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Artificial Intelligence

Defination of AI
• Artificial intelligence means "a man made thinking power"
is a branch of computer science by which we can create
intelligent machine which can behave like human,think like
human and can make effective decisions.
• AI encompasses a wide range of technologies and
approaches including machine learning,nauture language
processing,robotics and expert system.
• AI is characterized by ability of machine to perform
complex tasks and adapt to new enviroments.
• The goal of AI is to create system that can learn adapt and
learn complex tasks with out explicit programming.
Application of AI
• AI now a day's have various application.
• It become essential because it solve complex
problems in efficient way amd make our daily life
more comfortable and faster.
1.AI in Agriculture
2.AI in Health care
3.AI in Finance and E-commerce
4.AI in Social media
5.AI in Education
AI in Agriculture
Agriculture is area that require various resources.
• AI can also bring a paradigm shift in farming
• AI solutions are
#Enable farmers to do more with less
#It also improve quality and yield
Effect of usage
1.Reduce production cost of vegetables,making the
industry more competative and sustainable
2.low labour input for irrigation process
3.Increase averege vegetable yield
4.Minimize environment impact caused by excess applied
How AI is used in Agriculture
*Automated farming activity.
*Manging crop quality
*AI Enable drone in insect and pesticide spray
*Monitoring biotic
*Identification of pest and disease outbreak before
AI Example In Agriculture
• Livestock monitoring : AI techniques like computer
version & machine learning to monitor the health
and behavior of livestock.
• Disease & Pest Detection : AI-based algorithm scan
swiftly analyze images & data collected from
sensors to identify or predict disease & in pests in
• Autonomous Farming : AI-Powered Autonomous
vehicles & robots can perform various tasks like
planting,spraying,weeding & harvesting.
AI in Health care
• In the last few years .AI become more
advantageous for healthcare industry
• AI can be used to diagnose diseases,develop
personalized treatment plans and assist clinicans
with decision making
• AI is about devoloping technology that can enhance
patient care across health care setting
• AI also enable reserchers to devolope more
targeted medicine driving progress toward previous
AI in Healthcare application
• Improving medical diagnosis
• Speeding up drug discovery
• Transforming patient experience
• Managing health care data
• performing robotic surgery
The differentiates AI technology from traditional in
healthcare is the ability to gather larger and more
diverse data,process it and produce well defined out
put to the end users.
AI in Finance and E-commerce
• AI is highly beneficial in finance because it provides
various creative service,saves time,prevent fraud
• It also assists in gaining a competitive advantage in
the market,as clients prefer advanced and up to
date business
• AI help shoppers to discover associated products
with recommendation size,colour,or even brand
AI used in finance area
1.personaliz eservics and product
2.create opportunity
3.manage risk and fraud
4.enable transparency and compliance
5.automate operations and reduce costs
#now a days AI in Finance provides a competitive
edge to the E -commerce industry
AI in Social media
• AI is being increasingly used in social media platform to
enhance useres experiance,improve content targeting
and personalize interactions
• Image browsing your favorite social media platform and
suddenly your feed is filled with content that perfectly
match your tastes and interest in this case AI is the
driving force behind the new era of social media that
can deliver exceptionallu comlnvenienet experiances.
• social media sites like Instagram,Facebook,Twitter have
billion users which need tobbe stored and managed in
very efficent way
• AI can organize and manage massive amount of
AI Example In Social Media
• Image & video recognition : AI enables social
media Platforms to automatically recognize & tag
people,objects & location in photos & videos.
• Sentiment analysis : AI can analyze & understand
the sentiment expressed in social media posts and
• Chatbots & virtual assistance : To provide instant
response to user queries and support.
AI in Education
• AI provide personilized learning experiance
• AI can analyze students strength and weakness,identify
areas where they need improvment
• This approach AI ensure that students get right level of
challenge and support ,making learning more effective
and engaging
• AI can automate grading so that the tutor can have more
time to teach
• AI in the future can be work as personal virtual tutor for
students,which will be accessible easily at any time and
• AI chat bot is one example and can communicate
with student as a teaching assistant
AI Example In Education
• Automated Grading & feadback : AI algorithms can
be used to automatically grade assignments,
test,and exam, save time for educators.
• Virtual & Augmented Reality : AI combined with
virtual an augmented reality technologies can
create immersive and interactive learning
experiences like eplore history site, conduct
scientific experiment e.t.c...

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