7.voltage Drop and Power Loss Calculation

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Voltage Drop

Power Loss Calculation
The distribution system begins either at the sub-station where power is delivered by over-
head transmission lines and stepped down by transformers or in some cases at the
generating station itself. Where a large area is involved, primary and secondary must be
The following are the systems available for the distribution of A.C. power.
1.Single-phase, 2-wire system 2.Single-phase, 3-wire system
3.Two-phase, 3-wire system 4.Two-phase, 4-wire system

5.Three-phase, 3-wire system 6.Three-phase, 4-wire system

Three-Phase Balanced Primary Lines
-The laterals can be either (1) three-phase three-wire, (2) three-phase four-wire, (3) single
phase with line-to-line voltage, ungrounded, (4) single phase with line-to-neutral voltage,
grounded, or (5) two-phase plus neutral, open wye.
Non-Three-Phase Primary Lines
1.Single-Phase Two-Wire Laterals with Ungrounded Neutral-the voltage drop in the single-
phase ungrounded lateral is approximately 3.46 times larger than the one in the equivalent
three-phase lateral. The power loss due to the load currents in the conductors of the single-
phase lateral is two times larger than the one in the equivalent three-phase lateral.

2. Single-Phase Two-Wire Ungrounded Laterals- the voltage drop in the single-phase two-
wire ungrounded lateral with full-capacity neutral is six times larger than the one in the
equivalent three-phase four-wire balanced lateral. the power loss due to load currents in the
conductors of the single-phase two-wire unigrounded lateral with full-capacity neutral is six
times larger than the one in the equivalent three-phase four-wire lateral.

3. Single-Phase Two-Wire Laterals with Multigrounded Common Neutrals-

4. Two-Phase Plus Neutral (Open-Wye) Laterals-the power loss due to load currents in the
conductors of the two-phase three-wire lateral with multigrounded neutral is approximately
1.64 times larger than the one in the equivalent three-phase lateral.
Four-Wire Multigrounded Common Neutral Distribution System
Because of the economic and operating advantages, this system is used extensively. The
assorted secondaries can be, for example, either (1) 120/240 V single-phase three wire, (2)
120/240 V three-phase four wire connected in delta, (3) 120/240 V three-phase four-wire
connected in open delta, or (4) 120/208 V three-phase four wire connected in grounded

Where primary and secondary systems are both existent, the same conductor is used as the
common neutral for both systems. The neutral is grounded at each distribution transformer,
at various places where no transformers are connected and to water pipes or driven ground
electrodes at each user’s service entrance. The secondary neutral is also grounded at the
distribution transformer and the service drops (SDs).

Typical values of the resistances of the ground electrodes are 5, 10, or 15 Ω. Under no
circumstances should they be larger than 25 Ω. Usually, a typical metal water pipe system
has a resistance value of less than 3 Ω. A part of the unbalanced, or zero sequence, load
current flows in the neutral wire, and the remaining part flows in the ground and/or the
water system. Usually the same conductor size is used for both phase and neutral
Vs ∠𝛳s =Vr∠0 + I ∠𝛳pf(Zline) Vs=Sending Voltage
Vs=Vr+IRCos𝛳+IXsin𝛳+j(IXCos𝛳-IRsin𝛳) Vr=Receiving Voltage
Vs=Vr+I(RCos𝛳+Xsin𝛳) I=Line Current
Z=Line Impedance
VD=I(R Cos𝛳+X sin𝛳) VD=Voltage Drop
Power Factor=Cos𝛳=R/Z=P/S X=Reactance
Power Factor at the sending end 𝛳=Power Factor Angle
= 𝛳vs- 𝛳Is P=Real Power
S=Apparent Power
Ploss=I2R Ploss=Power Loss

1. A single-phase line has an impedance of 5∠60 o and supplies a load of 120 A, 3,300 V at 0.8
pf lagging. Calculate the sending-end voltage.

2.An overhead line delivers 1100 kW ta 33 kV at 0.8 pf lagging. The total resistance of the
line is 10 ohms and total inductive reactance is 15 ohms. Determine the sending-end
voltage, sending-end pf, and transmission efficiency.

3.What is the maximum length in km for a 1-phase transmission line having a copper
conductor of 0.775 cm2 cross-section over 200 kW at unity power factor and at 3300 V can
be delivered? The efficiency of the line is 90 percent. Take specific resistance of 1.725x10 -8

4.An industrial load consisting of a group of induction motor which aggregate 500 kW at 0.6
power factor lagging is supplied by a distribution feeder having an equivalent impedance of
(0.15 +j.6) ohms. The voltage at the load end of the feeder is 2300 volts. Determine the load
current, Find the power, reactive power, and voltampere supplied to the sending end of the
feeder, Find the voltage at the sending end of the feeder.
5. A 33-kV, 3- phase generating station is to supply 10 MW load at 31 kV and 0.9 power
factor lagging over a 3-phase line 3 km long. For the efficiency of the line to be 96%, what
must be the resistance and reactance of the line

6.A balanced Y-connected load of (300 + j100) is supplied by a 3-phase line 40-km long with
an impedance of (0.6 +j0.7) ohms/km line-to-neutral. Find the voltage at the receiving end
when the voltage at the sending end is 66 kV. What is the phase angle between the voltages
and find the efficiency of the line.

