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Principles of Programming

Decision Structures- Part II
Lecture 10
• Last Session:
• Functions- Part II

• Today’s Session:
• Decision Structures- Part II:
• Multi-way Decisions
• A Study on Design
elif Python statement
sandwich_order = “Bacon Roll”
If sandwich_order == “Ham Roll”:
elif sandwich_order== “cheese roll”:
eif sandwich_order==“Bacon Roll”:
Revisiting Our Quadratic Equation Solver
#The following line will make the math library in Python available for us.
import math

def rootsQEq():
print("This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.")

a = eval(input("Enter the value of coefficient a: "))

b = eval(input("Enter the value of coefficient b: "))
c = eval(input("Enter the value of coefficient c: "))
Revisiting Our Quadratic Equation Solver
#To call a function from the math library, we can use the
#dot operator as follows:
s_root_val = math.sqrt(b*b - 4 * a * c)
root1 = (-b + s_root_val)/(2*a)
root2 = (-b - s_root_val)/(2*a)

print("The solutions are: ", root1, root2)

#Call the function rootsQEq()

Revisiting Our Quadratic Equation Solver
• A sample run:
This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.

Enter the value of coefficient a: 1 What is the

Enter the value of coefficient b: 2 problem?
Enter the value of coefficient c: 3
Revisiting Our Quadratic Equation Solver
• The problem is that the discriminant
• The sqrt function is unable to compute the square root of a
negative number

• How can we avoid this problem?

• We can first compute the discriminant
• Then, we can check if it is negative (via using the ifstatement)
• If it is negative, we can print out that the equation has no real roots
• Otherwise (via using the elseclause), we can compute the solutions and
print them out
A Refined Quadratic Equation Solver
import math

def rootsQEq():
print("This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.")

a = eval(input("Enter the value of coefficient a: "))

b = eval(input("Enter the value of coefficient b: "))
c = eval(input("Enter the value of coefficient c: "))

discriminant = b * b – 4 * a * c
A Refined Quadratic Equation Solver
if discriminant < 0:
print(“The equation has no real roots!”)
s_root_val = math.sqrt(discriminant)
root1 = (-b + s_root_val)/(2*a)
root2 = (-b - s_root_val)/(2*a)

print(“\nThe solutions are: ", root1, root2)

Revisiting Our Quadratic Equation Solver
• A sample run:

This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.

Enter the value of coefficient a: 1

Enter the value of coefficient b: 2
Enter the value of coefficient c: 3
The equation has no real roots!
Good, But…
• This new version of the quadratic solver is certainly a big
improvement, but it still has some quirks!

• Let us illustrate that through examples:

This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.

Enter the value of coefficient a: 1 A double root at -1.0; printed

Enter the value of coefficient b: 2 twice, thus might seem confusing
Enter the value of coefficient c: 1 to some people (a styling issue)!

The solutions are: -1.0 -1.0

Good, But…
• Another sample run:
This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.

Enter the value of coefficient a: 0

Enter the value of coefficient b: 2 Coefficient a
Enter the value of coefficient c: 1 CANNOT be zero
since we cannot
divide by zero
(a serious issue)!
The Need for a Three-Way Decision
• Let us start with the double-root situation, which occurs when the
discriminant is exactly 0

• If we want to catch this special case, our quadratic equation solver

needs a three-way decision

• Here is a quick sketch of what we need:

Check the value of the discriminant
when < 0: handle the case of no roots
when = 0: handle the case of a double root
when > 0: handle the case of two distinct roots
A Three-Way Decision Via Two if-else
• One way to code this algorithm is to use two if-else statements

if discriminant < 0:
print(“Equation has no real roots”)
if discriminant == 0:
root = -b / (2 * a)
print(“There is a double root at”, root)
#Do stuff for two roots…
Digging Deeper…
• If we trace this code carefully, we will observe that there are exactly
three possible paths
Yes Discriminant No

Print “no roots” Yes Discriminant No

== 0 ?

Do Double Roots Do Unique Roots

Multi-Way Decisions
• We managed to finesse a 3-way decision by using 2 2-way decisions

• What happens if we needed to make a 5-way decision using this

• The if-else structures would nest four levels deep, and the Python
code would march off the right-hand edge of the page

• Is there any other way in Python to write multi-way decisions?

• Yes, by using if-elif-else statements
Multi-Way Decisions
• Here is how the if-elif-else form looks like:
if <condition1>:
<case1 statements>
elif <condition2>:
<case2 statements>
The else clause is elif <condition3>:
optional; if omitted, it is
<case3 statements>
possible that no
indented statement …
block will be executed! else:
<default statements>
Revisiting Our Quadratic Equation Solver
import math

def rootsQEq():
print("This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.")

a, b, c = eval(input("Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): "))

discriminant = b * b – 4 * a * c
Revisiting Our Quadratic Equation Solver
if discriminant < 0:
print("The equation has no real roots!")
elif discriminant == 0:
root = -b/(2*a)
print("\nThere is a double root at", root)
s_root_val = math.sqrt(discriminant)
root1 = (-b + s_root_val)/(2*a)
root2 = (-b - s_root_val)/(2*a)
print("\nThe solutions are: ", root1, root2)

Three Sample Runs
This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.
When discriminant < 0
Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): 1, 2, 3
The equation has no real roots!
This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.
When discriminant == 0
Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): 1, 2, 1

There is a double root at -1.0

This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.

