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Volcanoes are geological formations on
the surface of the Earth's crust.
From volcanoes magma emerges to the
surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, rocks.
The word "volcano" comes from the name
of the ancient Roman fire god Vulcan.
Mud volcanoes are not
volcanoes, they are related
to post-volcanic

There are also asphalt volcanoes, in which products of the

eruption are petroleum products: gas, oil and tar.
Volcanoes on Earth are divided into two types:Active - erupted in the
historical period of time (in the last 10 thousand years.). Some active
z volcanoes can be considered asleep, but they are still possible
Inactive are ancient volcanoes that have lost their activity.
On land there are about 900 active volcanoes, in the seas and
oceans their number is still unknown.
The volcanic eruption period can last from
several days to several million years.

By giving it to one of the rocks of Elbrus, the

ancient god Prometheus was chained because he
had stolen fire from the gods and gave it to people.
There is also a legend that it was this land that first
saw Noah from his ark when the flood ended and
the water level began to decline.
Elbrus is located 20 kilometers to the north of the Greater Caucasus
Range, on the territory of the Russian Federation. Some scientists
z that this volcano is the highest point of the European continent,
its height is 5642 meters above sea level.
The Caucasian ridge was formed five million years ago and it has
a folded character. Elbrus appeared in this region about one
million years ago.The first appeared the western peak, after it
formed a second cone from the eastern side of the crater.
To date, Elbrus is not considered an active volcano,
z although it is not considered to be extinct as well, since
volcanic activity on it from time to time is manifested.
At the foot of Elbrus is a very diverse nature. There
z are stormy rivers, coniferous forests, rare animals
and plants, mountain meadows.
Around the volcano there is a large number of diverse and beautiful gorges.
In the north of Elbrus there is a tract of Djil-Su. On its territory there are
beautiful waterfalls and thermal springs. Some of the waterfalls have a
height of up to 40 meters.
Still on the north side of Elbrus is the large ice lake Dzhikaugkenkez, it is
(300 meters above sea level). Also there is a peak of Kalitsky,
which in its form is similar either to the Egyptian pyramid, or to a
medieval castle.
The Fujiyama volcano is considered to be one of the most
beautiful in Japan. This mountain is not only an amazing natural
miracle, but also a sacred place for the Japanese people.
Fujiyama is located almost in the center of Honshu, about 50 km
z of Tokyo. Fujiyama has two main craters and about 100
collateral craters. The peak of the Fujiyama volcano is 3776 m high.
Thousands years ago there were volcanic erraption near the
top, which led to the creation of a charming natural area
called the Five Lakes Fuji.
Since 781, Fujiyama has erupted about 12 times. The strongest were
in 800, 864 and 1708 years. The last of them became the most
catastrophic - on the eastern slopes of the mountain appeared a new
crater of Hoizan and Tokyo was covered with a layer of ash 15 cm thick.
The volcano of Fujiyama
z Thank you for your attention!

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