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Asking directions adalah bertanya arah. Ada berbagai ungkapan yang dapat kamu
gunakan untuk menanyakan arah di jalan kepada orang asing.

Giving directions adalah sebaliknya, yakni memberitahu arah. Ketika ada orang asing
bertanya arah jalan, kamu dapat menggunakan kosakata berikut ini. Saat memberitahu arah
kepada orang lain, pastikan kamu benar-benar mengetahui places in the city yang dimaksud.
Asking for Directions Giving the Directions
Could you tell me how to get the nearest bus It’s the way. (sebenarnya arahnya ke sini)
station? (Bisakah Anda memberitahu saya It’s that way. (Sebenarnya arahnya ke
bagaimana menuju ke terminal bis terdekat?) sana)

Do you know where the post office is? (Apakah

Anda tahu dimana tempat kantor pos?

I’m looking for this address. Do you know where it You’re going the wrong way (Kamu
is? (Saya sedang mencari alaat ini. Apakah Anda sudah salah jalan)
tahu dimana tempatnya?) You’re going in the wrong direction.
(kamu sudah salah arah)

Excuse me. Am I on the right road for Pondok

Indah? (Permisi, Apakah saya ada di jaan yang
tepat menuju ke Mall Pondok Indah?)

Is this the right way for SMKN 1 Bukateja? Take this road (Ambil jalan ini)
(Apakah ini jalan yang tepat menuju sekolah Go down there (Ambil jalan itu)
SMKN 1 Bukateja?)

Can you point me out where Usman Jannatin park

is? (Bisakah Anda tunjukan pada saya dimana
letak Taman Usman Jannatin?)
Take the first on the left. (Anda belok ke
kiri di samping yang pertama)
Do you mind to show me where the nearest food Take the second on the right (Anda belok
stall is around here? (Apakah Anda tidak ke kanan di simpang yang kedua)
keberatan menunjukan pada saya dimana Kedai Turn right at the crossroads (Belok ke
makanan terekat di sekitar sini?) kanan di simpang empat)

*Gunakan excuse me sebelum bertanya agar

pertanyaan terkesan lebih sopan
Near (Dekat)
Behind (Di belakang)
Beside (Di samping)
Next to (Di samping)
Turn Right (Belok ke kanan)
Turn Left (Belok ke kiri)
In front of (Di depan)
Go straight (Jalan lurus)
Between (Di antara 2 benda)
Among (Di antara lebih dari 2 benda)
Across (Di seberang)
Go past (Melewati)
Go down (turun)
Opposite (Berlawanan)
Intersection (Perempatan)
T-Junction (Pertigaan)
On the corner of (Di pojok)
Avenue / street / road (jalan)
first block ( belokan pertama), second blocks (belokan kedua), dst.
Asking Directions
Before Asking Kosakata apa saja yang dapat digunakan untuk menanyakan arah?
• Can you give me directions to ___?
• Excuse me. • Are we on the right road for ___?
• Excuse me, sir / madam. • How do you get to ___?
• Where is ___?
• I am new here. • Where can I find the nearest ___?
• I’m lost. • How do I get to ___?
• Is there ___ near here?
• I am sorry to interrupt you, • Where is the nearest ___?
but ___. • Do you know where the ___ is?

• Excuse me, could you help • Is there a ___ around here?

• Can you tell me how to get to ___ from here?
me, please? • What’s the best way to get to ___?
• I am sorry. • What’s the quickest way to get to ___?
• What’s the easiest way to get to ___?
• Sorry, I am not from around • Where are we exactly?
here. • I am looking for this address, am I in the right place / how can I get
• Excuse me, I seemed to be • Can you show me on the map?
lost. • I’m looking for the ___.
• Do you know the ___?
Finishing Conversation ◦ Go straight
Setelah mendapat jawaban yang dibutuhkan, • Go straight.
jangan lupa mengucapkan terima kasih. • Go along the road.
• Thanks for the help. Bye. • Go down there.
• Thank you for the help. Good bye. • Go down / walk down the street.
• Thanks a lot. Have a good day. • Go up / walk up the street.
• Go straight along this road.
Not knowing the answer • Go past the ___.
• I am sorry. • Go toward the ___.

• I don’t know. • Go ahead.

• I am a stranger here myself. • Go straight on until you come to the ___.

• Continue straight ahead for about ___.
• Keep going for ___.
• Take this road.
• Follow this street for ___ meters.
Turn Cross
• Turn right. • Cross the ___.
• Turn left. • Pass the ___.
• Turn left past the ___.
• You will cross ___.
• Turn back.
• Cross the ___ and you are there.
• Turn right after ___.
• Go over the ___
• Turn left at the second turning.
• Turn right from the first alley.
• Take the first right.
• Take a right / left at the junction.
• After ___, take a right.
Giving locations
• on the left.
• on left. • It is this way / that way.
• on the right.

