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Advance math
The irregulars group:
Adrian Mercado, Darrel Victorio, Erwin Cortez, Gian Lester, Hei-
jay G. Abella, Jericho Sinchongco, John Lloyd J. Alonzo
The estimated calculation of an integral using
numerical methods is known as numerical integration.
Quadrature is a term occasionally used to describe the
numerical computation of an integral. According to
Ueberhuber (1997, p. 71), the terms "quadrature" and
"cubature" refer to the numerical computation of a univariate
integral and a multiple integral, respectively.
The rectangle rule, commonly known as the midway rule, is possibly the simplest of the three
techniques for calculating an integral you will see in the course.


Step 1:
The [a, b] interval is divided into smaller subintervals. h stands for the step size, or the required number of subintervals.

Step 2:
Find the center of each subinterval. The average of the left and right endpoints is used to determine the midway.

The midpoint is determined using the formula () This us ised to obtain the average of the two functions of x to get the
Evaluate. We assume the value of “x” which in this case is -0

The final step is to analyze the definite integral approximation that was achieved.

Think about the precision and accuracy in respect to the needs of the problem. Refine the estimate to get the necessary
precision. Reduce the step size, h, and keep going until you get the appropriate degree of precision.

The percentage of error is calculted by subtracting the true answer and the value of the summation or f(xi+xi+1)/2
The Trapezoidal Rule divides the whole area into smaller trapezoids rather than utilizing
rectangles to calculate the area under the curves. This integration determines the area by
approximating the region beneath a function's graph as a trapezoid. The left and right sums are
averaged out according to this rule.

Step 1:
The [a, b] interval is divided into smaller subintervals. h stands for the step size, or the required number of subintervals.

Step 2:
Find the center of each subinterval. The average of the left and right endpoints is used to determine the midway.

The final step is to analyze the definite integral approximation that was achieved.

Think about the precision and accuracy in respect to the needs of the problem. Refine the estimate to get the necessary
precision. Reduce the step size, h, and keep going until you get the appropriate degree of precision.
The Simpson's 1/3rd rule is an extension of the trapezoidal method that uses a second-order polynomial to
approximate the integrand. Simpson's rule can be derived in a variety of ways, including Newton's divided
difference polynomial, Lagrange polynomial, and coefficient technique.


STEP 1 :
Same on the previous methods , the given value of ( a, b ) is divided into smaller subintervals/ step size that is
labeled sa the (h) value which will be used to solve the x values.

Evaluate the given using the Simpson’s 1/3 formula to calculate the desired value.
Examine the derived definite integral approximation and if the desired value is not achieved,
repeat the process until the accuracy is on point and values match.
Conlusion and Findings
1. Base on the results calculated from the 3 methods, the value of (h) solely relies on the
assumed value of the (n) . In line to this , we can see in the Trapezoidal and Simpson’s
1/3 method that the value of (n) is higher that the value of (h) but we still manage to
come up into a small error percentage in contrary from the Rectangular method where
the value of n is lower and the value of h is higher. The needed to use a trial and error
method to see the most suitable values for n and h to make the solutions
congruent,because we manage to make the steps smaller, this results to higher

2. In conclusion to this, the smaller the steps, the lower the percent error, the higher the
precision and if you guessed the values correctly a 100% precision is not impossible.

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