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This was not an easy journey for me

In 2006
founded quantum leap learning solutions
started as corporate training
Until 2012
I was a one man army
landed myself in
70,00,000 loss
45,00,000 debt
How Can someone work for 12-16 hours a day for 6-7
days a week and still not be successful in business ?
I went on a 14 months learning journey
and interviewed 300 business leaders
across india
It was when I finally discovered the “psychology” and “systems”
of building a successful. Profitable and scalable business
What May Interest You Today...
• Over the last 7 years..
• Educating and empowering entrepreneurs to
• build a scalable business
• 5 Million business owners reached
• 280,000+ paid customers
• 25,000+ LIVE entrepreneurs community
• Our Coaching Success Rate = 89%
• In FY 2021-22 Alone, Helped 361 Clients
• Generate Rs 5126+ Crores (USD 620 Million)
• We Estimate That Our Clients Have Achieved
• Collective Revenue Growth Of More Than
• USD $1 BILLION Till Date
• Fundamentals Of Business
• Any Business On The Planet Has 7 Functions
• • Marketing = To Generate Leads
• • Sales = To Convert Leads Into Paying Customers
• • Operations = To Develop And Deliver Product/Service
• • HR = To Find, Recruit And Develop Team Members
• • Accounts = To Maintain Financial Accuracy And Compliance
• • R&D = To Develop New Products/Services
• • Management = For Strategic Growth And Performance Acceleration
We have clients from different industries
• Services Case Study
• Who - Dr Chithra
• Industry - Services
• Domain - Healthcare (Shree Polyclinic)
• Before - Had successfully established 2 clinics but
• couldn't grow the business further as she was busy
• managing both clinics, making Rs 1.2 Crores (USD
• $147,000)
• After - Grew her practise to Rs 2.45 Crores (USD
• $300,000) and totally had 4 clinics
• Trading & Distribution Case Study
• Who - Dhruv & Hiren
• Industry - Trading & Distribution
• Domain - Energy & Utility (Shyam & Co)
• Before - Started working with us when they were
• making Rs 3 Crores (USD $367,000) and struggling to
• grow the business further
• After - Worked on revenue generating strategies and
• it helped scale the business to Rs 7.5 Crores (USD
• $917,000)
• Retail Case Study
• Who - Wiggy and Choo
• Industry - Retail
• Domain - Luxury Goods (Jewelry)
• Before - Challenge of growth and scale as they
• were going "with the flow" and did not have
• relevant systems for their business
• After -
• Sales Growth - 44%
• Net Income Growth - 91%
• E-Commerce Case Study
• Who - Harvi Shah
• Industry - E-Commerce
• Domain - Consumer Goods (Fashion Jewelry)
• Before - Had challenges to grow the business as she
• was targeting B2C consumers online, making Rs 60
• Lacs/vear
• After - Restructured her business model and deployed
• channel partner system and scaled to Rs 8.4
• Crores/vear
And thousands of other successful clients
across 192+ industries and domains
• Truth Is:
• Most Business Owners Who Want To Focus
• On Growth & Expansion Are Stuck Between The
• Path Of Survival And Stability...Because They
• Don't Pay Attention To Their "Vehicle".
• Here's The Problem With Bad "Vehicles"…
• • High Owner Dependency - How can one person do everything in business?
• Right From generating enquiries, closing deals, servicing clients & handling accounts -
• (End up firefighting)
• • No Action Consistency - Without systems, how will team have clarity about what tasks to
• be done, how it's to be done and who should do it? (End up micro-managing or doing it
• yourself
• • No Results & Efficiency - Without strategies, how can you generate wealth by increasing
• revenue and profitability? (End up playing for monthly survival)
• • Most Of The Time You're Fixing Problems instead of focusing on growth and scale (End
• up doing Damage Control)
I have narrowed it down to 3 focus areas
#1 strategies for exponential growth
• Biggest Mistake Most Business Owners
• Make Is That..
• They go about...
