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Title Slide
Idea Title or Startup Name
One Liner
• Future as you see for your customers/stakeholders
• Keep it concise, and clear, no more than two sentences
Problem Statement
• Brief Problem that you are trying to solve and who is facing this
• It should contain following elements:
• Who is facing the problem
• What is the problem
• What is impact of the problem on the people facing the problem
• For example,
• People visiting doctors often face the problem in clarifying their questions
about the medication. This results in wrong dosage that may complicate their
condition or they could even die.
Market Size
• Define your TAM, SAM, and SOM, ideally in financial terms or how many
people annually may face this problem. Must provide a reference to from
where did you get this data.
• For example:
• TAM: There are 250 million people in Pakistan that visit doctors at least once in a year
• SAM: Out of the 250 million *10 percent of them or 25 million may need serious
• SOM: We are targeting senior citizens, over the age of 60, which are **10% of the
total population and visit the doctors the most, making our SOM 2.5 million annually.

*As per the 2022 report by the ministry of health

** Census Department 2015
Innovation and Current State
• Select one of the following and describe briefly
• Available in Pakistan but our solution is better
• Not done in Pakistan, we will produce in Pakistan
• Novel solution, no one in the world has this solution yet
• Select one of the following as your current stage and describe briefly
• Pre-Seed Early, still working on the details
• Pre-Seed Late, Fully defined business concept and validated
• Seed-Early, MVP Development has started
• Seed-Late, MVP is developed with few customers
• Growth-Early, MVP developed, many customers, getting ready for growth
• Growth-Late, ready for VC funding, Series A/B/C
• Provide only total amounts if you have done the calculations or leave
this slide
• Example:
• Total Capital Investment Needed: USD 500K
• Months to breakeven: 18
• Total annual sales by the end of third year: USD 5M
• Trade Deficit contribution by the end of third year: USD 5M
• Capital Intensity: 500,000/5,000,000=USD 0.10 per USD 1 of trade deficit
Key Raw Material or Components Needed
• Provide the main ingredients needed for producing whatever you are
producing. If you are producing software or a knowledge product,
define if the locally trained talent can actually do it.
• Example:
• I am setting up a factory to produce glossy paper that we import currently.
Raw materials include paper pulp, titanium dioxide, and glossy coating.
• Paper pulp is available locally. Titanium Dioxide and Glossy coating will be
imported. The cost of Titanium Dioxide and Glossy coating contribute 10% to
the Cost of Goods
Why Us or Why Me/Team
• Describe your and your team’s expertise that make you a good
candidate to solve the problem. Provide any unfair advantages you
may have.
• Example
• We have a well-balanced team, technology development is taken care by Mr.
xyz with 10 years experience in technology development, business
development needs access to our customers.
• Our Marketing guru, Ms. abc, has worked in the same market segment for 20
• Our Finance person, Mr. asd is a chartered accountant with five years of
How would you reach your customers?
• This is where you talk about your method of approaching your
• Examples:
• Our Marketing Guru has worked in the customer segment for 20 years
and he knows almost all key players.
• Our team has already the soap manufacturers association and they
have agreed to offer our product to their members.
• We will do online marketing to reach out to our customers.
Planning Work
• Provide details of your planning that you have done so far:
• Examples:
• We have prepared complete business plan
• We have spoken to over 20 potential customers and 50% of them have shown
interest in our product.
• Our team has worked on the MVP design which is almost ready for
• We have reached out to potential machinery required and received
quotations for the production machines
• Provide a quick recap of the problem and solution
• Example:
• Our problem is currently faced by over 20 million people in Pakistan.
With our unique product which not only solves our customer problem
but it saves them substantial money. We have an experienced team
and with our initial planning work done, we are ready to develop our
• We need National Idea Bank to help us in finding right subject matter
experts to help us as advisors.
Thank you!

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