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The Theory of Constraints

Fundamental Exam Review

Applications: Project Management Segment

James R. Holt, Ph.D., PE

Engineering & Technology
Management © Washington State University-2010 1
TOCICO Segmented Fundamentals Exam

Fundamentals Certificate

Multiple Choice Exam

(Identify, Exploit, Subordinate, Elevate, Go to Step 1)

Fundamentals Fundamentals Fundamentals Fundamentals

Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of Certificate of
TOC Philosophy TOC Thinking TOC Applications TOC Finance &
Processes Measures

•Inherent Potential •Conflict •T, I, OE

•Inherent Cloud •DBR
Simplicity •PQ Type
•Inherent Win-Win •Negative •Project Problem
•Five Focusing Branch Management
•Three Questions •Ambitious •Replenishment
© Washington State University-2010 2
Intro to Critical Chain Project
• Projects Are:
 Unique
 Dependent on Precedence
 Activities Not Well Known
 Highly Variable
 Share Resources
 Concurrent with Other Projects
 Valued by Scope, Schedule and Cost

© Washington State University-2010 3

Undesirable Effects of Projects

• Projects Are:
 Usually Late
 Have Too Many Changes
 Often Over Budget
 Lots of Rework
 Many Priority Battles
 Resources Not Available When Needed
 Jeopardize Scope for Cost or Schedule

© Washington State University-2010 4

Projects are Balancing Acts
Quality and Timing and Budgeted
Scope Schedule Costs

© Washington State University-2010 5

Then things Combine
Quality and Timing and Budgeted
Scope Schedule Costs

Precedence Statistical Human

Structure Variation Behavior

© Washington State University-2010 6

And Reality Sets In
Quality and Timing and Budgeted
Scope Schedule Costs

nce ic
Variat al an
Precede ion Hum
v ior
e a
Structur Beh

Bumpy Road of Reality

© Washington State University-2010 7
Due Date Problems
S tory: W hen about to m iss a due date, w e take drastic
actions like com prom ising on content or pulling in m ore
resources. T he problem is that both these actions
jeopardize the other original com m itm ents, content and
B ring the T rim the content
schedule back or take expensive
on track corrective action

M eet original
com m itm ents
N ot jeopardize
the original D o not trim the
Thanks to Rees Furbeck who com m itm ent for content or take
prepared some of these graphics content w ithin expensive
original budget corrective action
© Washington State University-2010 8
Change Problems
Story: W e m ake changes to satisfy the requirem ents of
our custom ers. The problem is that these changes
jeopardize the original com m itm ents for schedule and
Satisfy our
M ake changes
com m itm ent to
during the
provide w hat our
custom ers need

M eet original
com m itm ents

M eet the original Do not m ake

com m itm ent for changes
schedule and during the
budget project

© Washington State University-2010 9

Rework Problems
S tory: In general, w e start w ork on a project before final
specifications are available. This usually m eans doing
rew ork w hen som e of our assum ptions are incorrect. The
problem is that doing rew ork jeopardizes the original
com m itm ents for budget and schedule.

M eet com m itm ent for

content, even though
D o rew ork
our specifications
have changed

M eet original
com m itm ents

N ot jeopardize the
original com m itm ents D o not do
for budget and rew ork
© Washington State University-2010 10
The Core Problem (Constraint)
The original The safety we are allowed is not
commitment enough to absorb the glitches
is realistic
Do whatever it takes Compensate for
to meet an early mis-
endangered original estimations /
commitment mis-calculations

Meet original

Not compensate
Not jeopardize any
for early mis-
other original
estimations /

© Washington State University-2010 11

How To Understand Project
• It is hard to examine one project and find a pattern
to the problems.
 There are too many excuses.
 There is so much variability in tasks that the
solution (problem) changes with every look.
• Its better if we could examine the same project
executed over and over again to look for trends.
 Simulation can do this
 Thru-Put Critical Chain Simulator!