• • Doing What Everybody Else Is Doing In The Market
• • Don't Research And Execute What's Best For Your Specific Business
• • Follow Age Old Traditional Strategies
• • Waiting For Customers To Share Referrals
• • Think That Funds Will Solve All Your Problems
Instead what we do is
• Scalable Strategies For Business Expansion
• Objective: Increase Revenue (Topline) And Profitability (Bottomline)
• 1. Restructuring Business Model For Exponential Growth & Expansion
• • Ideal Target Audience (Low Effort & High Return In Customer Acquisition)
• • Develop Products/Service That Give High Returns - Per Customer / Per Year (High LTV)
• • Financial Equation (Competitive In Market + Profitable + Positive Cashflow)
• • Scalable Business Model (Scale Your Reach + Impact + Income)
• 2. Magnetic Strategies in Marketing
• • Increase Visibility, Credibility and Generate Leads
• • Lead Generation = Consistent + Predictable
• • Brand Persona & Competitive Advantage (Customers Come Behind You To Work With You)
• 3. Profitable Strategies in Sales
• • Optimal Sales Process (Reduce Sales Cycle & Improve Collections Cycle)
• • Imorove Sales Conversion Ratios
• As A Result - You Will Be Able To...
• • Increase Your Turnover
• • Increase Profitability + Personal Income
• • Improve Cash Flows
• So You Can Build A Growth Business That Will Empower You To
• Live The Lifestyle You Choose Without Worrying About Monthly
• Problem Isn't Your Time, It's Your Approach..
• • Most Business Owners Feel That They're The Best Person To Do The Job
• They Overlook Integrating Processes And Systems
• • Fact Is Every Business That Has Grown To Become Super Successful Have
• Developed Internal Systems To Drive Exponential Growth And Expansion
• • If You Don't Have Time, Then You Need To Build A System Driven Business
• Instead Of An Owner Dependent Business
#2 systems for target achievement
• Why Going With The Flow Is Really Bad?
• Let's Assume You Hire Someone In Your Team
• • You Explain What Their Role Is...But There Is No Process Or Role Clarity
• • You Cannot Track & Measure The Performance Of Your Team Member
• • You Cannot Give Feedback On What The Person Is Doing Well Or Needs To Improve
• (You Say Things Like - Pull Up Your Socks, Think Outside The Box Etc)
• • You Are Frustrated That The Person Is Not Good Enough And End Up Doing The Work
• Yourself
• • After 1 Year - Team Member Asks For Appraisal And Bonus
• • Realize You've Spent Rs 6,00,000 To Rs 10,00,000 In Paying Salary And Developing A
• Team Member And Still Stuck Doing Everything In Your Business
• Truth About Systems Is...
• • CRM, ERP etc Are Not Your Underlying Systems - They Are Tools & Software
• Used To Automate Business Processes But Most Entrepreneurs Just Take The
• Standardized "Off The Shelf' Software And Try To Force Fit That As A Business
• Process
• • In Reality Systems Does Not Cost Money And Neither Do They Take So Much
• Time To Develop And Implement Them
• Simple, Sustainable & No Cost Systems
• Objective: Improve Productivity And Action Consistency
• 1. Disclaimer: "If It's Not Simple, It's Not Gonna Get Done And It Won't Be Sustainable"
• • Broadly, Phrase Systems = Process + System + Structure
• • Process: Identify & Develop Optimal Sequence Of Tasks & Activities Specific To Your
• Business Function (Different for Manufacturing, Service, Retail, Trading etc)
• • System: Setup KRAs (Key Result Areas) + KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) + Tracking And
• Reporting Mechanisms In All Business Activities (Customized To Every Business)
• • Structure: Integrate Process & KRAs With Team's Role & Deliverables (What Has To Happen
• + How It Has To Happen + Who Has To Get It Done)
• 2. Setup The Above Process, System & Structure In Every Department (Marketing, Sales,
• Operations, Management And HR)
• As A Result - You'll Be Able To Amplify..
