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Fill in the gap with in or on
in in the middle of the street.
There was a dog sitting ………
She keeps a cool head ……… an emergency.
We go to the cinema once or twice a month ……… average. Miguel was ……… the phone for ages last night.
on in
There was a lot of rubbish ……… the street.
I would say that ……… balance you've made the right decision.
on on
I know that word. It's ............... the tip of my tongue.
A Beautiful Minds based ……… a true story.
in on
There have been great improvements ……… public transport in the last I often buy a magazine to read ……… the train.
few years. It's not a bad movie ……… the whole.

in accounting at all, I'm afraid in

I'm not interested ……… We arrived just ……… time to catch the 08:12 train.

on on
Brian isn't very keen ……… seafood. She's very reliable. She always arrives exactly ……… time.
in in
The Fallas festival in Valencia is ……… March. Christian's always ……… trouble with his parents.

in my own time. on
What’s ……… TV tonight?
I prefer to use the Internet ………
on on
Don't worry. I’m ……… your side.
Maggie! It's Sue ……… the line for you.
Fill in the gap with in or on
IN + WORD(S) ON + WORD(S) average
the phone an emergency the line
an emergency average
March My own time time
my own time balance the line the whole the street
the middle of the tip of my tongue Keen TV
the street
the whole the middle of interested
time the phone trouble
TV the train balance
the train
March Based
your side
Improvements your side
WORD(S) + IN WORD(S) + ON the tip of my tongue
Improvements Based
interested Keen

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