email) ; (e-group subscribed email)

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

Next To Dos

 Sign up to class Edmodo group by 12midnight of Nov. 8, 2019 to earn

your bonus 10 points.
 Macro_B 1130-1230 BABA2B –
 Macro_A 900-1030TTh BABA2A –
 BMacro_H 830-930 CO1E –
 BMacro_F 300-430 TTh CO1C –
 Finalize class seat plan.
 Form your working teams of a max. 4-5 members/group. Submit your
team name & members’ list (with contact numbers) on ¼ paper. Get each
others’ contact numbers.
 Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for our class lessons starting
next meeting. 

by Jean Lee C. Patindol

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