• • Productivity Of The Team
• • Performance Of The Department
• • Holistic Business Results
• So That Work Gets Done Even When You're Not Around And You Will
• Be Able To Achieve All Your Departmental Goals Without Day-To-Day
• Case Study
• Who - Anupam Agarwal
• Business - Manufacturing Of Steel Items
• Before - No systems to track and measure
• performance of critical departments and didn't know
• what was going wrong, doing 7.5 CR/ in 12 months
• (USD $917,000/yr)
• After - Setup Performance Management System to
• track team's performance and helped identify
• competence gaps & addressed them. Scaled to Rs
• 9.15 Crores (USD $1.12 Million) / in 6 months time
• Case Study
• Who - Stanley Jose
• Business - Stanley Estates
• Before - No systems and going with the flow,
• doing all the tasks and activities himself and
• earning Rs 80 Lacs (USD $98,000)
• After - Setup process and systems to enhance
• the customer experience journey. His business
• scaled to Rs 1.75 Crores (USD $214,000) without
• increment of manpower and infrastructure
#3 second line of leaders
• Problem With Developing Leaders Is..
• Most Business Owners Think That..
• • Hiring Is Expensive And Don't Want To Spend So Much (Cheap Talent = Cheap Results)
• • People Don't Do The Work As Well As I Do (So I Will Do Things Myself)
• • People Will Learn and Leave (So What's The Point Of Developing Team)
• • People Don't Have Ownership Or Drive (Why Invest All This Effort In Building Teams)
• • Reason Why This Does Not Work Is Because This Limits Your Ability To Scale Even When
• There Is Potential In Your Business
• • And If You Don't Develop Leaders, You Will Be A One Man Army Without The Energy &
• Mindspace To Focus On Strategic Growth And Expansion Of Your Business
• • As A Result, You Will Be Stuck In The Trap Of Self Employment And End Up Playing Between
• Survival And Stability - Without Having Time, Money, Freedom And Growth
• Building Second Line Of Leaders
• Objective - Eliminate Daily Firefighting And Reduce Owner Dependency
• Second Line Of Leaders = Highly Skilled + Highly Committed
• 1. Clarity For Team Members
• • Clarity Of Goals (What To Accomplish + By When)
• • Clarity of Roles (What To Do + How To Do + Who Has To Do)
• • Clarity Of Career Growth Path (How To Grow In Org)
• 2. Competence Development (Skills + Knowledge + Attitude) Specific To The Job Role
• 3. High Performance Work Culture
• • Balance Between "Results" And "Relationships"
• • Sense Of Accountability + Sense Of Belongingness (People Feel Connected To
• The Organization And Each Other)
• As A Result - You'll Be Able To..
• • Build Functional Leaders
• • Delegate Core Responsibilities
• • Watch Your Business Grow
• So That You Can Break The Trap Of Self Employment And Experience
• Having Time, Money And Business Growth Without Micromanaging
Your Team...
• Case study
• Who - Syed Mahadzir
• Business - Adabi Industries
• Before - Everything was dependent on business
• owners because of which there was no action
• consistency and there was a lot of crisis, making
• MYR 270 Million
• After - Developed second and third line of
• leaders & created clear roles, culture and
• accountability system in all departments. Business
• scaled by 40% in just 8 months (MYR 378 Million)
• Case Study
• Who - Karan and Shweta Ahuja
• Business - Manufacturing of Contemporary
• Ready To Wear Clothes
• Before - Marketing and sales was weak as there
• was no time for business owners to focus on
• those areas, Rs 2 Lacs/month (USD $2500/mo)
• After - Recruited and developed team members
• in marketing and sales along with performance
• enhancement measures, Rs 25 Lacs/month
• (USD $31000/mo)
• Psychology To Build A Legacy Business
• Objective - Become The Person Your Business Needs You To Be
• • Willingness To Be a Life Long Learner - Business Is A Science Which Can
• Be Learnt, So Be Committed To Increase Your Depth Of Knowledge In These
• Areas And Consistently Upgrade Your Capability To Build A Scalable Business
• • Willingness To Take Shabby Action - Don't Wait For The Perfect Time Or
• Formula To Implement What's Needed. Success Is A Shabby Journey And The
• Ability To Create Success Is Directly Proportional To Your Ability To Manage
• Shabbiness
• So Far We Spoke About..
