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1. Background

In Indonesia, most of the raw materials for making pulp come from wood obtained from
forests. If the supply of pulp and paper expands, the supply of wood in the forest will run out. In teak
gardens, there are usually a lot of dry teak leaves falling. These fallen dry teak leaves will pile up and
become garbage if left continuously
This research was conducted using a semichemical method, namely the soda process using
caustic soda (NaOH). Aims to find out how to make recycled cartons that are used as art cartons using the
basic material of dry teak leaf waste and newspaper type waste paper, find out the difference between
bleached and non-bleaching art cartons, and avoid environmental pollution.
2. Purpose of Research
1. To determine the characteristics of dried teak leaves based on testing the dimensions of fibers and testing
chemical components as pulp raw materials.

2. To determine the results of the physical properties and chemical components of dry teak leaf pulp by a
semi-chemical process using caustic soda (NaOH).

3. To find out how to make recycled cartons that are used as art cartons using the basic material of dry teak
leaf waste and newspaper type waste paper.

4. To find out how to make recycled cartons that are used as art cartons using the basic material of dry teak
leaf waste and newspaper type waste paper.
1. Teak Plant
Teak plants that grow in Indonesia come from India. The plant has the scientific
name Tectona grandis linn. F. Historically, the name Tectona comes from the Portuguese
(tecton) which means a plant of high quality.

2. Teak Leaves
Teak leaves are generally large, ovate upside down, opposite, with very short
peduncles. The leaves in saplings are large, about 60-70 cm × 80-100 cm, while in old trees
they shrink to about 15 × 20 cm. Young leaves are reddish in color and secrete blood-red
sap when kneaded. The young twigs are quadrangular in cross section, and tuberous in his
3. Teak Leaf Components
1. Cellulose
2. Hemicellulose
3. Lignin
4. Pulp

4. Soda procces and Bleaching

In the soda process, it uses the addition of NaOH which functions as a cooking
solution where the cooking system is carried out with high pressure.
NaOH Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) is formed from a basic oxide. Sodium
hydroxide forms a strong alkaline solution when dissolved into water.
The pulp bleaching process is a process to change the color of the pulp from
brown to white by adding bleaching chemicals to remove the remaining lignin content from
the cooking process without damaging the fibers.
1. Types of Research
The type of research used in this study is quantitative research. Quantitative
research can be defined as a process of finding knowledge by using data in the form of
numbers as a tool to analyze information about what you want to know.

2. Approach Method
The experiment carried out includes 3 stages, namely: analysis of the basic
ingredients, cooking with the soda process, bleaching process
1. Tools and Materials
1. Tools
The tools used in this study include blenders, digital balance sheets, beaker glass,
stirring rods, spatulas, measuring cups, watch glass, hot plates, pans, filter cloths, containers
(basins), buckets, spoons, screens (filters), metal tray molds, and ovens .

2. Ingredients
The pulp making materials used are dry teak leaf waste, NaOH, newspaper-type
waste paper, starch, bleach, and aquades.
2. Work Procedures
1) Making dried teak leaf pulp by Soda Process Chemical Method

1. Prepare tools and materials.

2. Make sure the teak leaves taken are completely dry.
3. Blending dried teak leaves until they become powder.
4. Sifting the blended teak leaves.
5. Weighing the teak leaf powder as much as 62,5 grams in a beaker glass and adding a
NaOH cooking solution with a size of 24,4 grams.
6. Cook for ±3 hours with a temperature of 280°C.
7. After waiting ±3 hours, we get such teak leaves in the form of pulp (pulp).
8. Then wash with hot water to neutralize NaOH (separating lignin and cellulose) 7 washes
and get pH 8. From the colors:
● Black washing liquid becomes clear
● Black solids to brown
2. Work Procedures
2) Paper Pulp Making

1. Take 3 pieces of old newsprint.

2. Cutting the old newspaper, squeezing the newspaper in water in a container. Squeezing
until it becomes pulp.
3. Add bleach to remove the ink and soak for ±1 hour.
4. Washing the newspaper pulp 4 times to remove bleach and obtaining a pH of 7.
5. Squeezing the pulp of the newspaper and weighing with a weight of 62,6 grams.
2. Work Procedures
3) Mixing Process and Two Treatments i.e. Using Bleaching and Non-Bleaching
 Bleaching Process
1. Pour bleach liquid in a beaker glass containing teak leaf pulp up to 250 ml in size, stir it evenly and wait
±20 minutes. From the pulp of the leaves whose color is brownish-black becomes yellowish-white.
2. Washing the bleached pulp 9 times so that the bleach liquid disappears and a pH of 7 (neutral) is
3. Cooking newspaper pulp and teak leaf pulp bleaching in one beaker glass that already contains 400 ml of
water. Cooking until boiling.
4. Make adhesive from tapioca flour in beaker glass and add boiling water by 150 ml.
5. Pouring the adhesive into a mixture of bleaching teak leaf pulp and boiling newspaper pulp.
6. After mixing evenly, print the mixture of the ingredients in a metal tray with a cloth base on top of the
7. Drying in the oven at 105°C for ±2 hours 30 minutes and checking per 30 minutes.
2. Work Procedures

 Non-Bleaching Process

1. Cooking non-bleaching teak leaf pulp and newspaper pulp in one beaker glass that
already contains 400 ml of water. Cooking until boiling.
2. Make an adhesive from tapioca flour in a beaker glass and add 150 ml of boiling water.
3. Pouring the adhesive into a mixture of non-bleaching teak leaf pulp and boiling
newspaper pulp.
4. After it is thoroughly mixed, print the mixture of these ingredients on a metal tray with a
cloth mat on the tray.
5. Dry in the oven at 105°C for ±2 hours 30 minutes and check every 30 minutes.

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