The Client S Point of View

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The Client’s Point of View

Status Codes and Documentation

Status Coding – What is it used for?

• By reviewing specific status codes, and the total amount assigned to them, our
✓ Projections clients can better project anticipated cash flow for their business.

• We can help our clients review placements for specific trends, based on the status
Process codes.
Improvements • For example – We may see an increase in DPP in a placement file
and can notify the client of the upward trend so they can look at
their internal cash application process

• We are able to share information about their portfolios and discuss specific results
Portfolio Reviews
and progress points of a file during recovery. Clients can then determine run-rates
and other metrics to project their business cash flow.

Analytics • We have the ability to deep dive into the inventory to provide our clients with a lot
of analytical calculations on their portfolio.
• For example – We can determine which part is most frequently
billed and placed for collections in a specific state or region.
Status Coding – Active Codes

• Have we called all the numbers? Did we leave a message for the right person? Are
✓ LMV we trying to call at different times of the day?

• What difficulties are we having in contacting the debtor? Are we looking for new
NCM/ACT information?

INS • Do we have a follow-up date set for payment, once the invoices are received?

• What invoices are current? Is there a follow-up day for if an invoice is

Status Coding – Dispute Codes

• What is the debtor disputing? Is it only part of the invoice?

✓ DSP • Are there other codes you could use to describe the dispute?

DPP • When did the debtor pay it, and what back-up do they have?

• Where did they return the product? When did they return the product? Do they
DPT have a tracking number, or proof of return?

• What part of the invoices do they dispute? Why? What has been done to
resolve this with the client?
Status Coding – Closed/Payment Codes

✓ PIF/SIF/APR • Everyone’s favorites!

PPA/PTP • What dates are the payments for? How much is the arrangement or promise set up
for? What happens if the debtor misses a payment?

COB • Do we have proof the company is out of business or bankrupt?

CWM • For clients, this code brings up many questions, as it does not provide much
information. Was the company bankrupt, unresponsive, out of business?
Documentation – Notes and Requests

Did you know that clients can see all of the notes, at any time?
✓ Account Notes - Notes are sent to clients, clients can see them on the Web Portal, and
clients audit our notes.

Best Practices:
• Be professional!
• Be thorough and factual – explain all the details.
• Do not use abbreviations.
• Use professional language.
• Read the note as if you were the client – would you change anything?
• Do not use all CAPS – it makes the notes very difficult to read.
• Include back-up on the account, if provided.
• Remember to copy emails into the account notes for tracking.
• “Client Not Responding” – Remember, clients see these notes!

• Help us, help you!

CS/Sales Requests • Be clear with what you are requesting.
• Tell the whole story.
• Provide information that would make sense to the client.
• Is there specific back-up that would be helpful?
Reports – Client Overview Report
Reports – Account Activity Report
Reports – Status Summary
Account Status # of Accounts Amount % of Total $

Closed – PIF 4313 $456,476

Closed – SIF 1472 $169,130
Closed –Returned 2364 $372,229
Concession 295 $38,412
Resolved $1,036,247
Promise to Pay 223 $29,221
Promise to Return 255 $35,532
Attempting 19471 $2,535,268
Pursuing $2,600,021
Disputes 72 $66,923
Refused to Pay/Closed 12 $1,914
Skip Accounts 39 $4,097
Disputes/Skips $138,371
Grand Total $3,774,639
13809 Research Blvd. | Suite 800 | Austin, TX 78750 | + 1 (800) 400 - 7121

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