STD 6&7

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Assignment 6 & 7

EC21B1064 M Lohith Chowdary

EC21B1107 B Mohith Sai
ME21B1004 Gnaneswara Rao
Stake Holder Need of Stake Holders Alterable Constraints
Customer 1. Agility 1. Structure 1. Motors
2. Efficiency 2. Vehicle Type 2. Process
3. Durability 3. CMF 3. Weight

Companies- 1. Profit 1. Design 1. Profit Margin

Share Holders, Employees 2. Reach of the product 2. Quality 2. Time
3. Commercialization 3. Stability

Contract Manufacturers 1. Raw Material 1. Bill of Materials 1. Availability of Materials

2. Blueprints 2. Complexity 2. Defective Product Ratio
3. Assembly friendly Design 3. Safety Protocols

Service Providers 1. Easily Modular 1. Number of Parts 1. Skilled Workers

2. Cheap Replacements 2. Firmware 2. Replacements Shipping
3. Tools 3. CAD

Operators 1. Training 1. Controllers 1. Thermals

2. Troubleshooting 2. Internals Vendor 2. Range
3. Ergonomic 3. System Architecture
Needs Of Stake
Stake Holders

1. Agility

2. Efficiency

3. Durability
4. Profit

5. Reach of the product

6. Commercialization

7. Raw Material
8. Blueprints

9. Assembly friendly Design

Service Providers
10. Easily Modular

11. Cheap Replacements

12. Tools

13. Training

14. Troubleshooting

15. Ergonomic
1. Structure 1. Motors
2. Vehicle Type 2. Process
3. CMF 3. Weight
4. Design 4. Profit Margin
5. Quality 5. Time
6. Stability 6. Availability of Materials
7. Bill of Materials 7. Defective Product Ratio
8. Complexity 8. Safety Protocols
9. Number of Parts 9. Skilled Workers
10. Firmware 10. Replacements Shipping
11. CAD 11. Thermals
12. Controllers 12. Range
13. Internals Vendor 13. System Architecture
From the mapping of needs to stake holders
1.The high out degree of needs and distribution of them to the stake holders shows that the both are
aligned in nature .
2. This indicates that the stake holders are in a perfect position that they don’t need any changes but
they get affected by the needs and their components
3.The alignment nature of this mapping infers that our needs with low out-degree can be avoided on a
smaller scale .
From the mapping of alterable to needs
1.This mapping is diverging .
2.It has high out degree , so the maximum number of needs can be fulfilled with minimum number of
3.The alterable are minimum that refers that the changes in the system/product are less which implies
that the aspects of our problem are unique
1.To satisfy the customer service need of gaining profits even after damage, can be met by altering the
structure and quality of the product keeping in sight that the no. of days used should have a limit.
2.By altering the medium of communication the need of advertising agency ”cost effective” marketing
can be fulfilled to reach right customers.
3.Customer needs like durability can be met by altering the strength of the product keeping the size
4. In the view of manufacturers they have a constraint of employees training when they want to
establish a new /replace the existing factory in another place for the availability of raw materials.
5. The main need for share-holders is growth of the company which ensures them profits, can be done
by advertising product in such a way that it reflects product and it’s features.
Elements of Feedback Loop

Company Product End User

Feedback LOOP

+ -

+ +

+ +
+ +
+ +

- +

+ -
Stabilizing loops

Controls, Operators, and Stable

Quality, Customer, and Prize

De-stabilizing loops

Customer, Quick Support, Customer feedback

Critical intervention points

Prize, Customer,
Quality, Controls

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