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Same faces repeatedly dominates the Murree’s political life, the administrative services, the military establishments, the economy and the
general decision making process, while the 98 per cent under-privileged population is denied its rightful share in the exercise of political and economic
power in running the affairs of the state. Being politically disadvantaged and economically handicapped this sector of the society is unable to find a
place in the assemblies and the corridors of power in the country. As a consequence, it remains perpetually deprived and alienated.

It just plays second fiddle to the ruling class. It is obliged to vote for them, make up the crowd in their political gatherings and processions, raise slogans
and resort to appreciative clapping to their soulless and hackneyed speeches, containing promises which are never meant to be fulfilled.

According to the Constitution of Pakistan, every citizen has the right to participate in elections and represent the people in the assemblies. However
the two per cent privileged class has made the entry of the remaining population to the assemblies well nigh impossible. Lavish expenditures on
political campaigning have rendered elections as a rich man’s game in which the less fortunate class cannot compete. All major political parties
routinely voice sympathy and concern for the poor but refuse to accommodate them in the assemblies and national power structure. Thus the poor
workers despite sincere work and sacrifices remain perpetual bystanders.

In the above circumstances, therefore, real democratic culture could not be established in Pakistan. Real democracy means the rule of the majority or
in other words Government of the people, by the people, for the people. But strangely in Pakistan even in the name of democracy, the same two per
cent privileged class manages to induct its members into the assemblies and other positions of power, while the 98 per cent of the lower and middle
class population is totally deprived of its genuine representation.

The democratic system has not developed strong roots in Pakistan, as the two per cent privileged class now ruling the country has neither any concern
for the masses nor any genuine love for the democratic institutions. Their primary objective is to remain in power and protect their interests at all

Naturally, therefore, people belonging to such a mindset neither resist undemocratic and unconstitutional activities in the country nor feel any
compunction in readily accepting and recognising illegal governments, so long as their personal interests are protected and they are also allowed a
share in the booty.
get elected to the national and provincial assemblies. Hence, their first priority on coming to
to recover their capital spent on the election campaign, of course, along with compound
and dividends. They have little time and energy for resolving the problems of their
ncies. For them, power and privileges are the main objective in coming into politics, they do
ate to compromise our principles and ideologies and willingly indulge in all kinds of
atic practices in order to maintain their hold on the establishment.

cted people from the elite class on reaching the corridors of power work only for the interest
- per cent population, the masses who elected them find their problems unresolved. They are
ntly becoming more rich. They are accumulating wealth with both hands. New land holdings
acquired, prestigious bungalows, villas are being purchased within the country and abroad,
ries are being established with dubiously acquired capital.

ja Usama Sarwar) therefore, feels strongly that our (KOHSAAR)can never prosper unless
iling Carefree political, economic and social system is brought to an end. It is certain that
existing set up, the people of Pakistan cannot move ahead towards prosperity nor can there
bility in the democratic system. It is possible only when the 98 per cent poor and middle class
t united and adequately represented in the assemblies and places of power through qualified,
d committed people belonging to their own class.

• Naturally, therefore, people belonging to such a mindset neither • WHAT DOES WE WANT?
resist undemocratic and unconstitutional activities in the country • Ideologically speaking, Raja Usama Sarwar is not a proponent of
nor feel any compunction in readily accepting and recognising Socialism, Communism or unbridled Capitalism. It only believes in
illegal governments, so long as their personal interests are Realism and Practicalism. By adopting this philosophy it desires to
protected and they are also allowed a share in the booty. establish an economic system based on free market economy in
accordance with the spirit of democracy. We seeks drastic reforms in
• If we look at the record of the various governments of Pakistan all sectors including agriculture, industry, commerce, education,
health,Sports,Culture,. These are considered essential for the
since its inception, we will easily notice that be it a democratic solidarity, security, progress and prosperity of every society as well as
government or martial regime, it has always been monopolised by for the welfare of the common man. Raja Usama and team wants to
the same and repeated faces. It is now for the people of NA-51to see total elimination of corruption, bribery, injustices, tyranny,
judge and decide as to how this same repeated people could solve exploitation, illiteracy, unemployment, poverty, drug trafficking and
the problems when they couldn’t do in 30/40 year . Isolated and other such social evils. It aims to introduce a comprehensive program
insulated from the masses, this class is totally unaware of the to make this beautiful (Kohsaar) prosperous and stable, and create a
sufferings, agonies, anxieties as well as the aspiration and hopes of just society in which opportunity to progress and prosper is available
the poor and oppressed people. The living standards and the life to all, without discrimination.
style of the privileged class are poles apart from the way of life of
the less fortunate and alienated people. In fact there is hardly any • While We primarily espouses the cause of the 98 per cent poor and
meeting point between the two of them. The members of this middle classes, it does also recognise the two- per cent elite class as
privileged class spend millions of rupees to get elected to the useful citizens of the country. It has no intention to take away their
national and provincial assemblies. Hence, their first priority on legally acquired wealth. Its objective is to evolve on the principle of
coming to power is to recover their capital spent on the election Realism and Practicalism.A just system in which all classes of the
campaign, of course, along with compound interest and dividends. country should feel themselves fully secured. Without taking
They have little time and energy for resolving the problems of their anything away from the men of status, the poor and middle class
constituencies. For them, power and privileges are the main people should have the opportunity to come out of the quagmire of
objective in coming into politics, they do not hesitate to poverty through merit and hard work. Additionally, the system
compromise our principles and ideologies and willingly indulge in should be free from exploitation, hatred and injustices. Furthermore,
all kinds of undemocratic practices in order to maintain their hold adherence to any particular cast, creed, language, ethnicity, sex, sect
on the establishment. and religion, should in no way prejudice any one’s fundamental or
human rights.
• As the elected people from the elite class on reaching the corridors
of power work only for the interest of the two- per cent population,
the masses who elected them find their problems unresolved. They
are consequently becoming more rich. They are accumulating
wealth with both hands. New land holdings are being acquired,
prestigious bungalows, villas are being purchased within the
country and abroad, and factories are being established with
dubiously acquired capital.