© Washington State University-2010 12

Understanding Variability
Before we go to the
What is 8 times 8? 64? Are you sure?
What is 8? 8? Or 8±1?
So, what is
8±1 times 8±1? Somewhere between
49 and 81!
With 64 being the
most likely. 13
© Washington State University-2010
Good Statistics
Variability Adds as the Square Root of the Sum of the
(Central Limit Theorem Variability reduces when combined)

+ =
+ Watch Simulation

© Washington State University-2010 14

Bad Statistics

Assembly: If one
is late, they are
all late.
+ =
Watch Simulation
© Washington State University-2010 15
Resource Conflict

Watch Simulation
© Washington State University-2010 16
Look at a Real Project
Sim 5

70 Days

Watch Simulation 05

© Washington State University-2010 17

One Simulation Run

70 Days

72 Days

© Washington State University-2010 18

Results of 1000 Runs

nt 70 Days

© Washington State University-2010 19

Sim 05 Treats Tasks as Normal

Task Duration
Distribution for
Activity A1
Theoretical and
Simulation Data

© Washington State University-2010 20

But, Are Project Tasks Normal
How long did it take you to drive to work this morning?
What is the least time it has ever taken?
What is the most time it has ever taken?
What is the average time to drive to work?
Is the average closer to the shortest?
Is the average closer to the longest?

50% Estimate

85% Estimate

Time ->
© Washington State University-2010 21
Skewed Distribution for Sim 6a

Task Duration
Distribution for
Activity A1
Theoretical and
Simulation Data

© Washington State University-2010 22

Results of 1000 Simulations 6a (skewed)

Scheduled @50% Probability

nt 70 Days

© Washington State University-2010 23

Try Adding Safety time to each Task
Scheduling 11 Days per Task
Scheduled @60% Probability

nt 77 Days

© Washington State University-2010 24

Maybe 13 Days per Task would do it?

Scheduled at
75% Probability
91 Days

© Washington State University-2010 25

Try Giving 16 days per Task as a
Big Safety Cushion

Scheduled @
85% Probability
112 Days

© Washington State University-2010 26

Getting Better at Hitting our
Projections, But...
Statistical Summary for PmSim Project Management Simulation
Single Project Results

Normal Task Duration Distribution, 50% Task Estimate Confidence


Skewed Task Duration Distribution, 50% Task Estimate Confidence


Skewed Task Duration Distribution, 60% Task Estimate Confidence


75% Task Estimate Confidence


85% Task Estimate Confidence


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Project Duration
(Days) Rees Furbeck’s
clever graphic 27
© Washington State University-2010
Engineering Optimism
Question: If you have 16 days to to a 10 day
project, when do you start?
Immediately! Or,
After 6 days. Or,
After 10 days (since you know you are faster
than average and can probably do it in 6 days).

Level of


Normal level of effort

Assigned Due Date
© Washington State University-2010 28
I hate Student Syndrome!

It wears People out!

And, they think its
Self Imposed Overtime their own fault!
Level of

Normal level of effort

Assigned Due Date

© Washington State University-2010 29

There is another Problem
Question: You fought tooth and nail to get the
16 days you wanted to do the 10 day project.
If you finish in 14 days, will you go around
advertising early completion?
What if you finish in 10 days?
How about 8 days?
Wonder of wonders 6 days?
This is called Erroneous Reporting of Completion time!
A second similar rule: Parkinson’s Law--Work expands
to fill the time available

© Washington State University-2010 30

With 75% Erroneous Reporting

Sim 06, Tasks Scheduled @ 16 days, only

25% report early completion

Boy are
We Good!
We made our
Due Dates!
© Washington State University-2010 31
Now Add Student Syndrome
Sim 06, Tasks Scheduled @ 18 days (85% confidence), only
25% report early completion, and late starting (Student
Syndrome and Parkinson’s Law)

Expected Completion:
7*18 day=126 Days
© Washington State University-2010 32
Student Syndrome and 75%
Erroneous Reporting

Distribution used
to simulate individual
task duration. Only
25% of the time were
true times reported.