• 1. Strategies For Exponential Growth
• 2. Systems For Target Achievement
• 3. Building Second Line Of Leaders
• 4. Psychology To Build A Legacy Business

doing it alone
• Option #1
• Doing It Alone By Yourself
• • Will End Up Doing Lot Of Trial & Errors
• • Slow And Time Consuming
• • Nobody To Discuss, Brainstorm and Find Solutions - When You're Stuck
• • Don't Have Anyone To Hold You Accountable, Coach You & Push You To Your Goals
• • When The Going Gets Tough, You'll Slip Back Into Old Methods & End Up Blaming Your
• Team, Your Situation Or Your Luck
• • Additional Costs To Learn Different Marketing Strategies, Develop Sales Process, Setup
• Systems & Structure, Hire & Develop Teams
• • Nothing Changes In Your Business Even After This Webinar

lets do it together
• Option #2
• Let's Do It Together As A Team
• • Get It Right Without Feeling Lost And Clueless
• • Save Time - One Asset That Cannot Be Earned Back
• • Have An Expert Advisor To Handhold And Guide You So You Don't Feel Stuck
• • Have A Coach To Push You To Achieve Your Goals
• • Definite Growth Strategy (Consistent + Predictable Results)
• • When The Going Gets Tough, You Have Someone To Fall Back On
• • Save Money, Energy And Effort (That You Would Otherwise Spend Doing It All By
• Yourself)
• Truth About Our Coaching System Is..
• • I Have Personally Not Coached Any Business Till Date - Have Built A Team Of
• 38+ Coaches Who Work With Limited Number Of Clients On A 1-1 Level
• • And In FY 2021-22 Alone, Our Coaches Have Generated More Than Rs 5126
• Crores Of Revenue (USD $628 Million) for Our Clients. And Till Date, They Have
• Collectively Helped Generate More Than USD $1 Billion.
• • Coaches Work With You Through Zoom Meetings And We Have Been Following
• This Process Since 2016 (Much Before Covid)
• Success Journey Of Our Clients...
• • Level 1 - We design a customized business model that is profitable and scalable,
• that's best suited for your business.
• • Level 2 - We setup a lead generation system with magnetic marketing strategies to
• generate consistent and predictable leads for your business.
• • Level 3 - We setup an optimal sales system and help build a sales team so you can
• generate more revenue with better conversion ratios.
• • Level 4 - We establish a management system to create a high performance culture for
• your organization, thus bringing a balance between results and relationships.
• • Level 5 - We develop process, system and structure to measure performance at all
• levels, so you can use this as the foundation to create career growth and give
• appraisals to your team.
Then I can offer you a free business growth
• This Will Be A Strategy Call Where We..
• • Look At Your Current Activities In Marketing (Lead Generation) & Sales (Revenue
• Generation)...
• • Understand Your Current Process Of Recruiting, Developing And Managing Your
• Members + Functional Activities (HR, Management & Operations)...
• • Identify The Current Bottlenecks Or Hurdles That's Preventing Growth And Scale...
• • And Tell You Exactly How We Would Fix Those Issues Through Our Business
• Coaching Services...
• • That Way, We Create A Custom Game Plan Of How To Build A Successful, Profitable
• & Scalable Business - So You Don't Have To Feel Being Stuck In The Same Place
• This Will Be A Strategy Call Where We..
• • Look At Your Current Activities In Marketing (Lead Generation) & Sales (Revenue
• Generation)...
• • Understand Your Current Process Of Recruiting, Developing And Managing Your
• Members + Functional Activities (HR, Management & Operations)...
• • Identify The Current Bottlenecks Or Hurdles That's Preventing Growth And Scale...
• • And Tell You Exactly How We Would Fix Those Issues Through Our Business
• Coaching Services...
• • That Way, We Create A Custom Game Plan Of How To Build A Successful, Profitable
• & Scalable Business - So You Don't Have To Feel Being Stuck In The Same Place
• This Will Be A Strategy Call Where We..
• • Look At Your Current Activities In Marketing (Lead Generation) & Sales (Revenue
• Generation)...
• • Understand Your Current Process Of Recruiting, Developing And Managing Your
• Members + Functional Activities (HR, Management & Operations)...
• • Identify The Current Bottlenecks Or Hurdles That's Preventing Growth And Scale...
• • And Tell You Exactly How We Would Fix Those Issues Through Our Business
• Coaching Services...
• • That Way, We Create A Custom Game Plan Of How To Build A Successful, Profitable
• & Scalable Business - So You Don't Have To Feel Being Stuck In The Same Place
Then Click The Button Below, Fill Out The
Application, And Schedule A Strategy Call..

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