With a view to achieving this objective, mutual co-operation among such organisations and institutions should be organised
by forming a common platform under the government’s supervision and help.
By granting more powers and providing enhanced resources to the elected local bodies their role in the education, up to
primary and secondary level should be increased and the framework and scope of these institutions to be enlarged and used to
• In today’s world, education is the basic and most full potential.
important factor to achieve progress for a nation. • As an additional step, the federal and provincial governments should provide grants to the elected local bodies. The education
Well-educated nations in the world enjoy up to primary level should be made compulsory and free; and all the textbooks should be provided free of cost to primary
dominance over other nations. Nations lacking in students.
education cannot achieve advancement. It is • The prices of secondary and higher education textbooks need to be considerably reduced, so as to enable even the poor
deplorable that since the inception of Pakistan families to meet the expenditure on education with less burden. The educated people in general and youth in particular should
successive governments paid very little attention be encouraged to form voluntary organisations to help and launch a crusade against illiteracy and campaign to ensure
to education just like our constituency
education for all. Allocation in the budget for education to be increased adequately to achieve these goals.
(Murree/Kahuta/Kotli Sattian/Kalar). Even today
the country’s budget provides meager sums for
• Private educational institutions need to be encouraged to ensure their educational standards and by making legislation so as
education, and as a result more than 70 per cent
of the population of our country has remained to upgrade and not allow them to become only businesses and profit making organisations. Merit should be the predominant
illiterate. factor in selection as Education is a social service and should not become a trade.

• A network of libraries should be established in all the Union Council so the NA-51. These libraries should be linked with each
• If we desire to see Pakistan a developed,
other through a well-connected system, including mobile libraries for the villages outside urban areas, to provide benefit to
prosperous and dignified country then we have to
rural areas.
make full use of our resources and ensure
education is made available to every citizen as
without education no one can expect the country • ThinkTank Raja Usama wishes to establish new universities in other Tehseels, 1 College as a must in every Union Council which
to be progressive and prosperous. is easy access for all,, medical Institutions (Pharmactial skills trainings for Females), , technical institutes and other higher
educational institutions in accordance with the increasing need of the population in a systematic and planned manner, on a
regular basis. The present distribution of grants, given by the University Grants Commission to the universities of the country
• Raja Usama Sarwar and his ThinkTank also
should be made fair and equitable.
wants to make education easily available
throughout NA-51 by making full use of all the
available resources on an emergency basis, • In every part of the country, especially in villages, towns and small cities, more and more vocational training centres should be
whereby within five years the rate of literacy established so that the younger generation and women can acquire useful skills. Special measures must be taken to develop
could be enhanced, to at least 70 per cent. This scientific research and in this regard the private sector should be encouraged in an organised manner.
target is not impossible. With determination and • In all Union Councils and villages a network of schools and colleges needs to be set-up and for this purpose not only should
good intentions desired results can be achieved. In government resources be utilised on a large scale but also non-governmental organisations and other private sector
this connection We want to take the following institutions should be encouraged in setting up the educational institutions.
• Good health and good education is necessary for a strong and healthy society. In order to provide the poor
with medical facilities it is essential that from small towns to small villages and small cities to the big cities in
all areas and localities a network of small health units should be installed. These units should become the
centre for health and in this way at State level every citizen’s health and care would be ensured. In other words
a system taking the form of National Health Scheme would be established.

