Global Perspectives 1

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Can we share planet Earth?

Looking after planet Earth

Year 3
Challenge Summary:

By the end of this Challenge, learners will develop

their research skills through a habitat hunt in the
school grounds, through independent research into a
species of their choice, and through group discussion
of research methods.

34Rs.02 Locate relevant information and answers to questions

within sources provided.

34Rs.03 Conduct investigations, using interviews or

questionnaires, making observations and taking appropriate


34Rs.04 Select, organize and record information from sources and

findings from primary research in simple

objectives: charts or diagrams.


34Cm.01 Present information about a given issue clearly and with

an appropriate structure.


34E.02 Express an opinion about another person’s ideas on an

issue, giving reasons for their own opinion.
Day 1

Discussion with a specialist

In the state of Qatar, the delicate balance of the ecosystem is
reflected in the status of its endangered species. Notable
among them is the Arabian oryx, once extinct in the wild but
reintroduced with careful conservation efforts. The country's
marine life, too, faces threats, with creatures like the dugong
experiencing dwindling numbers. Rapid urbanization and
climate change have contributed to these challenges.
Nevertheless, Qatar's commitment to preserving its natural
heritage offers hope for these vulnerable species.
Starter Activity: Picture Talk
Display images of various habitats and animals in Qatar – both thriving and those showing the impact of
human activities.
Ask students, "What do you notice?" Let them share their observations.
This activity will prime them for the main discussion.
Activity 1: Circle Discussion with a Specialist

Arrange seats in a circle so everyone can see each other.

Introduce the specialist to the class and provide a brief background about their expertise.

Set the ground rules for the discussion:

 Allow everyone a chance to speak.

 Listen respectfully and actively.

 Criticize ideas, not individuals.

Open the floor for students to suggest other discussion guidelines.

Begin the discussion by having the specialist talk briefly about human impacts on species in Qatar.

Facilitate a Q&A session where students can ask questions or share their thoughts. (students can note their questions on the notebook before asking them)
Activity 2: Action Plan Brainstorm

Divide students into small groups.

Give each group a large sheet of paper (A3) and markers.
Ask each group to brainstorm and list ways in which individuals, communities, and schools can reduce their negative
impact on species in Qatar. (They can mention 5 ways at least)

After brainstorming, each group will share their top 3 ideas with the class.
Student Led
Refer to activity 2 (After brainstorming, each group will share their top 3
ideas with the class.)
How did it feel listening to the specialist and learning
about the impacts of our actions on species in

What is one new thing you learned today that surprised


Why is it important for us to take action and protect the

species in our country?

How can we, as grade 3 students, make a positive


What will you share with your family about today's

lesson and how can they help?
Day 2

What can we find out about an endangered species?

Starter Activity: "What Do You Know?"

Display video of various endangered animals worldwide.


After watching, ask students to identify any animals they recognize and share one fact they know about it.
Activity 1: Independent Species Research
Provide a list of endangered species, guiding those needing more support towards familiar animals.
Link for resources:
Hand out the "Can we share planet Earth? L3.1" resource with prompt questions to aid their research.
What is the name of your chosen species?
Where is its natural habitat?
What does it eat? Is it a herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore?
What are the main threats to this species' survival? (e.g., habitat loss, hunting, pollution)

Allow learners to choose their species, research its status, habitat, threats, and conservation efforts.
Activity 2: Create Your Animal Mask

Distribute paper plates to each student.

Using their research findings, students will craft a mask representing their chosen animal.

Guide them to add key facts, either written or typed, then colored in. (Reference "Can we share planet Earth? L3.2" for

As masks are completed, have learners come up and add them to the class research wall display.
Student Led
Animal Advocates Speak Out:

Allow a few students to present their masks, sharing key facts and the importance of conserving their chosen species.

Encourage classmates to ask questions or share their thoughts about each presented animal.
How did today's research change or enhance your
perspective on endangered species?

Why is it crucial for us to be aware of these species'


What's one action we can take to help in the

conservation efforts?

Were there any species you learned about that

particularly touched your heart? Why?

How does it feel to know that humans have both a

negative and positive impact on species survival?

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