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By Dr. Smita Singh
Institute of Management Sciences,
University of Lucknow

Image credit: Rima J Pundhir,

History of Ashtang Yog

Ashtanga yoga is based on Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali.

Composed into Darshan (i.e. Philosophy) in his book named Patanjal Yoga Sutra

"Ashta + anga" = Ashtanga

"Ashta" means Eight and "Anga" is limbs
ÞEight Limb path
Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga
• Yama (Principles or moral code)
• Niyama (Personal Disciplines) Cleansing
• Asana - (Yoga Postures / positions) practices
• Pranayama - (Yoga Breathing)
• Pratyahara - (Withdrawal of Senses)
• Dharana - (Concentration on Object)
• Dhyan - (Meditation) practices
• Samadhi - (Salvation)
Yoga is……?
• "the controlling of the mind" [citta vrtti nirodhah].
• The first two steps towards controlling mind are
• Yama
• Niyama
• For proper performance of Asana one must be aware about the
concept of tristhana
• tristhana refers to the union of three places of attention and action
• Breath (vinnyas)
• Posture (asan)
• Focus (drishti)
• Vinyasa means breathing and movement system.
• For each movement, there is one breath.
• The purpose of vinyasa is internal cleansing.
• The breathing technique performed with vinyasa is
• ujjayi [victorious breath], which consists of
• puraka [inhalation] and
• rechaka [exhalation].
• Asan is a body posture
• Ashtanga Yoga is made up of six series (Primary, Intermediate and
four Advanced Series) each of which has a set order of poses.
• Primary series (Yog Chikitsa)
• Intermediate series (Nadi Shodhana)
• Advanced series A, B, C,& D (Sthira Bhaga)
• Dristhi is the point on which one focuses while performing the asana.
• Dristhi purifies and stabilizes the functioning of the mind.
• There are nine dristhis
Drishti Name Looking Place/Focus
1st Drishti Nasagrai Drishti Tip of the nose
2nd Drishti Bhoomadhya Drishti or Ajna Chakra Drishti Third eye
3rd Drishti Nabi Chakra Drishti Navel
4th Drishti Hastagrai Drishti Hand
5th Drishti Padhayoragrai Toes
6th Drishti Parsva Drishti Far to the right
7th Drishti Parsva Drishti Far to the left
8th Drishti Angustha Ma Dyai Drishti Thumbs
9th Drishti Urdhva Drishti or Antara Drishti Up to the sky
Practices in
Ashtang Yog
Yama, Niyama, Asan and
• Yama are social disciplines to guide us in our relationships with others
• They are also known as the ‘great universal vows’
• Patanjali has given 5 practices as part of Yama
• Ahimsa (non-violence),
• Satya (truthfulness),
• Asteya (non-stealing),
• Brahmacharya (celibacy) and
• Aparigraha (non-covetousness)
• Niyama are about self-regulation
• Patanjali names five niyam to be followed:
• Shaucha or purity,
• Santosha or contentment,
• Tapa or austerity,
• Swadhyaya or self-education and
• Ishwar-Pranidhan or meditation on the Divine
Asana / Yogasanas
• A yogasana is a posture in harmony with one`s inner consciousness.
• Asanas also help in balancing and harmonizing the basic structure of
the human body
• Regular practice helps to keep our body fit.
• Asanas harmonize our pranic ability and mental energy flow
• `Pranayama’ = ‘prana’ + ‘yama’
• meaning the maintenance of prana in a
healthy manner throughout one’s life.
• Pranayama is all about controlling the life
force or prana.
• Pranayama is a technique, which re-
educates our breathing process
• By increasing the amount of oxygen to
our brain it improves mental clarity,
alertness and physical well being.
Practices in
Ashtang Yog
Pratyahara, Dharan, Dhyan and
Internal Cleansing Practices in Ashtang Yog
• Pratyahara - (Withdrawal of Senses) A mental
preparation to increase the power of mind.
• Dharana - (Concentration on Object)
Concentration of mind on one object and its
• Dhyan - (Meditation) With drawing mind from
all external objects and Focusing it on one point
and meditating on it.
• Samadhi - (Salvation) State of Super bliss, joy
and merging individual consciousness in to
universal consciousness.
Benefits of Practicing Yoga
• Improve flexibility
• Increase strength
• Increase muscle tone
• Improve cardiovascular fitness
• Reduce body fat
• Reduce stress and anxiety
• Increase focus and creativity
• Lower blood pressure
• Prevent injuries
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