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Describing jobs
Part-time jobs
Look at the photos (A-D). Which job looks the most interesting, in your opinion? Why?
Describing Jobs Meaning

Creative ability to make new things or think of new ideas.

Challenging merely difficult but interesting.

Repetitive happening again and again.

Rewarding giving you a good feeling of satisfaction.

Stressful making you feel worried or tired.

Tiring to become weary.

Varied having different things.

Activity (Describing Jobs)

Form a group and choose a leader to answer the question

below. Make sure that all members in each group will
Group 1: What job is the most creative?
Group 2: What job is the most challenging?
Group 3: What job is the most rewarding?
Group 4: What job is the most stressful?
Group 5: What job is the most tiring?
Group 6: What job is the most repetitive?

Start your answer with this, In my opinion, it’s..../I think it’s probably...

Nice meeting you all

and have a great day everyone!
Thank you!!!
Read the following words below.

1. Celebration is a special event or occasion.

Example: New Year celebration is one of the most exciting events.
2. Cheerful is a way of feeling or showing happiness.
Example: She has a cheerful outlook in life.
3. Festivities mean a celebration and enjoyment.
Example: The festivities will include a parade, a concert, and games for children.
4. Gown is a formal dress that a woman wears.
Example: My mother bought a new gown for my debut.
5. Invitation is a written or spoken request for someone to go somewhere.
Example: I cannot say no to my friend’s invitation for her birthday.
6. Tradition pertains to stories and beliefs that have been part of one’s culture.
Example: It is their tradition to give thanks before they start eating.
Let us have a game!!!

Form a group and try to fill out the missing letters in each number to
complete the words below. All answers have a suffix -ize. Number 1 is
done for you.
1. C R I T I C I Z E

1. P A __ R __ __ I Z E
2. F __ M I __ I __ R I Z E
3. F I __ A __ I __ E
4. S U M __ A __ I Z __
5. D R __ M __ T I __ E
Time to read!
Answer Me!

How often do you do the foliowing?

Digital activities such as;

a. do your homework?
b. download music?
c. play games?
d. read/write a blog?
e. shopping?
f. follow people on Twitter or facebook?
Digital Words Meaning

comment giving feedbacks about something

forward transfer or pass

install to set up for use or service

log on establish an account with a computer or network

print producing/making another copy from the original

programme to work out or make something within a computer

search find or locate

set up assemble the parts of a machine for use

subscribe to support someone

update to change or make the most recent information

upload to move or copy from a device to a larger one


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