© Washington State University-2010 33

126 Days (Scheduled 18 days
for each Task)

85% Probability

© Washington State University-2010 34

Increasing Safety to 19

133 Days (Scheduled 19 days
for each Task)

© Washington State University-2010 35

Huge Safety -- 22 Days

(Scheduled 22 days
154 Days for each Task)

© Washington State University-2010 36

A 90% Estimate of this 70 Day Project
is: 154 + Days
Statistical Sum m ary for Pm Sim Project M anagem ent Sim ulation
Single Project Results

Norm al Task D uration D istribution, 50% Task Estim ate Confidence


Skew ed Task D uration Distribution, 50% Task Estim ate C onfidence


Skew ed Task D uration Distribution, 60% Task Estim ate C onfidence


75% Task Estim ate Confidence


85% Task Estim ate Confidence


Add 75% Erroneous Reporting of Task Com pletions (Parkinson's Law )


Add Student Syndrom e


90% Task Estim ate Confidence


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Project Duration

© Washington State University-2010 37

Consider Three Individual 70 Day
Projects in Parallel!

Simulation 9a
Student Syndrome
75% Erroneous
90% Estimate
Resources Shift
and stay until
complete (one
task delays another).

© Washington State University-2010 38

One Project Delays Another

90% Probability

Commitment 154
Project 1 as first
Scheduled 154
Task Duration
22 Days

© Washington State University-2010 39

Rather than Delaying, try Alternating

My Assignments

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

10 days 10 days 10 days

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days

Takes Twice as

© Washington State University-2010 40

I Hate Multi-Tasking Even More!

© Washington State University-2010 41

Painful Results!
Statistical Sum m ary for Pm Sim Project M anagem ent Sim ulation

Norm al Distribution, 50% Task Estim ate Confidence


Skew ed Distribution, 50% Task Estim ate Confidence


Skew ed Distribution, 60% Task Estim ate Confidence


75% Task Estim ate Confidence


85% Task Estim ate Confidence


Add 75% Erroneous Reporting of Task Com pletions (Parkinson's Law )


Add Student Syndrom e


90% Task Estim ate Confidence

Add M ulti-Project, Shared R esource (Q ueues)
3 Projects

3 Projects Add M ulti-Tasking


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

© Washington State University-2010 42

Project Management
• The last session was pretty depressing
 Project Structure is a problem.
 Task Variability is a worst problem.
 Human Behavior (as a result of attempting to
deal with structure and variability)-Ahhh!
• Result, a single project planned for 70 days
stretches to 160 days!
• Three 70 day concurrent projects exceed 350

© Washington State University-2010 43

Painful Situation!
Statistical Sum m ary for Pm Sim Project M anagem ent Sim ulation

Norm al Distribution, 50% Task Estim ate Confidence


Skew ed Distribution, 50% Task Estim ate Confidence


Skew ed Distribution, 60% Task Estim ate Confidence


75% Task Estim ate Confidence


85% Task Estim ate Confidence


Add 75% Erroneous Reporting of Task Com pletions (Parkinson's Law)


Add Student Syndrom e


90% Task Estim ate Confidence

Add M ulti-Project, Shared Resource (Q ueues)
3 Projects

3 Projects Add M ulti-Tasking


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

© Washington State University-2010 44

We have Maxed Out!
• “We are caught in a vicious cycle which leads
us to inflate our estimates and press for more
people, just to see the completion dates of our
projects slipping more and more into the
future ...
• “... until the time to do the project becomes so
long or the compromises on the content
become so large that the clients tell us, “If
that’s the case we’ll go elsewhere !”
Eli Goldratt

© Washington State University-2010 45

We must improve or lose business and
• “At that Stage, a very unsatisfactory
equilibrium is reached:
• “Lead times are long
• “Visibility is lost
• “The work environment is chaotic
• “There is a loss of ability to make decisions
• “Everything is done by pressure.”
Eli Goldratt

© Washington State University-2010 46

Remember this Image?
Quality and Timing and Budgeted
Scope Schedule Costs
The Solution must
address all three causes!

nce ic
Variat al an
Precede ion Hum
e a
Structur Beh

Bumpy Road of Reality

© Washington State University-2010 47
Is A Solution Possible?
• Many people have done it (See AGI Web)
• Example: Israeli Aircraft Industries

Israeli Aircraft Industries - Wide Body

From a letter to Dr. Goldratt, February 23, 1997,
“In the wide body aircraft directorate, average turn around time per aircraft
reduced from THREE MONTHS to TWO WEEKS. Backlog (Customer orders)
has increased from two months to one year.”

