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Paris to Berlin (1885-87)

Reporter #4:

Paris to Berlin (1885-87)
After completing his studies in Madrid, Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in ophthalmology. He
particularly chose this branch of medicine because he wanted to cure his mother’s eye ailment.

• Rizal also continued his travels and observation of European life and customs, government and laws in Paris,
Heidelberg, Leipzig, and Berlin. In Berlin, capital of then unified Germany.

Rizal met and befriended several top German scientist;

 Dr. Feodor Jagor

 Dr. Hans Meyer

 Dr. Adolph B. Meyer

 Dr. Rudolf Virchow

• His merits as a scientist were recognized by the eminent scientists of Europe.

In Gay Paris (1885-86)
After studying at the Central University of Madrid, Rizal, who was then 24 years old and already a physician, went to Paris in
order to acquire more knowledge in ophthalmology.
• Maximo Viola - a medical student and a member of a rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan.
• Señor Eusebio Corominas- newspaper La Publicidad editor of the newspaper La Publicidad
• Don Miguel Morayta – owner of La Publicidad and a statesman.
• November 1885 – he was living in Paris to assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert (1852-1906), a leading French ophthalmologist.
• January 1, 1886 - Rizal wrote a letter for his mother to reveal that he was rapidly improved his knowledge in ophthalmology.
Outside of his working hours at Dr. Weckert’s clinic. Rizal relaxed by visiting his friends, such as:
 family of the Pardo de Taveras (Trinidad, Felix, and Paz),
 Juan Luna
 Felix Resureccion Hidalgo
• Paz Pardo de Tavera- was a pretty girl, who was engaged to Juan Luna. On the album of this girl, Rizal drew series of
sketches on the story of “ The monkey and the Turtle”
At the studio of Luna, Rizal spent many happy hours. Rizal helped Luna by posing as model in several paintings : In Luna’s
canvas “The Death of Cleopatra,“ Rizal posed as an Egyptian priest. In another of Luna’s great paintings, “The Blood
Compact,” he posed as Sikatuna, with Trinidad Pardo de Tavera taking the role of Legazpi
Rizal as Musician
Rizal had no natural aptitude for music, and this he admitted. He studied music only because
many of his schoolmates at Ateneo were taking music lessons.
• In a letter dated November 27, 1878, he told Enrique Lete that he “learned the solfeggio,
piano, and voice culture in one month and a half”.
• He was a flutist in various impromptu reunions of Filipinos in Paris
• Some of his compositions are:
1. Alin Mang Lahi (Any Race) – a patriotic song which asserts that any race aspires for
2. La Deportacion (Deportation) – a sad danza, composed in Dapitan during his exile.
In Historic Heidelberg
February 1, 1886 – Rizal Left gay Paris for Germany
February 3, 1886 - Rizal arrived in Heidelberg, a historic city in Germany famous for its old
university and romantics surroundings.
He became popular among the Germans because they found out that he was a good chess player.
He worked at the University Eye Hospital under the direction of Dr. Otto Becker, distinguished
German ophthalmologist.
During weekends, Rizal visited the scenic spot around Heidelberg, including:
 The famous Heidelberg Castle
 The Romantic Neckar River
 The Theater
 The old churches
“ Las Flores de Heidelberg”
Go to my native land, go, foreign flowers, Sown by the traveler on his way, And
To the Flowers of Heidelberg there, beneath its azure sky, Where all my afflictions lie; There from the weary
pilgrim say What faith is his in that land of ours!

In the spring of 1886, Rizal was fascinated by Go there and tell how when the dawn, Her early light diffusing, Your petals first
flung open wide; His steps beside chill Neckar drawn, You see him silent by your
the blooming flowers along the cool banks of
side Upon its Spring perennial musing,
the Neckar River.
Say how when morning's light, All your fragrance stealing, Whispers to you as in
"His favorite flower - the light blue "forget- mirth, Playful songs of Love's delight, He, too, murmurs his love's feeling In the
me-not". tongue he learned at birth.

On April 22, 1886, he wrote a fine poem. "A That when the sun of Koenigsthul's height Pours out its golden flood, And with its
Las Flores de Heidelberg" slowly warming light Gives life to vale and grove and wood, He greets that sun, here
only upraising, Which in his native land is at its zenith blazing.