• In every Union Council at least one Small Scale government hospital should be set-up and in rural areas health
centres comprising of at least 10 beds should be established wherein maternity services would also be

• With a view to removing the shortage of essential medicines and a reduction in prices, private investment and
local manufacturing in pharmaceutical industries should be encouraged.

• To provide medical care for the poor people, non-governmental, social and welfare organisations and
institutions from the private sector should be encouraged. Wants the present conditions of State controlled
hospitals and health centres to improve. Furthermore, in order to improve the deficiencies in administrative
matters, the involvement of bureaucracy should be minimised and the hospitals should be under the control of
We have a firm belief in human rights and demands that the fundamental rights as
incorporated in the Constitution of Pakistan must be fully respected. Pakistan is facing
embarrassment throughout the world due to repeated violations of the human rights by
the successive governments. Our Vision is that all citizens of the country must be
granted equal rights irrespective of their cast, colour, creed, race, language, religion,
region, culture, faith, sect and sex or any political affiliation. In order to check the
violations of human rights.We want effective institution to be established that would
investigate alleged violations and breaches of human rights in the country. The
institution must have the authority to take action against any Government or the State
functionary or employee wherever necessary and to institute proceedings through the
court of law
In the development of the feudal culture many other problems have been created in the country. Due
to the contemptuous feudal mentality, hundreds and thousands of acres of land are not being
cultivated because the feudal have more land then they need and they cannot, and do not want to
cultivate their entire holdings. They are still not prepared to hand over their land to peasants for
cultivation of food and other necessities.
With this in mind, OUR team wants the Government to take such steps that the landowners would
cultivate all the land they possess. If they fail to do so then a "non-cultivation tax" should be levied on
every single acre of land not cultivated and this tax should be collected for the benefit of the peasants.

. This would also enable us to export our agricultural produce.

To achieve this increase in agro-products, all available resources should be put to use to mechanise
agriculture on modern scientific methods. In this regard the foremost objective of all concerned is to
provide education about agriculture to the peasants. To achieve this, the Government with the co-
operation of non-governmental and social organisations must start a campaign for adult education in
villages for the peasants and their families. In this regard there should be an appeal to educated young
people to come forward voluntarily. Moreover, some basic and easy courses on scientific farming are to
be made available to the peasants.

The development of industries in areas relating to agriculture should be enhanced. For instance the
fertiliser factories, agricultural machine tool factories and similar industries should be established in the
rural areas. For making the country self-sufficient in agricultural produce it is essential to raise the living
standard of the peasants..
• In our country the problem of unemployment, especially of the educated class has
become very serious. Hundreds of thousands of educated youths are currently
unemployed, Our Team,therefore, wants steps to be taken to solve such an urgent
problem with a long-term definite plan.

• WE want that more and more industries should be established in the country,
especially small and cottage industries to resolve the problem of unemployment.

• Vocational training centres should be set-up for the youngsters to learn different skills
to enable them to stand on their own feet.

• To set-up small businesses, young people should be given soft term loans.
Indiscriminate down sizing of public sector organisations resulting in unemployment
should be stopped.
• OUR TEAM wants to promote healthy tendencies by paying special attention to the promotion
of sports in society and to achieve this object immediate and positive steps must be taken.
• Launching District level Club team>Grade1>domestic>national tournaments Ultimate vision
>>>>Official Murree PSL Team Owned by Raja Junaid Farooq,Usama Farooq,Usama
Sarwar,Qasim Nawaz etc.

• WE further want the selection of coaches and officials in the institutions for national sports
and the players for national teams to be selected only on merit.
• Murree Sports& Culture festival Yearly Sports Gala (Grand event) for e.g PSL
Controlling Narcotics & Promote Tourism
• It is unfortunate that the curse of drugs and narcotics has spread throughout the country. As a
result, instead of providing the younger generation with health, diet and education, they are being
poisoned by narcotics. Millions of people have become addicted to drugs. In this heinous trade of
drugs, some highly placed and influential people are also involved.

• In order to save the country from destruction, it is imperative that the curse of drugs and narcotics
should be rooted out. It is, therefore, essential that irrespective of status and influence, whoever is
involved in narcotics trade should be subjected to the severest punishment. Our Team wants not only
to eliminate this curse but also wishes to establish centres where drug patients could be rehabilitated
free of charge.

• By promoting tourism we can greatly increase the State’s foreign exchange earnings. We want the
coastal areas, northern regions and other likely tourist attractions to be developed so that tourism
may flourish and generate revenue.

• Furthermore, all the necessary measures be taken for the protection of Forests , Animals etc

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