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Villa Health Disaster Recovery Plan

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Institutional Affiliation
Objectives of the Disaster Recovery Plan
 This presentation is a viable Villa Health disaster recovery plan after the ravaging impacts of the
COVID-19 pandemic
 Develops a disaster recovery strategy for villa health using the MAP-IT model
 Address existing medical risks and provide strategies to meet patient needs by reducing barriers
to healthcare access and effective provision
 Lays out an action plan to lessen disparities and improve community access to health services
 Promotes effective government policy and ensure positive implications of disaster recovery
 Facilitate the adoption of effective health promotion methods to overcome challenges and
enhance population health.
 Lays out evidence-based strategies on how to enhance interprofessional collaboration and avert
communication barriers.
Understanding Disaster Plan and Recovery

•A disaster refers to an out of ordinary event that disrupts everyday processes in the community
•Disasters can be natural or artificial
•Man-made disasters include events like fire or explosions
•Natural disasters encapsulate earthquakes, droughts, floods, and disease
•Planning aims at alleviating the impacts resulting from a disaster and decreasing losses
•The recovery phase is the most important component of a disaster plan.
•A recovery plan seeks to ensure effective recovery from the event of a disaster and a quick return to
Disparities in Disasters
Disparities are common among:
 Poor individuals in society are affected more.
 The disabled and the elderly are also more vulnerable.
 Disasters increase exiting health disparities.
 Disparities are caused by unequal access to health care as well as pre-
existing health conditions
 Most vulnerable individuals also include homeless, migrants, disabled, and
the elderly.
MAP- IT Framework

 MAP-IT Framework Is adopted from the healthy people 2020 Mobilize key stakeholders which includes:
 It is a plan that defines strategies for planning and evaluating  Frontline Agencies: Hospital Staff, police, firefighters,
public health interventions like disaster recovery social work agencies
 Citizens: entrepreneurs, community leaders, influences
  Authorities: FEMA, the City Council, Mayor, grassroot
It outlines an effective path for success including
 Mobilizing collaborative partners
 Consultants
 Assessing community needs  Establish effective protocols of chain of command
 Plan on how to lessen health disparities among the different collaborative patterns
 Implementation of a plan on how to achieve healthy people 2020
 Tracking community progress.
Barriers that Impact Safety, Health and Recovery Efforts
(Assessing community needs)

The overall goal: minimize the impacts of the disaster by assessing the needs of the community
Determinants of health include
● Social factors
● Policy-making
● Access to health services
● Individual behaviour
● Economic factors
● Biology and genetics

Vulnerable individuals include those with pre-existing health conditions or those predisposed to
adverse health outcomes
Assessment will include:
● Identification of individuals with complex health conditions
● Identifying the number of physically disabled
● Identifying the homeless
● Identifying minorities.
● An audit of Villa Health Community resources including ambulances and the hospital's basic
infrastructure and equipment
Disaster Recovery Plan (Plan to lessen health disparities and improve
access to services)

The recovery process is aimed at restoring redeveloping and revitalizing the

this includes
a) Improving clinical care and Hospital care standards
b) Adopting an emergency response system that accommodates the increased
demand for healthcare
c) Creating a centralized incident command system
d) Creating a model for the allocation of scarce resources
e) Allocating the limited number of ventilators, life-saving medication, and protective
f) Averting unintentional effects through preliminary assessments
g) Recognizing existing communication issues
h) Prioritizing physical safety of the unsheltered and the disabled.
 Limited access and inaccessibility to healthcare services
Functional needs assessment of the community and
is the major concern their living environment will be conducted and this
 The implementation of the recovery plan will be an includes an evaluation of:
interdisciplinary and collaborative approach • Home care services
• Structural assessment
Implementing the recovery plan primarily aims at: • Transportation
● Preventing more infections • Healthcare awareness capacity
• Housings with ability
● Reducing morbidity
• Educational opportunities for individuals affected
● Restoring normalcy in the lives of individuals affected • An assessment of the individual economic
● Addressing existing shortcomings. impacts
● Training volunteers to improve disaster competence
● Engaging interpreters to eliminate communication
● Accelerating mobilization, assessment, and planning
Health and Governmental Policy Impacts on Disaster Recovery Efforts

 The first approach to consider for funding and the provision of required resources is
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
 CMS was created under emergency healthcare policies to offer funding to healthcare
 Healthcare facilities should comply with existing guidelines on emergency
preparedness in order to qualify for the centres for Medicare and Medicaid services

Key policy requirements for funding and Resources provision include

● Presence of well-designed policies
● Training that complies with federal and state policies
● Presence of effective communication approaches
● Well-designed emergency plans
-In addition, there is a need to strictly comply with Nursing and Medical health guidelines
and ethics
Policy stipulations by Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA)

FEMA Provides funding programs for disaster response

The recovery plan will aim at obtaining three types of

support under the FEMA framework;
● Individual assistance getting food needs for
economically affected individuals
● Direct public assistance to individuals affected by the
● Grants and hazard mitigation initiatives to agencies
responding to the disaster and enhancing their
capacity to mitigate impacts.
Enhancing Communication
The disaster recovery plan includes the need to enhance communication among first responders
there is a need for synergy among the different teams which include:
● Medical services
● Social workers
● Policy makers
● Administrative units
● Government representatives
● Other stakeholders

 Healthcare workers in Villa community have a challenge in communicating with local emergency services
 communication challenges have led to resource wastage, time wasted, ineffective recovery efforts
 a disaster response system is crucial for the voluntary team of health-care professionals
 the presence of a communication command structure enhances better harmonization of responses without conflict or
The recovery plan will utilize the WHO Emergency response checklist which consists of
 Guidelines on internal and external communication
 Response protocols for healthcare professionals
 Guidelines for staff briefing and communication of reports
 Communication and reporting structures and protocols.

This is a continuous process of monitoring and evaluation of the

progress of recovery. This will consist of biweekly evaluations,
tracking of the impacts, and analyzing the effectiveness of
strategies adopted
 A continuous evaluation of progress and the achievement of
 Soliciting feedback from diverse groups and stakeholders
 A holistic examination of outcomes holistic examination of
 Mitigation of any challenges and adjusting practices to achieve
 Tracking the key vulnerability factors

• Developing a revamped disaster recovery plan will ensure quick

recovery and a revitalized Villa Health community.
• The disaster recovery plan outlined in this presentation seeks to
Craft a mutually effective relationship between Villa Health
community workers, residents, and community leaders.
• The plan seeks to fully utilize government resources as well as
donor funds to address existing health disparities, address the
needs of the community, enable recovery, and ensure overall
positive outcomes for Villa Health community.
Finucane, M. L., Acosta, J., Wicker, A., & Whipkey, K. (2020). Short-term solutions to a
long-term challenge: rethinking disaster recovery planning to reduce
vulnerabilities and inequities. International journal of environmental research and
public health, 17(2), 482.
HealthyPeople 2020, (2020a). About DHDSP|DHDSP|CDC.” Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hennessy, S., Leonard, C. E., Palumbo, C. M., Newcomb, C., & Bilker, W. B. (2007).
Quality of Medicaid and Medicare data obtained through Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS). Medical care, 45(12), 1216-1220.
Miskel, J. F. (2008). Disaster response and homeland security: What works, what
doesn't. Stanford University Press.
Veenema, T. G. , Losinski, S. L. & Hilmi, L. M. (2016). Increasing Emergency
Preparedness. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 116(1), 49–53. doi:
WHO, (2020). Hospital Emergency Response Checklist.” World Health Organization,
World Health Organization,

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