© Washington State University-2010 48

What are the elements of the Solution?

• It makes no sense to intentionally

schedule conflicts.
• Prioritize the work, Work the priorities.
• Stagger the release of work
(Remember the Job Shop Game)(Video)
• Communicate what is important to those
who can make a difference
• How?
© Washington State University-2010 49
Multi-Project Simulation 9c

Red is the Tightest

Scheduled Resource

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1. Prioritize - Stagger Projects

Stagger based on
Red Resources
(others may conflict
between projects)

© Washington State University-2010 51

Staggering helps a bit
but there is still Multi-Tasking
First Project Median 169

Second Project Median 219

(total time 323)

Third Project Median 235

(total time 367)
© Washington State University-2010 52
Let’s Do This by Fixing Each Project –
One Project at a Time!

Let’s look at the single

Project CCPM Solution for
a few minutes before we
return to the Multi-Project

© Washington State University-2010 53

Our Empirical results on projects are not
good. We need protection!
Empirical Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Buffer

Due Date

If we buffer our existing schedule,

we just add more time!
This is counter productive!
We are worse off.
Even worse than before!
© Washington State University-2010 54
Let’s take advantage of good statistics. If we
finish early, we can move on to the next task.
Don’t waste Safety Allocated.
Before: 85% Estimate Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Buffer

Eliminate waste

After: 50% Estimate Due Date

Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Buffer

© Washington State University-2010 55

Let’s take advantage of good statistics. If we
finish early, we can move on to the next task.
Don’t waste Safety we Allocated.
Before: 85% Estimate Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Buffer

Due Date
After: 50% Estimate Notice, we are
Completion Distribution
only changing the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Buffer schedule.
Actual work
distributions are the
Due Date same. If we finish
early, we can capture
the advantage.
© Washington State University-2010 56
We can buffer the variability of activities along
the Critical Chain, but where else?

After: 50% Estimate

Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 Buffer

7 8 9 10

Make sure non-critical,

side chains are de-coupled
from the Critical Chain
© Washington State University-2010 57
Add Feeder Buffers

After: 50% Estimate

Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 Buffer

Due Date
7 8 9


Make sure non-critical,

side chains are de-coupled
from the Critical Chain
© Washington State University-2010 58
Add Assembly (Feeder) Buffers

After: 50% Estimate

Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 Buffer

Due Date
7 8 9


Make sure non-critical,

side chains are de-coupled
from the Critical Chain
© Washington State University-2010 59
Add Assembly (Feeder) Buffers

After: 50% Estimate

Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 Buffer

Due Date
7 8 9


Make sure non-critical,

side chains are de-coupled
from the Critical Chain
© Washington State University-2010 60
Add Assembly (Feeder) Buffers

After: 50% Estimate

Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 Buffer

Due Date
7 8 9


Make sure non-critical,

side chains are de-coupled
from the Critical Chain
© Washington State University-2010 61
Add Assembly (Feeder) Buffers

After: 50% Estimate

Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 Buffer

Due Date
7 8 9


Make sure non-critical,

side chains are de-coupled
from the Critical Chain
© Washington State University-2010 62
Next Step, Add
Resource Buffers

After: 50% Estimate

Completion Distribution

1 2 3 4 5 6 Buffer

Due Date
7 8 9


This is a ‘Notification’ step (communication buffer) to

make sure resources soon to be used on Critical
Chain Activities will be Ready and Available.
© Washington State University-2010 63
Single Project Buffered

Commitment 95
Simulation 08
Project Buffer

Critical Chain

Feeder Buffers
Resource Buffers

© Washington State University-2010 64

CCPM Simulation 08 Results

End of Buffer 95
50% Completion
No Multi-Tasking
Buffer Management

© Washington State University-2010 65

Now, Let’s look at Multi Project
• We Schedule Each Project individually
according to Critical Chain Project
• We stagger the projects according to a selected
strategic drum (resources)
• We include a buffer between projects (on the
• All Estimates are at 50%. Use Buffer
Management to prioritize resource allocation.