• You are going the wrong way.
on right side.
• on the straight ahead. • You are going in the wrong direction.
• on the left after ___.
• straight ahead on the right.
• You will pass ___ on your left.
• straight ahead of you. • It will be on your left / right.
• opposite the ___.
• across the road.
• This straight road will lead you there.
• near ___. • You will see the entrance on the left.
• next to ___.
• behind the ___. • You will pass ___ on your left.
• in front of ___.
• Follow the sign.
• between ___ and ___.
• at the end of the street. • You will see ___ in front of you.
• on the corner of the road.
• You won’t miss it.
• just around the corner.
• further down the road on the left. • The signpost said ___.
• the biggest / smallest building on the left.
• in the center of the town.
• You will see it.
• the first turning on the right.
Berikut beberapa contoh ungkapan lisan yang digunakan untuk menunjukan arah dalam Bahasa
Inggris, digambarkan per kalimat (LATIHAN BUAT NUNJUKIN ARAH):
• First, go down this street or go down for second blocks
• Then, turn left at the traffic light
• After that, go straight on Mawar Street until you get to the Melati street
• When you get to the Melati street, turn left/right again.
• Then stay on Melati Street for about 8 km
• It is on your left. Next to the BRI bank.

First, go down this street then go down for second blocks. Then, turn left at the traffic
light. After that, go straight on Mawar Street until you get to the Melati street. When you get to the
Melati street, turn left/right again. Then stay on Melati Street for about 8 m. It is on your left. Next to the
BRI bank.
Contoh Dialog (Berdasarkan denah diatas)

Woman : Excuse me, sir!

Man : Yes, Can I help you?
Woman: Yes Sir. Could you tell me how to get the nearest supermarket?
Man : Well, the nearest supermarket is located about 2000 meters here. So, you can keep going straight.
Then turn left and stay on Mawar Street. When you get in Mawar Street, go straight and Supermarket is on
the second block on your left.
Woman : Thank you sir.
Man : You're welcome.
Fill in the words below correctly.
continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x),
next, opposite, right, second,
straight on, thank, turn, welcome

1. ……….. me, how do I ……… to the cinema?

2. Go……………….
3. Turn…………. at the corner.
4. Then take the ……….road on your ………….
5. ……….. to the ………………… of the road.
6. …………left there.
7. The cinema is on your ……………., ………………… the cast
8. ……………… you very much.
9. You’re………………………
Tugasnya adalah membuat dialog petunjuk arah ke tempat yg kalian inginkan bebas mau kemana aja.

Alonsia, nini, monika ainur tessa natalia nadya

Ria Yasmin nur anisa hairiah setepi nurhikmah natalia
Riani marta kiki susi tarisa
Milka putri aulia indri erma rina rinae
Desma dila helmiyanti asty mirna olivia
Maya sari loysia cexa imel anika vinsenia
Seli Julia yuningsih aini mino siti

Pathology : unit penyakit

Cardiology : cardiology, ilmu penyakit jantung
Physiotherapy : fisioterapi, pengobatan badan
Renal unit : unit ginjal
Pharmacy : apotek
Orthopedics : bagian tulang
Neurology : unit saraf
Paediatrics : unit penyakit anak
Dermatology : unit penyakit kulit
Haematology : unit penyakit darah
Obstetrics : unit kebidanan
Surgery : unit bedah

Can you show me the way to admission department please?

(dapatkah Anda menunjukkan jalan ke bagian pendaftaran pasien?)

It’s not too far to walk from here / it’s near to go on foot from here
(tidak terlalu jauh berjalan dari sini)

Go straight ahead
(jalanlah lurus)

Go straight or go a long this corridor

(jalan lurus atau jalan sepanjang koridor ini)

Go across this corridor

(Sebrangi koridor ini)

You can’t miss it

(anda pasti akan menemukannya)
Which way must i take to get to orthopedic ward?
(jalan mana yang harus saya tempuh untuk ke bangsal orthopedi)

You get to an intersection

You arrive at an intersection
You come to an intersection
You reach an intersection
(anda sampai di perempatan)

Surgical ward is across the maternity unit

(bangsal bedah bersebarangan dengan unit maternitas)

Excuse me, how can i get to a long-stay ward?

(permisi< di manakah bangsal rawat inap?)
Expression to ask direction

Could you tell me the way to..?

Can you direct me to...?
Please tell me how i can get to ... from here
Which way is it to ...?
Is the way to ...?
I need direction to get to ...
I would like to go to
How can i get to...
A visitor is at Medicia Hospital. He is asking a nurse the way to patient ward, in Mawar Room.
Visitor : Excuse me, can you show me the way to Mawar Room?
(permisi, dapatkah anda menunjukkan kepada saya jalan menuju Ruang Mawar?
Nurse : of course, it is only about two munites’ walk from here. Well, first go straight ahead and
then you arrive at a T junction of this street then turn left and Mawar room is at your rightside
(tentu, hanya kira-kira 2 menit berjalan dari sini. Nah, pertama-tama jalanlah lurus dan Andasampai di pertigaan,
lalu belok kiri dan Ruang Mawar ada di sebelah kanan Anda)
Visitor : where am i now?
(dimana saya sekarang)
Nurse : you are in emergency unit
(anda berada di unit gawat darurat)
Visitor : thanks a lot for your information
(terima kasih atas informasi anda)
Nurse : that is all right, have a nice visit
Sama-sama, semoga kunjungan anda menyenangkan
Important vocabularies
Across : di seberang
At the side of : di sini
Intersection : perempatan
Get to : tiba
Up the stairs : naik tangga
Through surgical room : lewat ruang bedah
Go along : susuri
T junction : pertigaan
Central hospital : rumah sakit pusat
Road/street : jalan raya
Straight a head : lurus
Turn left : belok kiri
Turn right : belok kanan
Round cafetaria : round cafetaria/café
Corridor : jalan beratap yang menghubungkan dua Gedung
Drug store : toko obat
Take the elevator to second floor : naik lift ke lantai dua

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