And tell there of that day he stood, Near to a ruin'd castle gray, By Neckar's banks, or
shady wood, And pluck'd you beside the way Tell, too, the tale to you addressed, And
how with tender care, Your bending leaves he press'd Twist pages of some volume

Bear then, O flowers, love's message bear; My love to all the love'd one's there,
Peace to my country - faithful land - Faith whereon its sons may stand, And virtue for
its daughter's care; All those beloved creatures greet, That still around home's altar

And when you come home unto its shore, This kiss I now on you bestow, Fling
where the winged breezes blow; That borne on them it may hover o'er All that I love,
esteem, and adore. But though, O flowers, you come unto that land, And still
perchance your colors hold; So far from this heroic strand, Whose soil frist bade your
life unfold Still here your fragrance will expand; Your soul that never quits the earth
Whose light smiled on you at your birth.
With Pastor Ulmer at Wilhemsfeld

Rizal spent a three-month summer vacation at Wilhelmsfeld where he stayed at the place of a
Protestant pastor, Dr. Karl Ullmer.

The pastor has a wife and two children named Etta (daughter) and Fritz. (son)

Dr. Karl Ullmer - who became his good friend and admirer

Wilhelmsfeld - a mountainous village near Heidelberg.

First Letter to Blumentritt

• July 31, 1886 - Rizal wrote his first letter to Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt who is the
Director of the Ateneo of Leitmeritz, Austria.
• Blumentritt is an Austrian ethnologist and he has an interest in the Philippine language.
• Rizal sent Aritmetica (Arithmetic) book to Blumentritt which was published in 2 languages;
• Spanish and Tagalog - by the University of Santo Tomas Press in 1868. The author was
Rufino Baltazar Hernandez , a native of Santa Cruz Laguna.
• Blumentritt became the best friend of Rizal
Fifth Centenary of

The famous University of Heidelberg

held its fifth centenary celebration on
August 6, 1886 where Rizal had
witnessed the said celebration.
In Leipzig and Dresden
• August 14, 1886 - Rizal arrived in Leipzig
• He attended some lectures at the University of Leipzig on history and psychology.
• He befriended Prof. Friedrich Ratzel, a famous historian, and Dr. Hans Meyer, German
• Rizal found out that the cost of living in Leipzig was the cheapest in Europe so he stayed for
2 months and a half.
• In Leipzig, Rizal translated Schiller's William Tell from German into Filipino
• He also translated into Tagalog for his nephews and nieces Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
• On October 29, he went to Dresden, where he met Dr. Adolph B. Meyer, the Director of the
Anthropological and Ethnological Museum.
Rizal Welcomed in Berlin’s
Scientific Circles
• Rizal was enchanted by Berlin because of its scientific atmosphere and the absence of race prejudice.
Some scientists Rizal met are:
 Dr. Feodor Jagor - German scientist-traveler and author of Travels in the Philippines
 Dr. Rudolf Virchow - famous German anthropologist
 Dr. W. Joest - German geographer
 Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger - famous German ophthalmologist
• Rizal became a member of the Anthropological Society, the Ethnological Society, and the Geographical
Society of Berlin, upon the recommendation of Dr. Jagor and Dr. Meyer ·
• Tagalische Verkunst (Tagalog Metrical Art)- Rizal wrote this scholarly paper in German which he read
before the society in April 1887
-this paper was published by the society in the same year, and elicited favorable comments from all
scientific quarters
Rizal’s Life in Berlin
Rizal was not a mere student or curious tourist. He lived in this famous capital of unified Germany.
Five reasons why Rizal stayed in Berlin;
1. To gain further knowledge of ophthalmology.
2. To further his studies of science and languages.
3. To observe the economic and political conditions of the German nation.
4. To associate with famous German scientists and scholars.
5. To publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere
Rizal worked as an assistant in the clinic of Dr. Scweigger, and at night, he attended lectures in the
University of Berlin.
• He also took private lessons in French under Madame Lucie Cerdole.
Rizal on German Women

Rizal wrote a letter addressed to her sister, Trinidad, dated on March 11 1886. In this letter, Rizal
expressed his high regard and admiration for German Womanhood.
Rizal said;
The German Women The Spanish Women The Filipino Women
• Serious • Gossipy • More interested in how the dressed
• Diligent • Frivolous than how much they know.
• Educated • Quarrelsome • Fine manners
• Friendly • Devotion
• Hospitality of the filipino women
German Customs

Some of the German Customs Rizal admired:

 He was delighted of the Germans' Yuletide custom.
- people take pine trees from the bushes and adorned it with lanterns, paper, lights, dolls,
candies and fruits.
 Self-introduction to strangers in a social gatherings.
- according to German code of etiquette, it is bad manners for a guest to remain
aloof, and wait for his host to make the proper introduction.
Rizal Darkest Winter
 The winter of 1886 in Berlin was his darkest winter.
 He lived in poverty because no money arrived from Calamba and he was flat broke.
 He could not pay his landlord and he was eating only one meal a day.
 His clothes were old and threadbare.
 Rizal starved in Berlin and shivered with wintry cold.
 His health broke down due to lack of proper nourishment.
 This is one of the most memorable days in the life of Rizal.

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