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Unit 1: Home time

In this unit you will:

-Talk about daily routines
-Learn how and when to use frequency adverbs
-tell the time
Here are some examples of daily routines (Escríbelos en lista)

levantarse maquillarse Sacar la basura salir

despertar vestirse

Hacer mi cama
Ir a casa
ducharse Escuchar peinarme Lavar la loza
Jugar a la pelota
Tocar un
Leer un libro Hacer tareas Jugar videojuegos instrumento

Lavarse los Acostarse Ver televisión
Frequency adverbs

How often? ¿cuán


Frequency adverb How often do something

always 100%
usually 90%
sometimes 50%
rarely 5%
never 0%
Follow this rule to make sentences using daily routines and frequency
Sigue esta regla para crear oraciones usando rutinas diarias adverbios de frecuencia

Subject + adverb + main verb (routine)

He usually plays soccer

El generalmente juega a la pelota
Agrega una “S” al final del
verbo si tu sujeto es HE – SHE
o IT

I never Watch TV
Yo nunca veo televisión
Online practice:

Now answer:
1. How often do you play computer games? I never play videogames
2. How often do you listen to music
3. How often do you watch tv?
4. How often do you do your homewor?
To finish, write the rules of telling the time in
What time is it?

It’s twenty to one

It’s three o’clock

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