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Computer Programming I

This course is an introduction to Computer

Course Code CoSc 1012 To p i c
Science and Computer Programming I Using

Definition ,Character, type and component of

b Credit Hour 4 computer,Introduction
How to represent number?

Assessment method Procedural, Structured and object-oriented.

Problem solving, algorithm
Introduction designing, and
to programming
Test, Lab exam/ Project, Final exam modeling logic
; Keywords, Identifiers, Inputs, Outputs,
Comments, Parts of a program; Data Types,
Text Book you can refer any book and website Basic C++
Variables, and Constants
Keywords, Identifiers, Inputs, Outputs, Comments,
Parts of a program; Data Types, Variables, and Constant

Instructor Abdurahman Jemal Saliya If Statement, Do while, do ,For

Control Statement

Follow any update through telegram channel Array Definition: Array referencing; one
Arrays and String Manipulation
dimensional and multidimensional arrays
Overview of computer
o The name computer means,
“to compute”
01 04

o A computer is an electronic
device that accepts data,
STE computations, and . STE

02 logical decisions
makes 05

according to instructions
that have been given to it;
STEproduces meaningful .

information in a form that is 06

useful to humans.
STARTUP of Computer
Write a Plan
so fast The degree of accuracy very high. If garbage input garage
This is aoutput
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Your text here
A computer so fast
Memory Accuracy
Speed No lack of concentration, tired
Find Investors
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Perform different type task
Your text here

Marketing Research
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Your text here

Set Business Goals

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Your text here
Historical Development of Computer
o A computer is a machine that
works with data and information in o Together with the development
the form of numbers. of people, the need to calculate and
o People have invented and continue to keep track of information had
invent things that help them count. become popular issue.
o So they soon develop a simple
o Caveman counted with the only computing device that had a power
counting tools they knew, their of storing small information.
fingers and toes. o But many thousands of years
o The oldest known objects used to elapsed before developing
represent numbers were bones with mechanical calculator.
notches carved into them. o Some of the calculating devises that
o People used these counting tools to were used during the early centuries
count their possessions and also to are: Abacus
The Abacus:
o The earliest mechanical computational
o Used in Middle East as early as 2500 BC.
o Composed of a frame and a number of wires.
o The wires correspond to position of digits in a
decimal number units (tens, hundreds & so
on) and the drops represent digits.
Pascal’s calculator

o It is the first true mechanical Page 03

o Developed by Blaise Pascal
o He built largely to assist his father Page 04

Page 05

Page 06

Page 07
BUSINESS Different
STARTUPEngine Write a Plan
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Your text Here
Title here
Different Engine/Chales
o It is the forerunner of the modern computer. Find Investors
o Developed by Charles Babbage (the real father of This is a placeholder. Type
Your text here
today’s computer).
o Has the power of calculation and print the out- put
with out human intervention.
o He finally designed significantly improved version Marketing Research
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of the difference engine (but not built) called Your text here
Analytic engine.

Set Business Goals

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Your text here
Herman Hollerith’s tabulating machine
o Was statistician
o Develop his machine commissioned by the
U.S. Census Bureau to develop a
technique for speeding up the processing
of census data that took at least 8 years
o This machine processes the 1890
American census data with in 3 years.
o It was really a great development.
o He finally began the tabulating Machine
Company, which later becomes the (IBM)
International Business Machine
Mark I:

o Developed by Howard Aiken at

Harvard university
o first electromechanical computer.
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer):

o Developed by Eckert and Mauchly at

the university of Pennsylvania.
o First electronic calculator and first
general purpose digital computer.
o Didn’t use internally stored
programs. Programs were wired on
boards similar to a telephone switch
o One of the major drawbacks was that
it had to be programmed manually
by setting switches and plugging and
unplugging cables.
The Von Neumann Machine:

o Von Neumann was a consultant on ENIAC

o He forward the stored program concept.
o Based on this concept, the first true
electronic computers were developed by
the name: EDVAC( Electronic Discrete
Variable Computer) and
EDSAC( Electronic Delay Storage
Automatic Computer).plugging and
unplugging cables.
STARTUP of Computers Write a Plan
Characteristics that distinguish generations of a computer are:
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operating system Electronic circuit

Multi-purpose , Single Purpose Find Investors
• Vacuum Tube
• Transistor
This• isIntegrated CircuitType
a placeholder.
Your text here
storage media
Memory access time • Upchucked Card
Time to take save or
retrieve data or
information from memory
Marketing Research
• Magnetic drum/Disk/Core
• RAM/ROM/Cache memory
This is •a placeholder. Type
Floppy Disk/CD/DVD
Your text here
• Optical/Magnetic Disk