7.Define regulation and efficiency of a short-transmission line. A 3-phase, 50-Hz,

transmission line having resistance of 5 ohms per phase and inductance of 30 mH per phase
supplies a load of 1000 kW at 0.8 lagging and 11 kV at the receiving end. Find the sending
end voltage and power factor, transmission efficiency and regulation.

8.A short 3-phase line with an impedance of (6+j8) per line has sending and receiving end
line voltages of 120 kV and 110kV respectively for some receiving-end load at a p.f. of 0.9.
Find the active power and the reactive power at the receiving end.
9.A 3 phase, 20 km line delivers a load of 10 MW at 11 kV having a lagging pf of 0.707 at the
receiving end. The line has a resistance of 0.02 ohms/km per phase and an inductive
reactance of 0.07 ohms/km per phase. Calculate the regulation and efficiency of the line.

10.A load of 1000 kW at 0.8 pf lagging is received at the end of a 3-phase line 10 km long.
The resistance and inductance of each conductor per km are 0.531 ohms and 1.76 mH
respectively. The voltage at the receiving end is 11 kV at 50 Hz. Find the sending-end voltage
and the power loss in the line. What would be the reduction in the line loss if the p.f. of the
load were improved to unity?

11.Estimate the distance over which a load of 15,000 kW at 0.8 p.f. can be delivered by a 3-
phase line having conductors of steel-cored aluminum each of resistance 0.905 ohms per
kilometer. The voltage at the receiving end is to be 132 kV and the loss in the line is to be
7.5% of the load.
12. A 3-phase line has a resistance of 5.31 ohms and inductance of 0.0176 H. Power is
transmitted at 33 kV, 50-Hz from one end and the load at the receiving end is 3600 kW at 0.8
pf lagging. Find the line current, receiving-end voltage, sending-end pf, and efficiency of

13. A 3-phase short transmission line has a resistance and reactance per phase of 15 ohms
and 20 ohms respectively. If the sending-end voltage is 33 kV and the regulation of the line is
not to exceed 10% find the maximum power in kW which can be transmitted over the line.
Find also the kVAR supplied by the line when delivering the maximum power.

14. A 3-phase, 50-Hz generating station supplies a load of 9,900 kW at 0.866 p.f. lagging
through a short overhead line. Determine the sending-end voltage if the receiving-end
voltage is 66 kV and also the efficiency of transmission. The resistance is per km is 4 ohms
and inductance is 40 mH.
15. A three-phase express feeder has an impedance of 6 + j20 ohms per phase. At the load
end, the line-to-line voltage is 13.8 kV, and the total three-phase power is 1200 kW at a
lagging power factor of 0.8. determine the following:
a. The line-to-line voltage at the sending end of the feeder (i.e., at the substation low-voltage
b. The power factor at the sending end
c. The copper loss (i.e., the transmission loss) of the feeder
d. The power at the sending end in kW

16. Assume that a single-phase feeder circuit has a total impedance of 1 + j3 Ω for lines
and/or transformers. The receiving-end voltage and load current are 2400∠0° V and 50
∠−30° A, respectively. Determine the following:
a. The power factor of the load.
b. The load power factor for which the voltage drop is maximum
17. An unbalanced three-phase wye-connected and grounded load is connected to a
balanced threephase four-wire source. The load impedance Za, Zb, and Zc are given as 70
∠30°, 85 ∠−40°, and 50 ∠35° Ω/phase, respectively, and the phase a line voltage has an
effective value of 13.8 kV: Use the line-to-neutral voltage of phase a as the reference and
determine the following:
a. The line and neutral currents
b. The total power delivered to the loads

18. Consider Figure in problem 17 and assume that the impedances of the three line
segments from left to right are 0.1 + j0.3, 0.1 + j0.1, and 0.08 + j0.12 Ω/phase, respectively.
Also assume that this three-phase three-wire 480-V secondary system supplies balanced
loads at A, B, and C. The loads at A, B, and C are represented by 50 A with a lagging power
factor of 0.85, 30 A with a lagging power factor of 0.90, and 50 A with a lagging power factor
of 0.95, respectively. Determine the following:
a. The total voltage drop in one phase of the lateral using the approximate method
b. The real power per phase for each load
c. The reactive power per phase for each load
d. The kilovoltampere output and load power factor of the distribution transformer
19.Consider the three-phase four-wire 416-V secondary system with balanced per-phase
loads at A,B, and C as shown in Figure. Determine the following:
a. Calculate the total voltage drop, or as it is sometimes called, voltage regulation, in one
phase of the lateral by using the approximate method.
b. Calculate the real power per phase for each load.
c. Calculate the reactive power per phase for each load.
d. Calculate the total (three-phase) kilovoltampere output and load power factor of the
distribution transformer.
20.Consider the three-phase four-wire 416-V secondary system with balanced per-phase
loads at A,B, and C as shown in Figure. Determine the following:
a. Calculate the total voltage drop, or as it is sometimes called, voltage regulation, in one
phase of the lateral by using the approximate method.
b. Calculate the real power per phase for each load.
c. Calculate the reactive power per phase for each load.
d. Calculate the total (three-phase) kilovoltampere output and load power factor of the
distribution transformer.

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