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Malla Reddy College of Engineering


Student Name :P.NIKHIL
Roll Number:23Q91A05V0

B.Tech. I Year – I Sem. CSE

Under the Guidance of
MRS. A. RUPA (Assistant Professor)
Department of Humanities and Sciences
Batteries For Electrical Vechicles
Introduction to Batteries for Electric Vehicles

Batteries are the heart of electric vehicles,

providing power for propulsion and other
electrical systems.

The development of high-performance batteries

is crucial for the widespread adoption of electric

Battery technology has evolved significantly in

recent years, improving energy density,
charging speed, and overall performance.

Types of Batteries Used in Electric Vehicles

Lithium-ion Batteries: Most commonly used in

electric vehicles due to their high energy
density and long lifespan.

Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries: Used

in some hybrid electric vehicles, they offer a
good balance between cost, energy density, and

Solid-State Batteries: A promising technology

for the future, offering even higher energy
density and improved safety compared to
lithium-ion batteries.

Key Considerations for Electric Vehicle Batteries

Energy Density: Determines the range of the

electric vehicle. Higher energy density batteries
allow for longer distances without recharging.

Charging Speed: Fast-charging capabilities are

essential for convenient and practical electric
vehicle usage.

Lifespan and Durability: Electric vehicle

batteries should have a long lifespan, ideally
lasting the lifetime of the vehicle, to ensure
economic viability.

Battery Management Systems (BMS) for Electric Vehicles

BMS is responsible for monitoring and

controlling the state of charge, temperature, and
overall health of the battery.

BMS ensures the safe and efficient operation of

the battery, preventing overcharging,
overheating, and other potential issues.

BMS also optimizes the performance and

lifespan of the battery by managing charging
and discharging cycles.

Future Trends in Electric Vehicle Batteries

Increased Energy Density: Ongoing research

aims to develop batteries with even higher
energy density, allowing for longer ranges and
improved performance.

Faster Charging: Technologies like solid-state

batteries and advanced charging infrastructure
will enable faster charging times, making
electric vehicles more practical.

Battery Recycling: As the number of electric

vehicles increases, battery recycling will
become crucial to minimize environmental
impact and recover valuable resources.

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