Exampe language
ENIAC, UNIVAC1, • Machin/low level
Set Business Goals
• Assembly
• High level
This is a placeholder. Type
Your text here
First Generation of Computers
o Used vacuum tubes as components for the
STE circuit.
o Punched
P cards were the main source of inputs,
and magnetic grams were used for internal
o Operate in a speed of milliseconds (thousands
of a second) and could handle more than
10,000 additions each second.
o Most applications were scientific
o Programming language – machine language
o Power – consume a lot of electricity and
generate a lot of heat
o Speed and size – very slow and very large in
size (often taking up entire room).
Second Generation of Computers

TransistorsSTEwere the main circuit components.

Programming language – assembly language
Memory – magnetic core and magnetic tape / disk
Power and size – low power consumption, generated
less heat, and smaller in size (in comparison with the
first generation computers).
Speed – improvement of speed and reliability (in
comparison with the first generation computers)
Input/output devices – punched cards and magnetic
Third Generation of Computers

Characterized by solid-state logic and IC (Integrated

circuit). STE
New input/output
methods such as optical scanning and

Sophisticated operating systems, improved programming

Programming language – high level language
(FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal, COBOL, C, etc
Input / output devices – New input/output method
discover such us Optical Scanning, Plotter ,magnetic
tape, keyboard, monitor, printer, etc.
Speed – improvement of speed and reliability (in
comparison with the second generation computers).
Size – smaller, cheaper, and more efficient than second
generation computers (they were called minicomputers).
Forth Generation of Computers

STEelectronic component – very large-scale

o Main
integration (VLSI) and microprocessor.
o VLSI– thousands of. transistors on a single
o Memory – semiconductor memory (such as RAM,
ROM, etc.)
o Programming language – high level language
(Python, C#, Java, JavaScript, Rust, Kotlin, etc.).
o Size – smaller, cheaper and more efficient than
third generation computers.
o Speed – improvement of speed, accuracy, and
reliability (in comparison with the third generation
o Input / output devices – keyboard, pointing
devices, optical scanning, monitor, printer, etc.
o Network – a group of two or more computer
systems linked together.
ain electronic component: based on artificial intelligence, uses
e Ultra Large-Scale Integration (ULSI) technology and
01 P
rallel processing method.
LSI – millions of transistors on a single microchip
arallel processing method – use two or more microprocessors
run tasks simultaneously.
anguage – understand natural language (human language).
ower – consume less power and generate less heat.
peed – Remarkable improvement of speed, accuracy and
iability (in comparison with the fourth generation computers).
ze – portable and small in size, and have a huge storage capacity.
put / output device – keyboard, monitor, mouse, trackpad
r touchpad), touchscreen, pen, speech input (recognize voice /
eech), light scanner, printer, etc.
xample – desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.
STARTUP of Computers Write a Plan
Disadvantage of each Generation Computer
This is a :placeholder. Type
Your text here

1St Generation
3 Generation
• Require Cooling system
• Production and Maintenance of IC
Find Investors
• Large in size
• Generate too much heat and require cooling
very difficult system
This is a placeholder. Type
• StorageYour
capacity was vey low
text here

2nd Generation
4 Generation
• Require cooling system
• The construction VLSIC and
Microprocessor was complex
and require high sophisticated
Marketing Research
• The cost is very high

technology This is a placeholder. Type

Your text here

• Increase Unemployment
Set Business Goals
• Increase Cybercrime
This is a placeholder. Type
Your text here
Types of computers Write a Plan
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Classification by: Your text here

Find Investors
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Your text here

a paci
d c
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e C
pose Si z Your text here
ation Super
Oper Digital
Special/Specific Mainframe
Haybird Set
Business Goals
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Your text here
Based on method
BUSINESS of operation/processing
STARTUP Write a Plan
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Your text here
Hybri Digital
Find Investors
o Analog computers operate d o Digital computers
This dealType
is a placeholder. with
by measuring Your
discrete variables;text here
o They deal with continues The o They operate by counting rather
variables; they don’t compute best feature
than measuring.
directly with numbers of
o They operate directly up on
o They operate by measuring Analog Marketing Research
numbers (or digits)
and This is a placeholder. Type
physical magnitude Digital o E.g.: General purpose
Your computers
text here
o E.g. Thermometer, Voltmeter, Combine o NB. Digital computers have
Speedometer Together higher accuracy and speed than
the analog ones.
Set Business Goals
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Your text here
BUSINESS purpose of application
Write a Plan
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Your text here