© Washington State University-2010 66

Stagger Projects w/Buffer
Buffer Between Projects Too

© Washington State University-2010 67

Result with 50% schedule and Buffers

First Project Median 96



Second Project Median 180


Third Project
Median 216


© Washington State University-2010 68

Statistical Sum m ary for Pm Sim Project M anagem ent Sim ulation

Notice: All Three

N orm al D istribution, 50% T ask E stim ate C onfidence

S kew ed D istribution, 50% T ask E stim ate C onfidence


S kew ed D istribution, 60% T ask E stim ate C onfidence

70 day projects

75% T ask E stim ate C onfidence

were completed
within 240 days.

85% T ask E stim ate C onfidence


A dd 75% E rroneous R eporting of T ask C om pletions (P arkinson's Law )


A dd S tudent S yndrom e

90% T ask E stim ate C onfidence


A dd M ulti-P roject, S hared R esource (Q ueues)

3 P rojects

3 P rojects A dd M ulti-T asking

P rioritize P rojects,
9c S chedule D rum

E lim inate B ad M ulti-T asking

U se C ritical C hain S chedules and B uffer M anagem ent,
9e R educe E rroneous R eporting of T ask C om pletions to 50%

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

© Washington State University-2010

R . Furbeck 5/11/00
Bottom Line
• There is lots to gain
• Particularly in Multi Project
• Single Projects 20% reduction
• Multi Projects 50% reduction

© Washington State University-2010 70

Student Exercise - Small CCPM
The following tasks are estimated at 50% probability of completion already.
Schedule this project. Resource Project
Buffer Buffer

Feeder Project
A 20 C 10 Buffer F5 Buffer

B 15 D 10

B 15 E 10

-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0

© Washington State University-2010 71

Critical Steps

• Prioritize work
• Avoid scheduling conflicts
• Schedule Aggressively (remove wasted safety)
• Insert adequate safety in the right places (less
than that taken out)
• Communicate Time Remaining
• Manage Resources according to Buffer Status
• Sequence multiple project on strategic resource
with large buffer.

© Washington State University-2010 72

Project Type Processes

The Goal: Successful Project Delivery (single or multiple)

The Measure: Deliver on Time, In Budget, Desired Content.
The Constraint: The Critical Chain of Events w/ Resources

Applies to processes where Touch time=Flow time.

© Washington State University-2010 73

Project Type Processes
The Conflict Cloud:
The Paradigm Shift: Don’t
Waste Safety, Schedule
Aggressively, Aggregate
Buffers, Communicate “Time
Remaining”, Negotiate
Capability B. Meet
D. Do whatever
it takes
A. Successful
C. Don’t
Jeopardize other D’. Don’t take
Commitments aggressive actions

© Washington State University-2010 74

The Behavior/Results
The Aggressive Schedule Exploits
the Constraint.
Reducing Conflict, Staggering and
Buffers Subordinate (de-couple) the
System Processes.
Buffer Management measures Buffer Penetration
Red-> Immediate Action What do we learn
Yellow-> Learn about what to fix next here to apply to
Green-> Allow the system to run Daily Lives?
Constraint Focus typically results in 25 to 60% reduction.
Relay Race mentality and Buffer Management assigns
resources. Continual Improvement changes the culture and
creates really effective teams.
© Washington State University-2010 75
Project Management
Lessons Learned
• Variability/Variety Happens - Expect Accidents, Hardships,
Mistakes, Disasters, etc.
• Plan Aggressively (Not too Aggressive, Not too Safe,
Just Right-50%)
• Buffer for the Worst (have 95% confidence of survival)
• Say, “No!” to Bad Multi-Tasking (Sequence-Don’t Overload)
• Work on What is Important When its Important
• Use Buffer Management to flow
from Priority to Priority Covey
Urgent Not Urgent
• Communicate ‘Time
Remaining’ Not Important
• Don’t Forget important Quadrants
© Washington State University-2010 76
Strategy and Tactic Tree

• Project Strategy and Tactic Tree


© Washington State University-2010 77

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