When discriminant < 0
Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): 3, 4, -2

The solutions are: 0.38742588672279316 -1.7207592200561266

Avoid Dividing By Zero
• Let us now handle the case of avoiding a division by zero
import math

def rootsQEq():
print("This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.")

a, b, c = eval(input("Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): "))

discriminant = b * b – 4 * a * c
if a == 0:
print("Cannot divide by zero")
Avoid Dividing By Zero
• Let us now handle the case of avoiding a division by zero
elif discriminant < 0:
print("The equation has no real roots!")
elif discriminant == 0:
root = -b/(2*a)
print("\nThere is a double root at", root)
s_root_val = math.sqrt(discriminant)
root1 = (-b + s_root_val)/(2*a)
root2 = (-b - s_root_val)/(2*a)
print("\nThe solutions are: ", root1, root2)
Avoid Dividing By Zero
• Let us try to divide by zero:
This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic.

Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): 0, 1, 2

Cannot divide by zero 
Study in Design: Max of Three Numbers (v1)
def main():
x1, x2, x3 = eval(input("Please enter three values: "))

if x1 >= x2 and x1 >= x3: Difficult to scale the

max = x1 program to more
elif x2 > x1 and x2 > x3:
numbers (say, 10, 100,
max = x2
or even more)– i.e.,
max = x3 following this strategy This program uses a
will make the code strategy that can be
print("The largest value is", max) very long, complex, referred to as
and prone to errors! “compare each to all”
Study in Design: Max of Three Numbers (v2)
def main():
x1, x2, x3 = eval(input("Please enter three values: "))

if x1 >= x2:
if x1 >= x3:
max = x1
max = x3
if x2 >= x3: This program uses a
max = x2
strategy that can be
max = x3 referred to as
“decision tree”
print("The largest value is", max)

Study in Design: Max of Three Numbers (v2)
Yes No
x1 >= x2

Yes No Yes No
X1 >= x3 X2 >= x3

max = x1 max = x3 max = x2 max = x3

Still, this strategy (i.e., decision tree) makes it very difficult to scale the program to more
numbers (say, 10, 100, or even more)!
Study in Design: Max of Three Numbers (v3)
def main():
x1, x2, x3 = eval(input("Please enter three values: "))
max = x1
if x2 > max:
max = x2

if x3 > max:
max = x3 This program uses a
strategy that can be
print("The largest value is", max) referred to as
“sequential processing”
Study in Design: Max of Three Numbers (v3)
• Interestingly, this version (i.e., v3) of the program allows us to scale to
larger problems

• In particular, we can easily write a program that computes the largest

of n numbers by folding our algorithm into a loop
• A loop is a device that tells a program to do the same thing over
and over again! (more on this next lecture)

for i in range(10):
print(“Hello”) This will print Hello ten times!
Study in Design: Max of Three Numbers (v3)
def main():
n = eval(input("How many numbers are there? "))

#set max to be the first value; we can involve conditions here to

#ensure that n is greater than or equal to 1
max = eval(input("Enter a number >> "))

#Now compare the n-1 successive values

for i in range(n-1): This is a more general
x = eval(input("Enter a number >> ")) solution!
if x > max:
max = x

print("The largest value is", max)

Study in Design: Max of Three Numbers (v4)
• We can even go green!

def main():
x1, x2, x3 = eval(input("Please enter three values: "))

print("The largest value is", max(x1, x2, x3))

This program uses a
main() strategy that can be
referred to as
“use Python”!
Study in Design: Lessons Learned
• There is typically more than 1 way to solve a problem!

• Do not rush to code up the first idea that pops into your head; rather,
think about your design and ask yourself if there is a better way to
solve the problem

• Generality is good – we arrived at the best solution to the max of three

problem by considering the more general max of n numbers problem

• Do not reinvent the wheel– you can use Python’s existing libraries!
• Decision structures are control structures that allow a program to
execute different sequences of instructions for different cases

• Decisions are implemented in Python as follows:

• A simple decision with 1 condition (i.e., one-way decision) can be implemented
with 1 if clause
• A decision with 2 conditions (i.e., two-way decision) can be implemented with 1 if
and 1 else (i.e., if-else) clauses
• A decision with 3 or more conditions (i.e., multi-way decision) can be
implemented with 3 or more if-elif-else clauses
• E.g., for 3-way, you can use 1 if, 1 elif, and 1 else
• E.g., for 4-way, you can use 1 if, 2 elifs, and 1 else
• E.g., for n-way, you can use 1 if, n elifs, and 1 else
• Decisions are based on the evaluations of conditions, which are simple
Boolean expressions that can be constructed using different kinds of
operators (e.g., relational, logical, membership, and identity operators)

• A Boolean expression is either True or False

• Algorithms that incorporate decisions can become quite complicated as

decision structures are nested
• Usually a number of solutions are possible, and careful thought should be given
to produce correct, efficient, and understandable programs
Next Lecture…
• Loop Structures- Part I

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