Special/ General
Find Investors
o They are designed to solve a o TheyThis
areisdesigned to solve
a placeholder. Type
Your text here
variety of problems through the
single type of problem,
o Their components and function use of “stored program
are uniquely adapted to a concept”.
o It is more flexible and versatile.
specific situation involving Marketing Research
o Examples:- Micro computers, -
specific application. This is a placeholder. Type
o Example Public telephone, Mini computers, Super
Your text here
Traffic control system, ATM computers etc

Set Business Goals

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Your text here
Based on Size, Speed, Capacity, Write
and Cost
a Plan
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Your text here

Super Computer
3rd Generation
• Require Cooling system
Find Investors
• Large in size
• Generate too much heat and require cooling
• Production and Maintenance system
This is a placeholder. Type
of IC very difficult • StorageYour
capacity was vey low
text here

2nd Generation
4 Generation
• Require cooling system
• The construction VLSIC and
Microprocessor was complex
and require high sophisticated
Marketing Research
• The cost is very high

technology This is a placeholder. Type

Your text here

Set Business Goals
• Increase Unemployment
• Increase Cybercrime
This is a placeholder. Type
Your text here
Based on size, cost, capacity
and performance

Super Computer
o Extremely fast that can perform hundreds of millions of instructions
per second.
o It used for Weather forecasting, Scientific Simulation, Cryptanalysis

o powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or
thousands of users simultaneously
It used for Library ,Health care , Bank,……..

Size Mini Computer Cost

Cost o i Size
multi-user computer capable of supporting up to
Capacity Capacity
hundreds of users simultaneously.
e Micro/Personal computer
o A small, single-user computer based on a microprocessor.

Work station
o A powerful, single-user computer. A workstation is like a
personal computer, but it has a more powerful
microprocessor and, in general, a higher-quality monitor.
N.B It is used for Engineering Application CAD/CAM.
o Store and process large
for scientific research, design work, and
analysis and control of physical systems. amount of information
with high speed and

Why we Use Computer ?

o Transmit information
across continents via
Perform complex mathematical communication
computations and make channels;

Monitor ongoing
industrial operations Simulate events;
ray Applicable area
X- Library

Drone Busines text
s goe Bankin text E-learning
s g goe
Your s
text here
goe Education
Military s

Applicable Area X-ray
Your text Shot
Communic Your Robotic
goes here
ation text Surgical
Your s
text here
here Movie
Music Health

Game Ct- You

Transport Scan go

Smart Traffic
Taxi light
Component of Computer
o System is a group of components,
consisting of subsystems or procedures
that work in a coordination fashion to
achieve some objective.
o A computer system composed of
components that are classified either as
Computer hardware or Computer
o The computer software is collection /set
of instructions that instructs the computer
o A computer hardware is the physical
equipment of the computer you see, you
use to and the parts you can touch.
Component of Hardware
o The term ‘computer hardware‘ or
‘computer parts’ is used to
describe computer components that can be
seen and touched.

o The major Hardwar components of

general-purpose computer system are Input
Unit, main/internal Memory or Storage
Unit, Output Unit, Central Processing unit.

o The CPU is further includes Arithmetic logic

unit (ALU) and control unit (CU). All the units
also referred to as “The functional units”.
Devices that are not integral part of CPU
referred to as peripherals
Central Processing Unit (CPU)

o After receiving data and commands from

users, a computer system now has to
process it according to the instructions
provided. Here, it has to rely on a
component called the central processing unit
o The Central Processing Unit is the core of any
computer devices. It comprises three major
components of the computer which have
been discussed above:
 Memory Unit
 Control Unit
 Arithmetic and Logical Unit
o Once a user enters data using input
devices, the computer system stores this
data in its memory unit.
o This data will now remain here until other
components of CPU process it.
o The memory unit uses a set of pre-
programmed instructions to further transmit
this data to other parts of the CPU.
Arithmetic and Logic Unit

o This part of the CPU performs

arithmetic operations.
o It does basic mathematical calculations like
addition, subtraction, division,
multiplication, etc. Further, it can even
perform logical functions like the
comparison of data..
Control Unit

o This unit is the backbone of computers.

o It is responsible for coordinating tasks
between all components of a computer
o The control unit collects data from input
units and sends it to processing units
depending on its nature. Finally, it also further
transmits processed data to output units for
Output Unit

o The third and final component of a computer

system is the output unit.
o After processing of data, it is converted into a
format which humans can understand.
o After conversion, the output units displays this
data to users.
o Examples of output devices include monitors,
screens, printers and speakers. Thus, output
units basically reproduce the data formatted by
the computer for users’ benefit.

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