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Writing a

Concept Paper

Writing a
Position Paper


Writing a Concept
Definition and Purpose
A concept paper is an academic written discourse
that explains a concept, often about something that
the writer is thoroughly familiar with and
passionate about.

It is a summary structured to highlight the

significant parts of a more comprehensive research.
Usually, a concept paper is the preliminary part of
an academic research, written to obtain permission
to undertake the research project, or to obtain
funding for it.
Parts of a Concept Paper
1. Name or title of the concept
2. Introduction
3. Statement of purpose
4. Objectives
5. Questions
6. Stakeholders or beneficiaries
7. Short description
8. Methodology
9. Timetable
10. Conclusion
1. Paper size: 8.5” x 11”
2. Spacing: Double-spaced
3. Font: Times New Roman
4. Font size: 12
5. Margins: 1 inch on all
6. Footer: Page number Format
(Page _ of _)
7. Header:
The cover page should contain the
title of your paper, your name, the
name of your teacher, the date you
have submitted the paper, your Page
grade and section.

Writing a Position
Definition and Purpose

A position paper presents one side of an

arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of
a position paper is to convince the audience
that your opinion is valid and defensible.
Ideas that you are considering need to be
carefully examined in choosing a topic,
developing your argument, and organizing
your paper.
Principles of Argumentative Writing

Things to consider:

● Audience
● Viewpoint
Suggested Outline
2.Opposite arguments
3.Your arguments
1. Paper size: 8.5” x 11”
2. Spacing: Double-spaced
3. Font: Times New Roman
4. Font size: 12
5. Margins: 1 inch on all
6. Footer: Page number Format
(Page _ of _)
7. Header:
The cover page should contain the
title of your paper, your name, the
name of your teacher, the date you
have submitted the paper, your Page
grade and section.

Writing Reports
Definition and Purpose

● It is a systematic
presentation of an issue, a
problem, or an incident.
● Informative report
● Investigate report
● Recommendation report
Parts of a Report
1. Cover page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Content page/ table of contents
4. Definition of terms
5. Introduction
6. Objectives
7. Main body
8. Results
9. Conclusion
10. Recommendations
11. Appendices
12. References
Instrument for Gathering
Information for Reports
• Interview
• Questionnaire
• Experiment
• Observation
Writing and Presenting
• Providing jargons
• Presenting graphic illustrations
• Providing citations

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